Monday, July 31, 2006


On Sunday 2/19/06 we ran a post on
who needs a refresher course on how
to submit comments and even emails
to Nolensville Blog? Well, it seems
we all need a reminder that comments
are a courtesy extended to blog read-
ers. They are certainly sought and
welcomed by the "blog"...provided the
comments aren't personal attacks just
to cause trouble. Comments and emails
of this kind will be quickly deleted.

If your comment or email doesn't get
posted no need to fret about it. You
probably know good and well why not.

Let me quote from a nationally
known blogger Ms.La Shawn
Barber as follows:
"Here's the most irritating thing
about running a blog with com-
menting. Sometimes it's difficult
to express oneself clearly to people
of varying cognitive abilities.
Some process information better
than others. Some are able to reason
better than others. The less bright
may miss the subtlety and nuance.
Certain readers may know a bit
of the history behind a particular
subject; others may be completely
ignorant of it. The intellectually
curious may do some independent
research in an effort to support or
dispute my arguments, while others
just want to get in their 2 cents re-
gardless. A few may lack common
sense altogether, and still others
want to be contrary for the sake of
being contrary."
Such is is the good
and bad of a public forum. The closer
we get to the 11/06 election the more
the "fur" will fly from all directions.
The best part about all of this is that
as Americans we have to right to do it.

The bottom line is very simple confine
your comments to the specific subject
on the blog. You can make your com-
ment as strong and to the point as you
like..just try to avoid attacking the
blog or another blog commenter.
free to respond to another blog com-
menter in a respectful fashion.

Cleverly written text with subtle nu-
ances are enjoyed.
The blog has pro-
ven the merit of reporting the facts
as they are with NO SPIN! You are
welcome to disagree with the facts
provided you make it clear your facts
are just that...not personal attacks.
A parody or dead-on target joke is
absolutely welcome...the more humor
the better. Politics can be very boring.

We have received hundreds of com-
ments about how much the readers
of the blog depend on this source of
accurate and very timely information
about Nolensville.
We are here to
serve the community and we certainly
welcome input from local citizens.
As you know we feature many com-
ments from our readers on the blog
something many readers enjoy.

No one single person is solely contri-
buting posts to this blog.
It is a com-
bined effort of many local people that
want to make a postive change in the
direction of our local government.
Over nine months ago we all agreed
to use the "Guest Writer" sign
off to avoid the petty personal
attacks that seem to be the only way
some people can respond.

We also offer anonymous sign off for
people sending in comments. They
can sign their real name or some other
reference as well. Unlike other sites
we do not require you to agree to any
kind of long legalese statement as
to what kind of comments you may or
may not be allowed to submit.
we do screen all comments and emails
as to appropriate content and like
almost all other sites reserve the
right to delete unappropriate emails
and comments.

Finally, contrary to what someone
may have told you or you may think
there is no one single "webmaster"
of the Nolensville Blog
from the
beginning it has been a group effort.

Unfortunately, there are those that
seem consumed with trying to identify
the creators of specific blog sites.

As I am sure you'll agree it is a waste
of time. How much better it would be
to help in a combined effort to im-
prove our local government

Our group works with over 25 differ-
ent blogs and to help defray some
costs post ads on almost all sites.
The fact that ads link back to sites
that contract for the ads and in turn
receive the revenues from those ads
is normal.
It does not follow that
those sites that contract for ads
have anything to do with managing

the hundreds of sites that their ads
appear on. BTW these ads can gen-
erate a surprising amount of money
evenmore money from rather explo-
sive sites.

Again, this is a combined effort to
circulate the "facts" 24/7 so that
local voters can be informed and en-
couraged to attend and participate
in local town meetings. In a few
short months local voters will be
required to select a new Mayor and
2 new aldermen. This is serious bus-
iness and key to the future of our
As always there will be those
that do nothing, but will continue to
complain. Then there will those that
take the time to inform themselves
about the facts and encourage others
to do the same and then come out
and vote. Remember you can register
to vote online 30 days before 11/7/06.


Sunday, July 30, 2006


BY Interim Mayor Dugger & Vice-Mayor Alex-
ander. "Water is a non-issue...not important &
it happens every year..!" So much for our elected
leaders foresight and vision for Nolensville?
CONSTRUCTION in our area and our
leaders have NO PLAN for future water sources?

Read & listen to what many area residents are
saying about this WATER SHORTAGE NOW!

Should water systems be built for the worst case?
Published: Sunday, 07/30/06
Rationing signs are up in Nolensville,& Franklin
has declared a water emergency because de-
mand is drawing down its tanks faster than they
can be filled. Franklin residents have been warn-
ed not to use unnecessary water for activities as
washing cars or watering lawns during the day.
People doing such activities could be fined or
have their water shut off. But, Brentwood's
water system was overbuilt so that, even in hot
and dry weather conditions like these, residents
can water their yards and wash their cars.
Should other municipalities follow Brentwood's
example? Consider residents' needs Brentwood
has a few improvements as it relates to manage-
ment and government than our city of Franklin.
First of all, it manages its growth, regardless of
the pressure applied by developers, as evident
by Mr. Cal Turner's request to "break with Brent-
wood tradition" and allow lots smaller than one
acre. Brentwood said no. The same applies for
their controlled growth. They have not over-
extended their infrastructure in order to have
reckless,runaway growth at the expense of its
citizens. I have stated for years about the lack
of planning and foresight concerning the grow-
th of Franklin and how its infrastructure can-
not handle the subdivisions that are allowed
to spawn here. Whether it be traffic issues,
water, sewage facilities, etc.,you cannot
have growth at the expense of quality of life,
especially at the cost of the existing citizens.
When I cannot continue my way of life-water-
ing my lawn, restrictive water use due to poor
planning by the city of Franklin, such as the
water issue currently, then I have to ask,
"Where is the water?" Why do we spend our
tax dollars for wasteful projects, such as the
Country Club of Franklin, the Pizza Hut pur-
chase or Harlinsdale Farm, when we cannot
afford to have adequate water and sewage
facilities? You then ask yourself no longer,
"Where is the water?" but say,"Follow the
money." We should admire Brentwood's
ability to plan & care for its citizens, not
make snide remarks about Brentwood.
Greg Duke Franklin

Need better planning
To me, this water shortage issue is just one
more example of inadequate planning of our
infrastructure, as our elected officials cont-
inue to approve one new development after
another. I am no water expert, but if Franklin
is counting on more water from the Harpeth
River in the summer, someone had best do a
quick study of water levels. Seems to me that
the river goes down in dry times just as fast as
it rises during heavy rains. It may be that the
extra water they are counting on won't be
there. Continuous, uncontrolled residential
development is putting a strain on a lot more
than our water resources. And soon or later,
the good ol' existing taxpayers are gonna be
expected to pay to fix this mess. Buddy Peden

It looks to me as if there is enough water being
wasted in the Cool Springs commercial area to
wash all the cars in Franklin. Are those guys
being rationed, too? Bill Laird Franklin

Get movin'
Yes, we should follow Brentwood's example.
With Nissan and all the other factors driving
growth in Franklin, the infrastructure needs
to stay ahead of the curve. Build it, plant it,
then water it and they will come.
Chris Pamplin Franklin

More thought needed
Water is probably one of the most important
things we have. That was very smart of Brent-
wood and it would be smart if other municipal-
ities would follow their example. I can't under-
stand why they haven't. With all the growth,
what were we thinking? Margie Tirey Franklin

Sharing would be good
We live in a society that feels entitled to have
everything that they want. Fortunately for the
people in Brentwood, they have been blessed
with a higher financial status and therefore
can afford to have some of the frills that others
cannot afford. Of course, municipalities should
overbuild, if the people within their city limits
want to pay the price. However, there are those
who cannot afford such luxuries and, in fact,
can't even afford some of the necessities.
I hope the people of Brentwood also share their
abundance with those who are not able to meet
their needs. Charlie Schoenbrodt Spring Hill

It's obvious
This appears to be one of those moments when
the saying "Well, duh" applies. And then they
could always ease up on subdivisions. What's
the Fire Department think about water avail-
ability for fighting fires; any safety concerns
there? Naif Salloum Franklin

Stop growth now
The city of Franklin has effectively told us all
to let our lawns die. Neighbors and I have
spenta large amount of money to keep our
lawns healthy and green. If water is becoming
this big issue now, we need to reconsider grow-
th. When Franklin is saturated with homes,
how will we all have enough water? The people
in charge need to stop all new development
now! The water is needed for the homes that
are already existing in Franklin! J. McMillan

No squawking
Prudent management of local government
dictates that leadership either supports or
rejects a pro-growth policy. Supporting
local community growth generally implies
leadership will make prudent decisions
based on informed foresight concerning
water, sewer and electric power utilities.
That means Brentwood's priorities really
shouldn't be an overriding concern of those
focused on priorities of other Williamson
County communities. But sure as God made
little green apples, you can't foster an in-
formed community growth policy without
a 20-year outbound look at community
water, sewer and electric utility needs.
Those who look at utility needs in 20-year
time blocks generally get neighbors who
rarely squawk. Jim Charlet Brentwood

Send in your thots and comments about
the water shortage county-wide.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Special Letter From Franklin Resident Applies to Nolensville Residents!

Posted by Picasa

Courtesy of

Calling a spade a spade.
A home run......To the Editor:The Franklin
city government continues to demonstrate
that they are incapable of providing services
to which the people of Franklin are entitled.
Now we are to believe that there is "no water
shortage." It's just that "we can't fill our tanks
fast enough. Well, you don't need a doctorate
degree in real estate to realize that if there is
an abundant supply of water, but you can't
process it on a timely and as-needed basis,
you have a water shortage!
Perhaps the city
manager should stop worrying about keeping
his job by acting as the administration's "spin
doctor" and start to understand he, too, has a
responsibility to the people of Franklin. Or,
does he also believe that the public can be flim-
flammed into believing whatever they are told
and are totally mindless anyhow? Thus far the
Franklin city officials have failed to provide a
plan of action to the publicas to how they pro-
pose we pay for all the growth they are pushing.

Time and again, various citizens have brought
up the issue of the "infrastructure needed to
handle the growth in Franklin." Time and
again, there is no response on the part of city
hall. Perhaps behind that silence are those
dreaded words: tax increases!Yes, we will
need additional schools, teachers, school ad-
ministrators, improved sewer lines and pro-
cessing facilities, improvement in roads, ex-
pansion and update in the water system,
additional police and firemen services, build-
ings and equipment, trash services and equip-
ment, additional city employees and the list
goes on. An example of this is that you need
to have an adequate capability to deliver the
supply of water needed to accommodate
6,000 new houses. (Duh.)Now who is to pay
for this? Why the current citizens of Franklin,
of course! We have already had a property re-
evaluation. Guess what comes next? Maybe a
tax increase? I wonder if Mayor Tom will have
a big grin on his face on "Tax IncreaseDay"?
Why not. He got what he wanted; now we can
pay for it. Hopefully the administration will
deep-six the idea of adding an electric power
company to the list of departments they are
incapable of operating efficiently. The idea
of a "full-time paid mayor position" hopefully
will never come to happen.No doubt the ad-
ministration will be counting on the usual
public response and that is "no response,"
just silence. Unfortunately, they probably
may be right.Mike Courtelis Franklin 37064

CLICK HERE for terrific letters from people
in area about water/planning, etc.

Sounds a lot like the problems Nolensville
is facing just substitue the names & places.
Send in your comments and Emails ASAP.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006


Filing Deadline is August 17th, 2006
to run for Mayor
& two Aldermen

Time is running out to
file to get the required
number of signatures.

So far we know only a
few people have forms.

Here are the last known group of people
who have obtained forms to file to run, but
have yet to file. Remember only 23 days &
counting down including Sat/Sundays.

Mr. Dugger, Mr. Alexander, Mr. Felts and
Mr. Solomon.
23 eight hour days equals
about 184 hours left to file forms and sig-
natures to run for mayor or two alderman
positions. Politics being the "trade-off'"
that it is...makes one wonder how this
race will end up? Obviously, if Mr Dugger
runs for mayor he doesn't want Alexander
or Felts to run against him. No matter
what combination is finally put together it
is almighty important to RETAIN the very
vote. The Mayor's vote plus two aldermen
against the other two votes.

Previous mayor Knapper had a lock on this
guaranteed majority for almost 10 years.
Our 2006 goal is to break this "guaranteed
majority vote" by electing independent, re-
sponsible people that will vote to represent
all local voters.

Of course, everybody knows Dr. Joe Curt-
singer appears to be way ahead of all other
potential candidates running for Mayor. To
date he is the only one to officially have filed
to run for mayor and here are the blog polls
for you to study and remember between now
and 8/17/06. Poll asks the question who on
the current board is doing the best job? Here
are the results...76% for Curtsinger, 12% for
Dugger, 7% for Felts and 4% for Alexander.

Curious news is that 79% on blog poll say
they will not vote for Dugger or Alexander?

If you know someone else that has picked up
forms to file to run let us know? Better yet,
tell us what you think about upcoming 8/17
filing date and election on 11/7/06??????

Monday, July 24, 2006


Over 5 hours to stop an 8-Inch Water Line
from pumping thousands of gallons of water
down the street to where? Probably should
have called the fire dept. first and then the
water department. Maybe even on Saturday
call the Mayor and/or city engineer or ask
Alexander, vice-Mayor to sound the alarm?

Here's what Ballenger Farms resident said...

"Maybe we should investigate the water
company itself for inadequate quality control.
A water main(8 inch line) burst on Saturday
morning in Ballenger Farms. This water line
burst as the employee of our water company
said because the connection was not level
(2 lines connected by a junction box were not
level causing stress). He also mentioned that
this was leaking for quite some time as the
rocks underneath the line were all rounded
instead of being of natural shape. This water
main was ruptured for at least 4 hours. Imag-
ine all that water rushing to a pond that could
have been used for essential household pur-

Don't worrry or fret about any possible kind
of water shortage! Interim mayor said in Mon-
day's paper "this happens every year so no
need to worry about it." Don't forget Alex-
ander our very famous "Pudmeister" (bring
on more rooftops) he said "It's a NON-ISSUE
...not important!

Let's just sit and do nothing! Let Franklin
try to drink that scummy rock quarry water.
That is if they don't have one of their old worn
out pumps quit on them. Besides they can't
pass state tests on water quality i.e. 28 out
100 score?

Wake Up! Nolensville! What do our water
tests show as to quality? Anybody know?
Probably not. Well call the water utitlity and
find out! Also what about the age and condit-
ion of their pumps and equipment? How
about it interim mayor? Yes, you said you
couldn't do anything about the water supply
because it comes from a PRIVATE WATER
COMPANY. Not good public
office holder you are required to know and
do something to protect our town's water
supply. "It happens every year" is just not
good enough. This year is UNLIKE ANY
other year! Wanna know why? Guess? You
approved 11 new housing developments that
all use thousands of gallons of water more
that all previous years! Your team approved
some developments that didn't have any
kind of approval from the water department.
I.E.--Brittian Downs 141 homes that should
have to wait one year or more prior to any
kind of building approvals.

One last question Mr. Interim Mayor is this
water shortage STILL A NON-ISSUE A NOT
IMPORTANT ISSUE? Local residents and
registered VOTERS want to know what you
are doing to protect our water supply, lately?
Maybe call a meeting with Alexander and
Felts? Seems Lothers and Curtsinger are both
on vacation. You got a majority vote so let's
do something and then tell the newspaper
reporters what you are doing! This non-issue
stuff combined with "it happens every year"
won't do it at all. So what if residents of the
Governor's Club can afford $5,000/month
water bills? When will they be asked to ration
their water usage. Hopefully, very very soon!

Click Here for Wed. article on water shortage.

Got any suggestions for interim mayor and
staff? Send them in to town hall and here we
will publish everyone! Pray for no more leaks!

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Attn: Nolensville! "Franklin Needs More Water Before NewGrowth Taps It Out!"

A new water story
tells county's explo-
sive new home gro-
wth is way ahead
of water supply.
Click here for
Walters article
about Franklin and
county's water sup-
ply future? The
water hunt is on
for water sources.

County officials
are still checking
to see how the
quarry water could
be used for drink-
ing water?
Nolensville has
only one......
two million tank and a 5 million tank being
built for use one year from now? Question?
How many homes, etc. does our current 2
million water tank service? A question our in-
Posted by Picasa terim mayor
should answer
in the very next
Aug. Boma!
Don't forget this
is the same
"Non-Issue" that
wasn't important.
Bent Creek (above photos) is restricted as to
watering lawns as well as all other housing
developments in Nolensville area. Franklin
has stopped car washing, filling swimming
pools and other surface washing. Leadership
in our town leaders includes projecting what
our current water usage is and how much do
we need for future? Yes, our water source is
from a "private water utility", but where is it
written that Nolensville cannot look out for
it's own water needs? This is a terrific ques-
tion for our interim mayor...What are your
plans for town's future water sources? Again,
you're right this is the same interim mayor
that when asked about town's future...he
said"I don't know...I am not a mind reader!"

What about water quality for Nolensville?
Last year Franklin's water department was
labeled "unapproved" scoring it a 28 out
of a possible 100 due to several violations.
Do you know how our water is rated for
drinking, etc.? Let's ask at next town hall
meeting. Wonder how much bottled water
is sold in town compared to other county
cities? This would tell us how much confid-
ence people have in their water supply?

Click here for water story in today's paper.

Send in your water story and how much you
trust our water supply? Local citizens must
get educated about our water situation now!

Friday, July 21, 2006

Urgent Memo to: Dugger/Alexander! Just another NON-ISSUE! Franklin declares water shortage EMERGENCY!

Guess who said.."Water
shortage is just a non-
That's right our
interim mayor!
"Don't worry about it,
it happens every year?"
Wanna hear another...
oxymoron statement
from Franklin's Mayor?"
We've got plenty of
water.But we can't re-
plenish our supply"

This has got to make Franklin people really
confident that their water supply is OK? No
more car washing, filling of swimming pools,
watering lawns, shrubs or gardens.

Posted by PicasaFranklin water is drawn
from the Harpeth river and
only a certain amount of
water can be pumped out of
the river before you suck up
mud. Click Here article. Franklin's Mayor
Miller said, "If Harpeth Valley's pumps go
out, we'd be in trouble." CLICK HERE for
Franklin Kool-Aid about water pumps.
Click Here for more about water pumps.
For Sunday 7/24 article on Franklin's hunt
for more water & modern water plant.

Our local private water utility General Man-
ager, Mr. Charles Strasser said, he will not
approve anymore housing development water
Also suggested they would be re-
searching how to buy more water if necessary.
Stay on top of the water shortage Mr. Strasser
and continue to try and convince our interim
Mayor and Vice-Mayor this is a serious water
shortage! To put it bluntly this is absolutely
"NO HIC-UP" Mr. is a dead serious
problem! So even though you didn't attend the
special water meeting at local water utility
headquarters...try to get up to speed ASAP!

Got a message for our interim mayor or vice-
mayor send it along and we will share it will all
of our readers. E-mails OK, too. Don't forget to
fill the bath tub, wading pool and bird bath, too.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

3-New Nolensville Town Streets are 3-Strike Outs----with New Residents!

These signs are all over town,
but the gravel trucks, cement
trucks, lumber trucks, topsoil
trucks, backhoe trucks and you
name it trucks roll right on by
every one of these signs.

These signs are never
enforced by local Police.
So what we got here is a
total invasion of construc-
tion traffic supplying some
11 housing developments.
Tennessean staff writer,
Charles Booth in Thurs.
paper (click here) says it
quite well. "Nolensville
neighbors find themselves
on opposite sides of access
road issue." Two streets
Cowan Drive and Saw Mill
Place are facing opposite
ends of the same issue.

Bent Creek residents don't want an access
road that is 10 feet from their backyards.
An access road is for heavy trucks to get
into building sites. Saw Mill Place in Bent
Creek there are 18 children that live on
this street. They use this green space that
this access road runs through for a play
space, and now the children are forced to
play in the street. Resident said.."Get this
road out of here and give us our green
space back!"

Cowan Drive people inside McFarlin Woods
have asked the town to barricade Cowan
Drive because heavy construction traffic is
tearing up the street. And the developer
doesn't want to pave the street if more con-
struction traffic is coming from other sub-

Rich Woodruff, town engineer told them he
opposed both barricading Cowan Drive and
dismantling the access road behind Saw Mill

To the Saw Mill Place residents, he said he
told the developer to extend the road to keep
the big trucks from wrecking the paved street
in front of their homes. And maybe he forgot
to tell residents.

In McFarlin Woods/Cowan Drive Woodruff
said construction traffic is what you get when
you (not me) put a subdivision in that area.

Then comes Nolen Park where the entrance
street up though the subdivision is too narrow?
How could that happen? Same mistake as in
Bent Creek and Ballenger Farms. Curbs and
street widths are too tight? Solution? Erect
No Parking signs on street right in front of
7 new homes. If new home owner parks in
front of his house he would get fined?

3 streets Nolen Park, Cowan Drive and Saw
Mill Place. 3 different "strike-outs" so where
does the buck stop? Who is checking on the
checker to see if things are being done
correctly? Let's say it is the town engineer's
Of course, he can say it's the Planning
Commissions fault for recommending the
project. But then the Planning Commission
can say it's the BOMA'S fault for the final

What's really wrong with this picture? You
got it! Nobody wants to step up to the plate
and accept responsibility for anything?
Don't look at me I didn't do it.
the town engineer's words..."that's what
you get when you (not me) put a subdivision
in that area."

Maybe the buck stops at the mayor's desk?
Don't think so. After all he is only the interim
mayor and he inherited these problems. Yeah

right? But he approved them as an alderman.

You getting the feeling that all this is slip-slid-
ing down the totem pole and is going to rest
right at the doorstep of the town engineer?
How right you are. Just remember in the ole'
ball game 3 strikes and you're out!

Send us your horror stories about coming head-
on to a 10-ton gravel truck hogging the road and
honking at you to get out of the way.
Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Nolensville Landmark Feed Mill Renovation Moving On! History in the Re-Making!

Since 1896
Feed Mill

2006 New Feed Mill Remodeling.
Two retail stores on first floor and
two loft apartments upstairs. Best
of all a new sewer line to be installed
from behind mill across Mill Creek.
Creamery building to left will have
a retail store. And barn to right will
have two retail stores. Mr. Darin
Scheff, owner, is talking to town's
engineer about options. Let us
know what you think about the
newly remodeled complex in the
heart of historic district. Posted by Picasa

Saturday, July 15, 2006

In Our Ole' Ball Game--3 Strikes is All you Get and You're OUT of the Game!

3 strikes you're OUT!
Ump says SO!
See Ya!

Come on Ump! That wasn't a strike it was way
outside. That wasn't my fault! The Pitcher is
throwing illegal "spit balls" blame the Pitcher!
Sound familiar, you bet! Almost every evening
a ball game is in full force under the lights in
our town's field. Strikes outs are always pain-
ful and very hard to accept for some of the
younger players just starting out. Older play-
ers become veterans and learn how to deal
with 3 strikes in their own way.

How about in our local government circles

how does our leadership deal with repeated
mistakes, over-sights and flat-out failures?
A precious few readers comment why are we
so hard on our elected office holders and
staff? Good question!

As a public forum we try very hard to bring

our readers the no-spin facts on the perfor-
mance of our local leaders. Its the only way
to do it and our readers tell us over and over
to keep on doing it that way.

Back in Feb.2/15/06 we published a post

about some 24 mistakes that Mayor Knap-
per and his board had made. Now 5 months
later we need to review any mistakes our in-
terim Mayor and his board have or are mak-
ing. We do this to do what blog readers want
..."keep us updated!"

1. One of the most pressing problems is the
water shortage. And as we said in previous

post interim mayor & vice-mayor are mak-
ing a big mistake by repeating that "this is a
non-issue" meaning it is not important.
They are totallly alone in this opinion. Hey
Guys your 3 strikes are over and you both
have struck out!

The General Manager of our private water

utility, Charles Strasser, said it is real and
he is not going to issue any more water
approvals to new home developers. This rul-
ing may stay in place for one year. As we out-
lined in previous post this will have far reach-
ing effects and it is an important issue!

2. As happened in Ballenger Farms & Bent
Creek with too narrow has happen-
ed again in Nolen Park. How could it happen
again? Where is town engineer who is suppos-
ed monitor the construction of streets and
curbs in Nolen Park. It seems town engin-
eer did not do his job and neither did the in-
terim mayor.
Solution: Don't make developer "re-do" the
streets, just send a letter to 7 home owners
telling them they cannot park on either side
of street. And town will erect signs to that
effect to fine any home owner that does park
in front of his own house. A big "strike-out"
mistake for Town Engineer and his boss the
interim Mayor.

3. Cowan Drive residents unhappy with pav-
ing on their street. Groups of residents attend-
ed last town meeting and recent planning com-
mission meeting. Verbal exchanges with inte-
rim mayor and board and planning commiss-
ion were so bad that they all left the meeting.
Unable to communicate with board all resid-
ents said they would vote in one block for
Alderman Curtsinger for Mayor. Another big
strike out for our town leader & assistant lead-
er. CLICK HERE for Thurs. 7/20 article.

4. Bent Creek residents at last town meeting
complained about a service road next to Saw-
mill Pl. running behind their houses. Kids
play on it and there is too much truck traffic
for safety?? Road was to be removed after
PH. I. in that area? How Come? Well after
some dancing backwards town engineer ad-
mitted he probably authorized it and failed
to inform anyone? Is this 3 strikes? You bet!
Another strike out...big time.

5. Kelley/Marusa property on Nolensville
road. We did a post on this as to how town
engineer/ codes did nothing while Kelley
the new owner "gutted" the property and
put up a for lease sign in 5 days or less. No
permits, no site plan, no rezoning ok, no
nothing? Why do town officials permit this?
Turns out at last planning commission meet-
ing Kelley offered a plan, but it was returned
for more signatures from nearby resident-
owners saying it is OK to change from subur-
ban residential to commercial.Then surprise?
Our realtor-interim-mayor "recused" himself
from voting. Wonder why? Seems he was the
realtor that sold the Marusa property to
Kelley Realtors.
Now before you explode remember every-
body has to make a living. And that goes
for our mayor,too. Problem is the indirect
benefits to the mayor as a result of selling
the property. Namely, a 6 per cent realtor's
fee on a selling price of some $300,000 or
more? Potential conflicts are the public's
business! This gets really sticky and yes it
is a strike out for the mayor's credibility.

6. The interim mayor's Asset Investment
Fund for the town to be deposited in new
People's State Bank. A resolution that pass-
ed in last town meeting courtesty of the
"usual" guaranteed majority.
Our recent post offered sound advice to the
interim mayor even though after the vote.
We recomended the State Banking Collateral
Pool. It has 98 member banks like First
Tennessee Bank. Peoples bank isn't a mem-
ber so town may not be able to deposit con-
siderable sums into it after all. Another big
strike out for the interim mayor.
(Some call this the interim mayor's xmas
club fund cause about that time town will
need to withdraw the money to pay bills.)

7. Failure of Brittian Downs 141- PUD
development to obtain an official water
approval letter from local water depart-
ment. Despite no approval for water for
development it appears Mr. Yazdian went
ahead and presented his plans for PUD
development in Jan. 06. Mr. Charles Stra-
sser, General Mgr. of water utility recalled
that he didn't approve the development for
water. (Sounds like a mystery novel?) Pre-
vious mayor Knapper pushed very hard to
almost force approval for this development
in 1/06. This is so ironic because everyone
in the meeting thot Yazdian was getting pre-
ferred treatment and Knapper allowed short
cuts everywhere to get approval. Then this
happened. NO WATER available for Brittian
Downs? Even after approval no one like town
engineer checked to see if Yazdian had an
approval for water. Quite, by accident at last
meeting on water shortage at water dept.
office it was discovered Brittian Downs had
NO water letter.
Bottom line...they will have to wait for maybe
one year before they can get water approval.
Who gets charged with this strike out? There
are so many players?
Sorry, it has to be the developer, Yazdian,
and the town engineer , Woodruff, a big,
bad strike out for both? PS: Interim mayor
said no one on BOMA asked about a water
letter either? Includes our interim mayor
as alderman under Knapper. DUH? Maybe
that's the job of the BOMA, Planning Comm-
ission, town engineer/codes and staff ?
Why not just fine everybody including Yaz-
dian the developer???
Tell us how you would score this ball game?
7 Innings and strike outs allowed no score.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Things May Be Drying Up in Greater Nolensville Area!

Let's get this straight? "Some developers
may see their plans for projects denied
or delayed because there isn't enough
water to meet the growth." By Charles
Booth, Staff Writer for Tennessean.
Click here for article.

Do you think developers will think this
is a non-issue? Absolutely NOT! If they
can't get a water availability letter for a
year their development is dead in the
water! No building permits, no money
to build and no sub-contractors.

Alderman Alexander said "every develop-
ment we have, we've gotten a water
availability letter from our utility district."
"I think that's a non-issue.
Certainly we've
had these dry spells before and we'll have
them again. To me, it's a non-issue."
Yes, but that is in the past. How about to-
morrow? And the next day? Still non-issue?

What about the future water reserves? Is
that a non-issue too? If you cannot approve
any new home developments until one year
from that a "non-issue", too? Lots
of local residents will rejoice over no more
new homes. But, No more $2,000 or more
from each new house means no more money
in town's budget that is probably built on
X-new homes in 2006-07. Is that a non-issue,
too? Interim mayor Dugger and Vice-Mayor
Alexander agree that dry spells happen but
they both still say "it's a non-issue."

Let's get this straight. All of the above are non-
issues? Right? Then what about a reduced town
budget? No more money from developers? Con-
tinued water shortages? New concept plans for
home developments in the "pipeline" are stop-
ped? Town unable to service approved new
home developments with police and fire cover-
age due to cut-backs in budgets

Excuse me, but these are real and possible
issues that this existing town board should be
anticipating and putting plans in place to han-
dle all the possible "fall-out" issues. We all
remember the interim mayor answering a
question about Nolensville future? He said
"I don't know, I am not a mind reader."

This may explain why very little future plan-
ning seems to take place in town budget.
Building the budget on how many new roof-
tops you can approve to get the money for
the permits is short-sighted. Bottom line
town has to respond to events as they
happen with few reserves to anticipate the

How about more long range planning that
includes a detailed capital expenditures
budget. Interim mayor said "It it were a
perfect world then everything in the budget
would happen on time--No problems."
The mayor is right, but is he really on top
of those unknown things that will happen.
Previous budget exceeded plan by some
26% totaling over $200,000.

A water shortage now and possibly con-
tinuing far into the future will impact town's
resources far and wide. Non-issues they are
not! One important issue usually leads to
another and another and another. Show us
your plan to handle all of these ISSUES?

Send in your suggestions about "non-issues."

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Nolensville Leaders Briefly Discussed Where to Place Investment Funds?

Mr. Interim Mayor..where is the best
place for city's investment funds????
At our last town meeting some discussion
took place about depositing some of the
town's money in People's State Bank.

Unfortunately, not enough discussion took
place about financial capability among our
town officials. The resolution was passed
rather quickly to authorize you and town
recorder to supervise investing X-funds in
new local bank.

Before the final vote a suggestion was made
to set up a financial committee to research
the many different options available to our
town. Since the Peoples State Bank is not a
member of the State Banking Collateral
Pool. The state may very well not allow
our town to "risk" putting considerable
dollars in Peoples State Bank.
Here's some
background on the pool you and others on
board may want to review.

CLICK HERE for State Banking Collateral
website that includes everything anyone
might want to know about this pool. Check
out the list of 98 members banks to choose
from including First Tennessee.

In March of 1990, the state enacted legislat-
ion which permited the creation of a state-
wide Collateral Pool. Purpose was to establish
a collateral pool structure that would benefit
financial institutions and local governments
by allowing an alternative method of securing
public funds that is efficient, cost effective,
best return,and safe!

We would recomend you and board review
this state pool and entire manual to help
you establish a financial procedure to reduce
all risk and increase return on town's funds.

Send in your comments to blog and town
board for serious consideration of the State's
Collateral's the very best way to GO!

Tuesday, July 11, 2006


YES! We do get all kinds
of serious comments and
some we have to ask our
"Carnac the Magificent"
to interpret the facts.

anonymous said..."The best way to say it is
"Selective Enforcement".If you are a realtor
or developer, then anything goes as seen by
the trashy silver stream and jones signs all
over town when old Rich and Schwartz are
not around. But if you don't play ball with
Dugger, watch out!
Who do these three
amigos think they are fooling?" 7:47 AM

anonymous said..."Earlier post has it right..
"Who do those three amigos think they are
fooling?" Nobody!
Just read comments
and you'll see residents are on to them!
Dugger, Alexander and Felts. We must
watch them very closely. The next work-
shop on ethics can spawn some nasty kinds
of retribution. Politics is a very messy and
unforgiving business. Watch'em 24/7."
7:37 PM

anonymous said..."How many mortgages
from People's Bank will be referred from
local realtor (T.Dugger) or from Fred
Smith Realty? No wonder this mayor is
always under suspicion. It is apparent
that we definitely don't need any realtors
in this town government." 9:20 AM

anonymous said..."Reasonable resident
Ballenger Farms asked Mayor and/or
Vice Mayor about the water shortage
signs posted in all subdivisions? Mayor
mumbled something
and then Vice-
Mayor said to man "the water shortage
is a NON-ISSUE...let's move along.
Mayor agreed
and they left the resid-
ent standing alone totally ignored.
3:41 PM

anonymous said.."I have to admire Dr.
Curtsinger for standing up to some-
times unbearable odds to represent
what most of us feel to be the issues.
He will certainly get the votes of a
majority of us here on Cowan Drive.
The rest of those guys should just
hang it up!" 12:29 PM

anonymous said..."The water issue
is an important concern and as we
build out this town it will come up
again, no matter who gets elected.
8:22 AM

anonymous said...I can't believe the

childlike antics I saw at the last town
meeting. Mr. Dugger was right out of
a reform school class for social destit-
utes. And that Felts who is running
for what he doesn't know what....not
the kind of man I would want. Tell me
more about that Alexander who cut
off that nice man from Ballenger
Farms. We might be new residents
but we still deserve respect. I am
hooked on this blog for information.
3:43 AM Posted by Picasa

annonymous said..."You GO Bloggers
you are way ahead of the curve and
"light" years ahead of the 3 amigos.
What a HOOT! These three charac-
ters in a sad way are fun to watch, but
this is a serious situation impacting
thousands of people. What we need to
GO DOOR TO DOOR...registering
people to vote for Dr. Curtsinger---
he is our only hope. Send him money
and tell him he has your vote."
1:39 AM

anonymous said..."The mayor and vice-
mayor brushed off this water issue when
asked about it as "not an issue." Then the
mayor says on interiew that "this is just
a hiccough" They clearly don't under-

stand the seriousness of the situation.
The water company even admits this is a
major issue. Clearly this shows people
with no understanding. We citizens
need to take a major issue." 8:55 AM

Send in your comments and tell
us about your suggestions. Emails
OK, too. Register to vote for 11/7.

Monday, July 10, 2006


the Pudmeister
"Puds won't work."

Freddie Felts
the Keeper of
the "Code!"
"I'm running?"
Posted by Picasa
Un-elected Interim
Mayor Dugger.
"Water shortage is
a non-issue."

"Alexander, Dugger & Felts who do those
3 AMIGOS think they are fooling? Nobody!"
Blog reader comments on our three most
controversial holders of public office. After,
last town meeting, people were very upset
as to how residents were treated when they
asked questions about the town's water
supply. Alexander, vice-mayor told a local
resident that "the water shortage is a NON-
ISSUE so let's move on down the agenda."

Monday evening at 6 PM Ch.4/TV reported
on Nolensville water shortage. During the
report interim mayor said.."this is only a
temporary hic-up" but planning commiss-
ion probably won't approve anymore homes.
DUH? Let's wait till Tuesday evening meet-
ing at local water dept..wanna bet no more
approvals for new homes will happen?

Thanks to this trio of troubled public office
holders local voters have given them a vote
of NO CONFIDENCE. Blog poll shows 53%
will not vote for them if they run for office.

People have lost all confidence in anything
that they do. Especially, suspect is any resol-
ution that requires interim mayor's special
"guaranteed majority" to swing into action.

65% of poll voters gave the interim mayor's
planning commission a F-Minus report.

You can bet the Governor's Club with mill-
ion dollar homes probably already has an
attorney asking the water utitlity for some
kind of guarantee for their water supply.
Remember, our interim mayor and vice-
mayor said "this is a NON-ISSUE. Nothing
to it..not necessary to even talk about it.

Heads Up! 7/13/06 Planning Commission
meets to public..and trained
observers of a local government in trouble.

Next, comes a workshop on ethics. No date
has been set, but it is open to public.

Send your comments and sightings of the
not so famous "3-amigos" on 4-wheelers
traveling through town looking for support-
ers to sign file documents to maybe run for
some office? Not certain which one?


Blog's very own Carnac
predicted a major water
shortage & it is here?
Plus the certainty of a
suspension of all NEW
for an indefinite period.
Only the "blog"
got it right! Nolensville's unelected, interim
mayor & vice-mayor got it all WRONG!

In last thursday's BOMA meeting the inter-
im mayor and vice-mayor "brushed aside"
a local resident who asked about water short-
age? Their answer was."IT IS A NON-ISSUE.
WOO-HA? Nothing to it right? Mr.Mayor?

Well thousands have just watched Ch. 4/TV
broadcast a very serious report on the water
shortage right here in Nolensville and the
certainty of moratorium on home building.

The interim mayor interviewed by Ch4/TV
said this was "only a temporary hic-up"?
Can you believe this mayor's total lack and
/or grasp of REALITY??
He said his plann-
ing commission would not approve anymore
new home developments. DUH? Nolensville
5 million gallon tank under construction to
come on-line in one year. 2 million gallon
existing tank not enough water NOW!

Just for starters let's consider what a legally
binding building moratorium does and how
far does it reach and affect people's business?

First, no more new homes being built means
no more building permits and no more money
for Nolensville and town budget.
If the 2005
budget overspent some 26% or $225,000 one
can only imagine what this will do to the new
2006 budget?

Second, what about home developers who
have secured a line of credit to begin build-
ing on a tight schedule to avoid making
"huge" payments to the bank?
Does this
really mean Brittian Downs and Centex/
Nichols developments plus many more are
stopped "dead" no activity whatsoever???
What about all the sub-contractors they
can't wait they will go elsewhere for work.

Third, all these new homes have water
sprinklers a system that requires adequate
water pressure 24/7.
No pressure means
homes could burn down before local
maxed-out fire departments could arrive.
Then comes the law suits from home own-
ers, insurance companies and banks for

Fourth, in-ground lawn sprinkler systems
use 5 times more water than anyone ever
planned on! Plus new homes are also using
5 times more water...they are much bigger.

HELLO! Mr. Unelected, Interim Mayor
and your "side-kick" Vice-Mayor who to-
gether said "Water shortage is a NON-
Besides we obtain a letter from
the private water company that assures
everyone that the water supply is more
than adequate.
QUESTION? Mr. Mayor what good are
those water company letters NOW?
How come you Mr. Mayor and your
dwindling support group haven't sat
down with water company to find out
what is going on???

You have approved 11 home develop-
ments surrounding Nolensville??
Does this mean most of them will not
be able to finish building the entire
How many lawsuits
do you think the town can handle?

Where was your town Planning Com
Why didn't they anticipate
this water shortage and stop approv-
ing hundreds more new homes???

Unfortunately, for you Mr. Interim
Mayor as you well know this is an
election year
. Nolensville will be
voting on a new mayor and two new
aldermen. Over 53% local residents
have said they wouldn't vote for you
and/or the vice-mayor if you run.
Therefore, Mr. Dugger and Mr. Alex-
ander "don't even think about it!"

Tell us your water stories and just how
you feel about your local government
leaders? TIP: conserve your water and
fill up the bathtub with fresh water.
Posted by Picasa

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Nolensville Leaders Debate Best Place for City's Money?

Town to invest (SOME?) in Peoples State Bank
but leave rest (how much?) at First Tennessee?
CLICK HERE for article in today's paper by
Charles Booth. "This move has spurred dis-
cussions of ethics and financial capability
among elected officials" of Nolensville.

Interim mayor Dugger was the moving force
behind putting some money in Peoples Bank
to support it (?) and gain a higher return on
their investments? For 10 years town has used
First Tennessee. And now the interim mayor
says they can get a higher(4X) return from
Peoples rather than First Tennessee? Says
who? Anybody ask First Tennessee Nope?
Why not? Interim mayor already decided.

Before the final vote suggestion was made
to set up financial committee to research
the many different options available to town.
The interim mayor wouldn't consider it. This
means he has already discussed it and he has
made the decision...Period.

A motion was made and a second appeared
in a nano-second. Then final vote suddenly
became the all too familiar "guaranted maj-
ority vote" by Dugger, Alexander, Felts and
Lothers. Curtsinger voted against it because
of what he saw as a mismanagement of town
funds. "I don't think it's good management
to put investment programs in the hands of
one person because the responsibility alone
is far too great a risk." WOO-HAW!

That ONE person responsible, DUGGER,
said he totally disagreed with Curtsinger.
Surprised? Not at all!

Consider this fact....Peoples State Bank
is not a member of the State Banking
Collateral Fund. This means state doesn't
permit cities like Nolensville to invest their
about it Mr. Interim Mayor? Still going
ahead despite the state's ruling? Yes, you
got your cozy "guaranteed majority" to
vote for your "investment club plan" but
what about the State? We're waiting?
One more thot? What if the new Peoples
State Bank goes out of business..goes
broke...who gets town's money back?

Alderman Felts and Alexander part of
interim mayor's "guaranteed majority"
got their facts all twisted up over some
one asking First Tennessee about this
move. Wake up guys? It is still a free
country? Nobody's rights were violated.

Alderman Alexander was also upset over
his "imagined" opinion that our blog had
said the town was going to move all of
their funds to Peoples. NOT SO!
free to read every word of our posts about
this where is it stated all funds!
But we appreciate Alexander's concern
since the paper reproduced our entire web-
site address for all to check on the facts.

Again, Mr. Alexander (Pudmeister) we
thank you for the publicity and the oppor-
tinity to set the record straight.

Finally, Felts referred to a "lot of false infor-
mation being circulated and he wants it to
stop. He says it is time for town to have con-
fidence in the people they elected."
very good point Mr. Felts, but you and your
"guaranteed majority" have a very serious
problem NO CREDIBILITY! People are
asking serious questions and you and your
friends dismiss their questions as having no
value or worth. Here's a few you might
have forgotten..."Water is a NON-ISSUE...
so let's move on! "(Alexander).
"Flag ordin-
ance must be enforced period. "(Dugger).

"I am running, but I am not sure for what?"
(Felts). "PUDs didn't work in Nashville and
they won't work in Nolensville." (Alexander,
Pudmeister). "What about the future, Mr.
Mayor?" "Well, I don't know...I'm not a
mind reader?" (Dugger). Finally, remember
this..."Being responsible...getting the best
return on the money that we've got, that's
sound...seems like a good financial decision,"
Dugger said. WHOA..not so fast Mr. unelect-
ed interim mayor.

What we've got is a runaway interim mayor
and "guaranteed majority"
passing resolut-
ions that are solely based on your opinions
and putting the town's funds at risk. Local
citizens and voters will not forget your dis-
play of autonomous rule using your "gua-
ranteed majority." Listen to what people
who attended BOMA meeting last thurs.

"I can't believe the childlike antics I saw at
the last town meeting. Mr. Dugger was right
out of a reform school class for social desti-
tutes. And that Felts who is running for what
he doesn't know what...not the kind of man I
would want. Tell me more about Alexander
who CUT OFF that nice man from Ballenger
Farms. We might be new residents but we still
deserve respect. I AM HOOKED ON THIS

"My husband and I live in Bent Creek and
came to the last meeting. When we saw the
lack of concern by the mayor and vice mayor
for our water concerns, I WAS OUTRAGED!
There was only one of them that was concern-
ed about us and the mayor and his OLD MAN
FRIEND were very mean to them. I will be
there in November to OUST this mayor guy."

"This Dugger man needs pure education in
SOCIAL CHARM. I have never experienced
anyone with such a vile personality. It makes
me wonder what must be so "good" that you
would act in such a way?"

There you have it the unvarnished no-spin
opinions about the performance of certain
town leaders. Send in your comments and
suggestions. Don't forget to register to vote.

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Continued-7/6 BOMA Flag Waving Meeting Anguished Over "Code of Ethics" Text?

Interim mayor wisely turned to town attorney
for background and update on
Alderman Felt's
tortured 50-pages or more Code of Ethics text.

Notestine, town attorney, said he was surpris-
ed that the TML Tennessee Muncipal League
had a very good 3-PAGE approved Code of
Ethics available for all towns in state. The 3-
page document had been distributed to alder-
men for their comments. State deadline is
7/1/07 to have a Code of Ethics in place.

Alderman Felts again, as before, set sail to
address everyone within earshot as to how
deplorable the current atmosphere is and
how quickly people criticize each other.

Nuff said, his 50-page borrowed Code of
Ethics text should R.I.P. and let the work-
shop adopt the official 3-page text as offer-
ed by TML. End of an embrassing attempt
to appropriate another cities' text that really
didn't apply to town and was in conflict with
a person's First Admendment rights.

Everyone thot we had gotten through the Code
of Ethics mind-field when the interim mayor
couldn't resist slip-sliding a thinly-veiled warn-
ing to all that suddenly "we must have a code
of ethics in place ASAP...before the 11/7/06
election. Never mind that the State deadline
is next year 7/1/07.

Mayor said we don't know who will be elected
Mayor, but we need a Code of Ethics to exam-
ine each candidate's background for possible
problems like law suits, judgements, liens and
other adverse situations. WHOA! Mr. Interim
mayor what's the rush? (Note: Alexander
wanted to adopt it on the spot, right now?)

Don't forget folks we have 2- UNELECTED
office holders..the interim mayor and one
appointed alderwoman. No background
checks on these two people? What about
possible conflicts of interest ala' full time
real estate agents holding public office?

Could it be possible that this sudden rush
to adopt a Code of Ethics is to be able to
erect obstacles in the path of any candidate
the interim mayor and friends don't like?
No way you say? Why not? Remember this
is real politics and like it or not one's opposi-
tion really does play for keeps!

Now is the time to choose your voting friends
and help get others registered to vote. Keep
reading the blog and send in your suggestions
and comments, emails too.