Urgent Memo to: Dugger/Alexander! Just another NON-ISSUE! Franklin declares water shortage EMERGENCY!

shortage is just a non-

interim mayor!
"Don't worry about it,
it happens every year?"
Wanna hear another...
oxymoron statement
from Franklin's Mayor?"
We've got plenty of
water.But we can't re-
plenish our supply"
This has got to make Franklin people really
confident that their water supply is OK? No
more car washing, filling of swimming pools,
watering lawns, shrubs or gardens.

from the Harpeth river and
only a certain amount of
water can be pumped out of
the river before you suck up
mud. Click Here article. Franklin's Mayor
Miller said, "If Harpeth Valley's pumps go
out, we'd be in trouble." CLICK HERE for
Franklin Kool-Aid about water pumps.
Click Here for more about water pumps.
For Sunday 7/24 article on Franklin's hunt
for more water & modern water plant.
Our local private water utility General Man-
ager, Mr. Charles Strasser said, he will not
approve anymore housing development water
approvals. Also suggested they would be re-
searching how to buy more water if necessary.
Stay on top of the water shortage Mr. Strasser
and continue to try and convince our interim
Mayor and Vice-Mayor this is a serious water
shortage! To put it bluntly this is absolutely
"NO HIC-UP" Mr. Dugger...it is a dead serious
problem! So even though you didn't attend the
special water meeting at local water utility
headquarters...try to get up to speed ASAP!
Got a message for our interim mayor or vice-
mayor send it along and we will share it will all
of our readers. E-mails OK, too. Don't forget to
fill the bath tub, wading pool and bird bath, too.
What is it going to take to get the mayor and vice-mayor to wake up and start taking things seriously. Old timers like me remember the old comedy act..Larry, Curly and Moe. I swear our guys are getting closer and closer to matching that old movie.
Hate to say it, but the old movie comedy bunch were really funny.
Nothing funny about our guys!
SAVE THE CABIN..IS RIGHT ON! Hold onto to your deck chairs we may be sinking and don't know it. It's just another "unrelated incident" not important...really a NON-ISSUE!
Franklin's water quality is a mess! And it shows what can happen to any one of the six town/city areas in our county. So far Mother Nature has put a stop to anymore new home developments. We've got to have "more rooftops" planning at our town hall is so strong it may take a court order to stop it.
The building industry will have the water issue be a non issue as long as it can suck the quality of life and $$$ out of this town That includes BANKS that enjoy the benefits of interest loans and mortgages.
We don't need a Mr. Potts* and his Bank running this small town. (*It's a Wonderful Life)
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