Nolensville Leaders Debate Best Place for City's Money?

Town to invest (SOME?) in Peoples State Bank
but leave rest (how much?) at First Tennessee?
CLICK HERE for article in today's paper by
Charles Booth. "This move has spurred dis-
cussions of ethics and financial capability
among elected officials" of Nolensville.
Interim mayor Dugger was the moving force
behind putting some money in Peoples Bank
to support it (?) and gain a higher return on
their investments? For 10 years town has used
First Tennessee. And now the interim mayor
says they can get a higher(4X) return from
Peoples rather than First Tennessee? Says
who? Anybody ask First Tennessee Nope?
Why not? Interim mayor already decided.
Before the final vote suggestion was made
to set up financial committee to research
the many different options available to town.
The interim mayor wouldn't consider it. This
means he has already discussed it and he has
made the decision...Period.
A motion was made and a second appeared
in a nano-second. Then final vote suddenly
became the all too familiar "guaranted maj-
ority vote" by Dugger, Alexander, Felts and
Lothers. Curtsinger voted against it because
of what he saw as a mismanagement of town
funds. "I don't think it's good management
to put investment programs in the hands of
one person because the responsibility alone
is far too great a risk." WOO-HAW!
That ONE person responsible, DUGGER,
said he totally disagreed with Curtsinger.
Surprised? Not at all!
Consider this fact....Peoples State Bank
is not a member of the State Banking
Collateral Fund. This means state doesn't
permit cities like Nolensville to invest their
funds in NON-MEMBER BANKS. What
about it Mr. Interim Mayor? Still going
ahead despite the state's ruling? Yes, you
got your cozy "guaranteed majority" to
vote for your "investment club plan" but
what about the State? We're waiting?
One more thot? What if the new Peoples
State Bank goes out of business..goes
broke...who gets town's money back?
Alderman Felts and Alexander part of
interim mayor's "guaranteed majority"
got their facts all twisted up over some
one asking First Tennessee about this
move. Wake up guys? It is still a free
country? Nobody's rights were violated.
Alderman Alexander was also upset over
his "imagined" opinion that our blog had
said the town was going to move all of
their funds to Peoples. NOT SO! Feel
free to read every word of our posts about
this where is it stated all funds!
But we appreciate Alexander's concern
since the paper reproduced our entire web-
site address for all to check on the facts.
Again, Mr. Alexander (Pudmeister) we
thank you for the publicity and the oppor-
tinity to set the record straight.
Finally, Felts referred to a "lot of false infor-
mation being circulated and he wants it to
stop. He says it is time for town to have con-
fidence in the people they elected." Very,
very good point Mr. Felts, but you and your
"guaranteed majority" have a very serious
problem NO CREDIBILITY! People are
asking serious questions and you and your
friends dismiss their questions as having no
value or worth. Here's a few you might
have forgotten..."Water is a NON-ISSUE...
so let's move on! "(Alexander). "Flag ordin-
ance must be enforced period. "(Dugger).
"I am running, but I am not sure for what?"
(Felts). "PUDs didn't work in Nashville and
they won't work in Nolensville." (Alexander,
Pudmeister). "What about the future, Mr.
Mayor?" "Well, I don't know...I'm not a
mind reader?" (Dugger). Finally, remember
this..."Being responsible...getting the best
return on the money that we've got, that's
sound...seems like a good financial decision,"
Dugger said. WHOA..not so fast Mr. unelect-
ed interim mayor.
What we've got is a runaway interim mayor
and "guaranteed majority" passing resolut-
ions that are solely based on your opinions
and putting the town's funds at risk. Local
citizens and voters will not forget your dis-
play of autonomous rule using your "gua-
ranteed majority." Listen to what people
who attended BOMA meeting last thurs.
"I can't believe the childlike antics I saw at
the last town meeting. Mr. Dugger was right
out of a reform school class for social desti-
tutes. And that Felts who is running for what
he doesn't know what...not the kind of man I
would want. Tell me more about Alexander
who CUT OFF that nice man from Ballenger
Farms. We might be new residents but we still
deserve respect. I AM HOOKED ON THIS
"My husband and I live in Bent Creek and
came to the last meeting. When we saw the
lack of concern by the mayor and vice mayor
for our water concerns, I WAS OUTRAGED!
There was only one of them that was concern-
ed about us and the mayor and his OLD MAN
FRIEND were very mean to them. I will be
there in November to OUST this mayor guy."
"This Dugger man needs pure education in
SOCIAL CHARM. I have never experienced
anyone with such a vile personality. It makes
me wonder what must be so "good" that you
would act in such a way?"
There you have it the unvarnished no-spin
opinions about the performance of certain
town leaders. Send in your comments and
suggestions. Don't forget to register to vote.
I am outraged that the town let the feed mill and a part of the wonderful landmark of this town be distroyed by a self centered BULLY. Who does not give .... about this community unless it is in the form of $$$$ Go home to Cali if you don't like Nolensville Mr. D.
I find it very odd that this blog has not said a word about this ???
Reader on previous post has it right..."Who do those three amigos
think they are fooling?" Nobody! Just read recent comments and you'll see residents are on to them! Dugger...Alexander and Felts.
We must watch them very closely. The next workshop on ethics can spawn some nasty kinds of retribution. Politics is a very messy and unforgiving business.
Watch'em 24/7.
Attn: 7:17 your comments about the Feed Mill are probably what is on the minds of many in Nolesville. The current state of the Feed Mill is in part the fault of our town's Historic & Zoning committees? A tug-of-war developed between the new owner and the town's committee's. Both sides failed to agree on what to do so the new owner began his redesign work anyway. He is to present his site plans to planning commission very soon. It appears the new owner does
not intend to offer feed mill supplies and is redesigning all buildings into small retail shops.
It is a loss to older historic area of town. Few local residents know that with the exception of the Bed & Breakfast...all other buildings in historic are not listed in National Register so they are all at risk!
How many mortgages from People's Bank will be referred from local realtor TD or from Fred Smith Realty?
No wonder this mayor is always under suspicion.
It is apparent that we definitely don't need any realtors in this town government.
How many mortgages from People's Bank will be referred from local realtor TD or from Fred Smith Realty?
No wonder this mayor is always under suspicion.
It is apparent that we definitely don't need any realtors in this town government.
The feed mill situation is the result of economics, period. There was not enough business to pay the overhead. The owner tried everything he could to add other product lines to keep the feed mill operating, but it wasn't enough. So he is doing the next best thing, he is renovating the interior to produce viable commercial property, while maintaining the exterior and the essence of the building. Due to the nature of the business, the walls had to be taken apart to clean out the accumulation of grain and other stuff. The comments about California above are totally out of line. Mr. S. is totally committed to his new home, however he cannot continue to lose money on the feel mill and support his family. In spite of the comments made on the sites around town, Mr. S. is not wealthy, and is working to support his family. He made every attempt to lease it out as a feed mill, and there were no takers. Why you ask? Because everyone who has been around Nolensville for any time at all knows that the feed mill has been going down hill from a business standpoint for years, well before Mr. S purchased it. Would everyone prefer that he had torn down the feed mill (much cheaper than renovation), which he could have legally done? He didn't because he respects the history of this town, in spite of the gossip.
Just so you know, I know what I'm talking about. I'm a proud resident of Nolensville and the mother-in-law of Mr. S.
By the way, the date has passed to register to vote in the primaries, but let's all get registered so we can vote for Dr. Joe Curtsinger in November, our next mayor of Nolensville.
God Bless,
You are so right with all this building the folks that use to use feed are long gone and took their animals with them.
If I was hard up to provide for my family I would move instead of destroying something that is treasured by the community and has been a part of their heritage before any of us was born.
What is so bad about California anyway?
The fault is Nolensvile citizens who sit and talk but do not go to meetings and don't say or do anything till it is too late!!!
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