Continued-7/6 BOMA Flag Waving Meeting Anguished Over "Code of Ethics" Text?

Interim mayor wisely turned to town attorney
for background and update on Alderman Felt's
tortured 50-pages or more Code of Ethics text.
Notestine, town attorney, said he was surpris-
ed that the TML Tennessee Muncipal League
had a very good 3-PAGE approved Code of
Ethics available for all towns in state. The 3-
page document had been distributed to alder-
men for their comments. State deadline is
7/1/07 to have a Code of Ethics in place.
Alderman Felts again, as before, set sail to
address everyone within earshot as to how
deplorable the current atmosphere is and
how quickly people criticize each other.
Nuff said, his 50-page borrowed Code of
Ethics text should R.I.P. and let the work-
shop adopt the official 3-page text as offer-
ed by TML. End of an embrassing attempt
to appropriate another cities' text that really
didn't apply to town and was in conflict with
a person's First Admendment rights.
Everyone thot we had gotten through the Code
of Ethics mind-field when the interim mayor
couldn't resist slip-sliding a thinly-veiled warn-
ing to all that suddenly "we must have a code
of ethics in place ASAP...before the 11/7/06
election. Never mind that the State deadline
is next year 7/1/07.
Mayor said we don't know who will be elected
Mayor, but we need a Code of Ethics to exam-
ine each candidate's background for possible
problems like law suits, judgements, liens and
other adverse situations. WHOA! Mr. Interim
mayor what's the rush? (Note: Alexander
wanted to adopt it on the spot, right now?)
Don't forget folks we have 2- UNELECTED
office holders..the interim mayor and one
appointed alderwoman. No background
checks on these two people? What about
possible conflicts of interest ala' full time
real estate agents holding public office?
Could it be possible that this sudden rush
to adopt a Code of Ethics is to be able to
erect obstacles in the path of any candidate
the interim mayor and friends don't like?
No way you say? Why not? Remember this
is real politics and like it or not one's opposi-
tion really does play for keeps!
Now is the time to choose your voting friends
and help get others registered to vote. Keep
reading the blog and send in your suggestions
and comments, emails too.
What good is a Code of Ethics if you don't have anyone willing to enforce it? State's Code of Ethics had or has that problem. No one downtown is willing to step up to the plate as an enforcer. Another problem is that if town adopts a Code of Ethics what happens to all the real estate agents on and/or off the board???
Yes....3:46 PM a Code of Ethics at this point is almost too little, too late. For 10 years who knows what kind of nonsense has taken place? To enforce a Code of Ethics now would be like pulling a tooth. Very painful and something to put off as long as possible. Just maybe a new Mayor and support staff can get it done. The current
team can't and won't do it. Be sure to vote 11/7/06.
I can't believe the childlike antics I saw at the last town meeting. Mr Dugger was right out of a reform school class for social destitutes. And that Felts who is running for what he doesn't know what.........not the kind of man I would want. Tell me more about that Alexander who cut off that nice man from Ballenger Farms. We might be new residents but we still reserve respect. I am hooked on this blog for information.
The best way to say it is "SELECTIVE ENFORCEMENT"......If you are a realtor or developer,then anything goes as seen by the trashy silver stream and jones signs all over town when old Rich and Schwartz are not around. But if you don't play ball with Dugger, watch out!
Who do those three amigos think they are fooling?
I have to admire Dr Curtsinger for standing up to sometimes unbearable odds to represent what most of us feel to be the issues.
He will certainly get the votes of a majority of us here on Cowan Drive. The rest of those guys should just hang it up!
What nice man from Ballenger Farms?
What did Alexander cut him off about?
12:34...Reasonable resident of Ballenger Farms asked Mayor and or Vice Mayor about the water shortage signs posted in all subdivisions? Mayor mumbled something and then vice-mayor said to man "the water shortage is a NON ISSUE...let's move along. Mayor agreed and they left the resident standing alone totally ignored.
The water issue is a important concern and as we build out this town it will come up again, no matter who gets elected.
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