Blog readers have petitioned the Blog
to bring back "Carnac the Magnificent"
to help Nolensville choose the best talent
to manage town investment account.
Next Thurs. @7 PM the town board meets
to pass a new resolution to authorize the
town recorder with the authority to over-
see the town's investment account with the
approval of the interim mayor. The second
part of this resolution is to approve deposit-
ing town's investment funds in new People's
State Bank.
"Carnac says" may this resolution float like
a butterfly until specific details are out in the
open for discussion. And questions can be
answered like who selected the People's State
bank to invest town's funds? What is wrong
with First Tennessee's investment programs?
The town already has accounts with First
Tennessee? Why not consider the State's In-
vestment Pool at 4.9% or more?
Is our real-estate-interim mayor qualified and
free of any conflicts of interest to make this
investment decision? Why not consult with
several investment firms and get the best deal
possible provided by experts?
Tell us what you think before the next 7/6
meeting of the board. Also attend the meet-
ing @ 7 PM and voice your concerns.
Right on!
Please oh please put this resolution on HOLD! Until you can consult with experienced and qualified investment groups. Please find out what Brentwood and Franklin do about investment accounts. I understand the State's Investment Pool has good rates and the account funds can be used the next day for withdrawals? Fiscal
responsibility begins with a capital expenditures plan in place?
We just moved into Bent Creek and discovered the Nolensville Blog.
Terrific full color design and issue oriented--we love it! Almost forgot the humor! Stay funny. Politicos and agenda people won't understand it, but who cares! Other local sites & commenters spell funny! What a Hoot!
Only 3 days left before unelected interim mayor casts a spell over everyone to get approval for his
"unknown" investment ploy? If nobody shows up for thurs.7/6 meeting he can't be stopped. Please show up. Very long time resident.
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