New Nolensville School Done Deal & to be Ready 2007-08 School Year! Rocky Fork & Newsome Lane!

New Nolensville school will be 102,000 sq. ft.
with estimated 800 students. This could mean
some 1,600 additonal cars impacting Rocky
Fork and Nolensville Rd. CLICK HERE for
article in today's paper.
NOW!!!!! Is the time for our InterimMayor and
his "crack" planning commission to swing into
action and meet with County Commissioners &
County School Board. No delays!
Get a road plan with impact fees in place now!
Present town's plan for expanded Rocky Fork
and new bridge around Methodist church to
meet new Cemetery Road with traffic light.
Depite interim Mayor's reluctance to meet
with County Commissioners now it the time
to win friends & influence commission board.
Time is urgent...get them to help us finance
this new expanded road/bridge/traffic light.
Get a formal commitment of cooperation that
county will help make the overall plan happen
before school opens. Yeah! You heard right--
before the school opens & traffic overflows!
This will be an outstanding "test" of current
town hall's ability to pick up the ball and run
with it! If it doesn't happen it will confirm
how badly we need an entirely new team in
our town hall! Election is 11/06 if nothing gets
confirmed and in place then voters can do
what needs to be done! Elect a NEW TEAM!
Create overall plan for Rocky Fork/Nolensville
Rd. area...consider a unique park concept with
modern yet traditional Covered Bridge on new
road around Methodist church. Install flag
poles,picnic tables, gazebo/shelters to make
entire project the centerpiece of entire town.
YES! Despite our poll's results that say 69%
believe Planning Commission does a F-Minus
job...just maybe those left on commission will
wake up and take our ideas and run with them.
Attention: planning commission members
including interim Mayor & vice-mayor this is
your chance to create an outstanding project.
IF NOT! Then terms like "clean sweep" and a
total "rout" will become familiar come election
time. It's your choice?
Wake up voters and tell us what you think
about new school project??? Comments &
emails welcome.
Watch terrific patriotic film clip! Click on the
American Flag on right side just below blog
map and before book ads on right side.
I love it...I really do love's our Nolensville Blog leading the way! Problem is our town hall can't seem to find their way. Totally talent to win the support of County Commissioners and School Board. Go ahead I dare you...surprise us all? Four months to do what you should be doing all year long?
This is terrible news.
I know we need a school site ASAP for all the new kids moving in overcrowding ours, but WHAT are they thinking to put a school on the busiest side road in town?
Once Moon gets all his built and Smyrna and Lavergne build some more how on earth do they think we can travel Rocky Fork. Even with a
new road its going to be terrible!!!!
Don't let that lying Gillian Fishback do the traffic study.
Let someone who uses Rocky Fork to get to work now do it.
Remember......our current mayor admits he can't read minds and has no vision for the future.....
Bring back Carnac!
Do we need a new school? Yes!
Do we need to limit our growth to provide the QUALITY of life our voters want... Take a lesson from the three pigs children of Nolensville, the first two pigs short cuts brought doom.
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