Most People Ever at Nolen-sville Lawn Festival! Dr. Joe Curtsinger Only Mayoral Candidate on Float Full-of-Kids & Parents!!

Mayoral Candidate
featured on colorful
float in Lawn Festival.
Curtsinger has filed
to run for Mayor in
the 11/06 election.
He is currently serving as an alderman.
This makes him uniquely qualified to run
for Mayor. His leadership is one that has
listened to the people with a proven voting
All throughout the tortured reign of our pre-
vious May0r Curtsinger was the only voice of
common sense & reason, but was out-voted
hundreds of times by the Mayor's infamous
"guaranteed majority." He knows the mistakes
that have been made and why they happened!
Despite being out-voted many times Curtsinger
has stood fast even yet to this day.
Our current interim mayor and vice-mayor
continue in the Knapper tradition keeping
intact the "guaranteed majority." They both
admit to making serious mistakes but refuse
to change and continue to favor the PUD
developers. They have lost thousands of
dollars of impact fees that developers should
have paid.
Curtsinger is the only one on the town board
that challenged developers in person asking
each one directly to support our schools,
roads, police and fire depts. Only to be out-
voted by previous and current interim mayor.
Curtsinger has the experience and courage to
get the kind of financial support our town
needs to cope with explosive growth.
Listen to just one of the many emails coming
in to endorse Curtsinger: From: Karen Wevick
6/20. "This is wonderful news, and you have
my support. I admire your courage since the
job is not an easy one at this time. Thank you
for running. God Bless."
One more comment from blog reader: "Dr. Joe
Curtsinger deserves to be your next Mayor! He
loves kids, pets, people and our town! What's
not to like? Joe, most of us are behind you all
the way to Nov. 7th."
Curtsinger is not "stuck on stupid." He is rock
solid on doing the right thing and contines to
vote and serve doing what's right. He needs
your help and support to win and as Mayor
put our town on back the right path for years
to come.
EMAIL jccurtsinger@united .net
Anybody that loves kids,pets,people and our town in that order has got to be trustworthy! Joe you're ahead...stay ahead..and everybody in my neighborhood will vote for you. Family oriented and fiscally responsible is exactly what we want!
I'm happy that someone would run who has a plan for the future instead of that guy who can't read minds and has no future vision.
This guy makes sense.
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