9-People have Registration Paks to Run for Mayor or Alderman? Info to track each one to see if they File 8/17/06

9 to date
that have
Packets to
Run for
Mayor or
Keep your eye on these 9 people to date that
have picked up packets to run for office. We
will add to this list as others pick up packets.
1. Interim Mayor has a packet, but no
word on what he will do? Vice-Mayor also
has packet so who knows which one will file?
2. Vice-Mayor Alexander has packet, but again
no info on what he will do?? If Dugger doesn't
file...Alexander will want to file even though his
support maybe rather limited?
3. Alderman Dr. Curtsinger has packet, and no
doubt has way over 25 signatures to run for
Mayor.In the blog polls Curtsinger is way ahead
76% or more compared to all other potential
4. Alderwoman Beth Lothers has packet, and
will probably get 25 signatures. She was
appointed by interim Mayor & Vice-Mayor.
Vote is still out on whether she will vote inde-
pendent of Dugger and Alexander????
Voters need to ask her if she can remain inde-
pendent and vote with no obligation to
Dugger and/or Alexander?????? We
don't need another "guaranteed majority"
block vote courtesy the D and A twins...
and Mr. Felts.
5. Solomon has packet, but he has lost in 2
previous runs for Alderman. He has also
sued town and had his legal fees paid for by
town's previous Mayor.
6. Chris Wilson has packet, and he has lost
in previous runs for Alderman. Totally un-
known as to whether he will actually file to
run for office?????
7. Porter Freeman has picked up packet to
file to run for office. Unknown as to whether
he will file?
8. Alderman Felts has picked up packet to
file to run for either Mayor or Alderman?
His term as alderman expires so nobody
knows if he may run for office again?
His support base is unknown???
9.Mr. Michael O'Kain has picked up packet
to file to run for Alderman. He lives in town
and has attended many BOMA meetings. He
is a strong advocate of changes in town hall.
Looking at the blog polls...Dr. Curtsinger is
way ahead of all others to run for Mayor.
Another poll shows a high 60% percentage
that won't vote for Dugger or Alexander if
they decide to run.
We'll update this post as needed. Please send in
your comments and info for this specific post.
Which Wilson?
The one that has lived here most of his life and has always been a hard worker for the town, or the one who doesn't even go to meetings?
Chris Wilson and Porter Freeman have no business in Nolensville politics. They just run for office and run other people down. We don't need any more of that.
At least Soloman goes to meetings.
Where are the women who could do a good job?
frank wilson, who has worked hard for our community and helped tommy little get elected as our new comissioner.
I thought I saw on this blog that Chris Wilson had pciked up a pzcket weeks ago.
Instead of running down the peope who are trying their best to do something for Nolensville,
why not instead expose the ones who run for office but have no record of service whatsoever?
Duh, and what has Tommy Little ever done except for Page sports?
Hopefully he will learn something now that he is elected and perhaps do a little to represent our district.
After the H..L the Boma has been thru this year, I can't believe they would want to run again.
I for one am glad they will.
Move over and give them a chance to do service to the community.
2:41 I hope you mean the 8 people who might file to run? Right? Let's not gloss over who has put the town in a highly liable position with limited funds. That is Knapper,Dugger,Alexander and Felts. These four have got to go!
No gloss here.
That is what I mean. It is time for a change and if the new folks don't keep their word, I pity them. Talk is cheap now lets see some action and ethics.
I can't believe how Mr Dugger passed over my friend Larry Felts for vice mayor. No Loyalty.
We don't need any more realtors around, especially when they represent guys like that Moon!
I hear Porter Freeman and Chris Wilson are planning to get one more candidate like Dugger in their camp and run a complete ticket.
Is Nolensville a male dominated society c'mon ladies lets have some female nominations for Alderman. Here are some suggestions Miriam Owen and Jennie O'Kane, strong minded women, mums, passionate about Nolensville, rally around girls.
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