when interim mayor was
asked about the future of
Nolensville??? And he re-
plied, "I don't know? I'm
not a mind reader!"
Well, help is on the the way direct from Holly-
wood. "Carnac the Magnificent" who appeared
on hundreds of the Johnny Carson Shows has
offered to help. Goodness knows we here in our
small town need all the help we can get. Carnac
worked wonders on the Carson Show and many
times surprised the host.
Since our interim mayor is mulling over the
prospect of running for mayor "Carnac" could
help him and also his side-kick Alexander the
Pudman who hankers to run for mayor, too?
Of course, everybody remembers that Carnac's
answers were not what we expected and some
times even shocked us. We can only imagine
what some of his answers might be for D & A?
1. Carnac says....Mr. interim mayor may the
sweet bird of Paradise softly light on your head
and carefully re-arrange your gray matter so
as to let the sunshine shine in to sweep away all
ambitions of public office now and forever.
2. Carnac says...Mr. vice-mayor may the great
grey speckled bird of higher IQ visit you nightly
in your dreams and scare the absolute *%#@^
out of you thereby erasing all thots of mayorship.
Carnac lives on and continues to help us all avoid
making serious mistakes. OH! that people would
take valuable advice and act on it. Unfortunately,
politicans being what they are seem destined to
look in the mirror and assume hundreds, even
thousands will vote for them. What agony & woe?
Nolensville's Mayor and Alderman election race
is beginning to attract some serious candidates.
Now is the time for all of us to get behind the
best ones and support their run for office.
Comments are welcome...keep'em coming in!
Create your own "Carnac says.." and send them
in and we will publish them for all voters!
Carnac brings back some really good memories. Everybody drifted off to sleep listening to Johnny.
Hopefully, our 2 big birds in office will take Carnac's advice.
Nolensville's window of opportunity is open til 11/06 let's make the best use of this time. Conflicts of interest and old bad habits have got to go. Good candidates are here it is our job to convince them to run and then support them. Get to work.
"Carnac says...may Nolensville's next Mayor fly like a eagle above the cloud of human weakness and look upon the light of unchanging truth with the firm eyes of the heart." Got to have a vision and a heart for the people. Everything else will fall into place with a majority approval.
It appears Carnac has surfaced just in time to help guide voters.
Maybe he will help the pudmaster see the facts and get him to just quit everything. I hope he doesn't show up on my doorstep again and tell me how he won't vote for these PUDS. DON'T LIE TO ME ANYMORE ALEXANDER! THESE PUDS WILL BE HERE FOREVER AND YOU HAVE HELPED TO RUIN NOLENSVILLE!
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