VERY IMPORTANT BOMA MEETING THURS.6/1 @ 7 PM re:2007 Budget, 5 Yr. Plan and Code of Ethics are You Ready?

Maybe we all should stick together and get
some real answers as to where we are headed
as of now and onto into 2007?
CLICK HERE for June '06 Meeting Agenda.
#10 on agenda is to adopt a budget for 06-07.Betcha you haven't read it? Ok..get a copy at
town hall before meeting. Also ask for 04-05
Actual, 05-06 Estimated plus the total payroll
line by line.
Now you are in the business of being able to ask
detailed questions Thurs. nite @ 7 pm.It's really
not that hard to understand...get a neighbor to
help you compare one to the other. It 's no diff-
erent than your checkbook and home budget...
just bigger sums. Now on the payroll...why not
ask why they are paying XXX so much money?
Get board to point out how much more $$$$'s
the fire dept. and police dept get in new budget?
#11: URGENT WARNING: Interim mayor
wants to hire a consultant to observe construc-
tion? What happened to town engineer? 65K
per yr. ought to be enough to observe construc-
tion? How much does this cost????
#12 & 13: URGENT WARNING: Interim mayor
wants to hire not ONE but TWO consultants
to study road impact fees for new developments?
What about current 11 developments why do
they not pay road impact fees? How much does
TWO consultants cost the city???
#14: What's this??? Alexander has "updated"
an old 5 year economic plan? Ask who wrote
it and does it include most recent census?
Also what per cent commercial vs: residential?
#15: Resolution to oppose Spring Hill Hospital..
is this is really any of our business? Ask questions
about this competition between hospitals???
CLICK HERE for letter from Spring Hill!
#16: Code of Ethics...nobody's name is on this
one? Wonder why? Interim mayor and none of
the alderman want to touch it? Maybe FELTS
will present his too long (borrowed) draft from
some other town???? Where's the ethics in that?
This BOMA sounds like fun! Come prepared
to ask's your money so fire away
and demand answers. BEWARE of KTCDTR
cop-out that is "kick the can down the road"
ploy is what is used for an answer. When they
don't have an answer. Watch for it!
Send your comments before and after meeting.
Another meeting, another chance to show up.
But very few will.
People care enough to gripe, but not enough to give a little bit of time and attention to such an important thing as the future of Nolensville.
I think that the town has been messed up by a group intent upon a chance to feel important,
It is sad to see the quiet little Nolensville go to the dogs.
I'm telling my neighbors to come out and show some support on Thursday night.
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