Franklin Refers to Our Town as Having the Most Lawsuits & Do Nothing Government?

Everybody knows who this is and nobody takes
him seriously even though he is the head of his
party...he's a joke! Better get used to this kind
of treatment folks because people in nearby
towns refer to our town as the one with the most
lawsuits and "push-over" town government.
CLICK HERE for comments about Nolensville.
Yes, you are absolutely right! We can do some-
thing about it starting right now and working
very hard right up to Nov. 06 election. New
candidates running for Mayor and Alderman
seats must register by August 17th. We need
a new Mayor and two new aldermen to replace
the "guaranteed majority" mafia now in place
in our town hall. If we are very fortunate we
may have three new aldermen to vote for if
Alexander would do the "right" thing and re-
sign prior to November election. Of course,
doing the right thing is in short supply at town
hall. All we hear about is yes, we made some
serious mistakes, but we are working on doing
better. It's too late for "prep-school" we need
professionals right stay out of trouble
until November 2006.
As one reader said..."enough with the part time
part timers...let's elect a professional team this
November." Got any suggestions for new people
send them in to the blog and we will give each
one time to tell us "how they can help our town."
Send in your candidates and comments.
NOlensiville has only had 2 lawsuits right?
Mr. JOnes and Mr Moon, right?
both people who will sue to get their own way.
are there other lawsuits?
My comment under the post regarding Nolensville was the similarity about a politician plunging the city into a lawsuit.
In Nolensville's case, it is Tom Moon suing the city.
In Franklin's case, it was the potentate's ego driving a lawsuit against the city and planning commission.
If there was clear and directed policy toward handling city business and avoiding conflicts of interest (in both cities), neither of these problems would be around.
RE: 5:15 AM You got it right two lawsuits to date. But remember if the town gets some financial courage and installs some impact fees (as they should) more lawsuits will probably happen. What's wrong with this picture...Brentwood charges $5,000 for a new home water tap and Nolensville charges NOTHING?
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