The Devil Is In The Details of New 2006-07 Nolensville Budget: Start Digging Now!

Devil in Nolensville's budget details is some-
thing local taxpayer's need to know! No way
around it...not short cut...just do it! Start
now and get your copy at Town Hall and then
study the minutiae (details). Write down the
account numbers/names and your questions?
For starters ask about current budget ending
in June 2006? Are we over budget and by how
much? What accounts are over and why?
Next, the new budget needs to be scanned in
detail. Proposed budget of XXX dollars and
how much more is that over current year?
Spring Hill's general fund budget is $6.06
million and increase of 26.02 percent. They
have zero property tax rate.
Franklin's proposed budget is $52.2 million
an increase of 11.3 percent over current year.
Their budget is an exciting 144 pages long.
Brentwood's proposed budget is $27.2 million
or a 8.5 percent increase. The average tax bill
for residents will be $515. Their budget is 332
exciting pages long. Click here for article/info.
As you can see Nolensville is bursting at the
seams in the shadow of Franklin and Brent-
wood both with huge budgets and lots of
"clout" with county. Get this Franklin gets
46 percent of it's general fund revenues from
sales taxes.
Now about Nolensville where our property
taxes are low (as of today)? Town has about
11 developments approved for building with-
out any impact fees established thanks to
previous and current BOMA "out-to-lunch"
policies. Nolensville does not have enough
diversity among revenue sources to cover all
the services city is required to provide the
new housing developments.
Yes! Nolensville has "adequate facilities taxes"
estimated $2,000 per new house, but these
funds will not provide enough money to ser-
vice 11 new developments and more to come.
As local voting citizens we must DEMAND
answers! Specific $$$$'s & cents budgets to
cover required "Plan of Services" required
by state for new developments. Trouble is
nobody has seen ONE plan of services for
these new developments. Now is the time
to ask to see not only ONE but 11 or more
for each development and costs?????
Folks, if we don't uncover the details of this
budget on June 6th meeting it will come back
to bite each one of us in the form of a higher
property tax. Is that a serious enough reason
to take apart this budget line by line..let's do
it and do it right up front before fellow citizens
and probably an "unprepared" BOMA.
Get real people...we aren't living in the Land of
Oz...this isn't Disneyland and we can no longer
ignore the people behind the local curtain of
our government. Where does the buck stop??
Yeah...we got a (default) interim mayor and
a (default) vice mayor...we didn't pick'em but
we got'em. Let's squeeze them for what ever
their may very well be they cannot
come up with any answers? If so, there's enough
numbers people in town to get this budget out
in the open where people can understand it
and deal with it. If anyone tells you that "they
are doing the best they can" run the other way.
This is accountability more milk and warm and fuzzy fragmented think-
ing! This budget is real and serious...forget
the "kick it down the road" mentality that this
board is afflicted with...don't tolerate it one
more minute. If you do it will cost you bigtime!
Do your budget homework and come to the
June 1st* meeting prepared to fight for the
absolute truth on this budget for 2006-07.
Warning! The agenda will probably have a
brief citizens input and then a very quick,
"slip.....sliding" guaranteed majority vote!
***NO CHANGE THURS.--June 1st!!!!
Launch your comments and emails to us
ASAP. Email your neighbors about this very
important meeting. No emails..then phone!
Is it really true any local citizen can get a copy of new budget at town hall??? Incredible!
I am going down to town hall first thing Monday...I'll let you know if I get a copy via my comment on Monday.
If you were listening, the budget is public record and HAS BEEN AVAILABLE FROM TOWN HALL AT THE CHARGE OF 25 CENTS A PAGE.
Funny how at last Planning Meeting they still didn't know about changing the meetings, 1st and 2nd Tuesdays shows up in dispatch BUT
stinker ;)
Attn: 12:26 we need both budgets...the current one and the new 2007 budget. Is the 2007 available to public?????
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