Public Meeting/Town Budget Review/Thurs. 5/4, BOMA Meeting--Do Not Miss It!!!

2006-7 Town Budget Review open to public
for questions. This is interim mayor's very
first budget that he must present to town
for approval. Plan now to attend and start
doing your homework now. Here's a list of
questions to help get your grey matter
moving. Direct these questions to interim
mayor Dugger and ask for an answer.
Agenda item#10 Budget 2006-07!
1. How much money has the town collected
for Adequate Facilities Taxes? On what kind
of items can the town use this money for? Is
it true not one penny of this tax can be spent
on general fund expenses?
2. How much money has the town collected
for Impact Fees? If nothing has been collect-
ed when will town begin to charge develop-
ments impact fees? On what kind of items
can the town use this money for?
3. Can Nolensville impose & collect Impact
Fees on already approved developments? If
we can, when will we begin to impose and
collect Impact Fees on luxury homes like
Brittain Downs? Why did the town NOT IM-
POSE & COLLECT these fees before approv-
ing these developments?
4. When you (mayor) tell us revenues are
up over 300% are you talking about Adeq-
uate Facilities Taxes from new home develop-
ments? If that is what you mean...then is the
general budget 2005-06 ending on 7/1/06,
on target or are we behind? If so how much
& how are you going to pay for the deficit?
5. Where in the budget do you provide for
the town services for the 11 approved home
developments? Doesn't state require Plan of
Services? Can local citizens get a copy to
review? I.E. the plan of services for Burkitt
Place items#14?
6. Where in the budget do you provide for the
Volunteer Fire Dept.? Is this more money for
Fire Dept. than last year's budget? Is this
enough money to cover all new housing
7. Where in the budget do you provide for the
Police Dept.? Is this more than last year? Is
it enough money provide protection for all new
housing developments?
8. Where in the budget do you pay the
$7,000 to Mr. Lendermen to maintain town
website? Is this more or less than last year?
Can the mayor hire another service to do a
better job for less money and no conflict
of interest? CLICK HERE to see contract.
Too late to cancel contract (90 day notice)
so town pays another $3,500 for what???
9. Where in the budget is a detailed break-
down of entire town payroll from Mayor
down to last employee of town staff? How
can we get a copy?
10. If last year's budget was roughly one
million dollars. What do you project for
11. Where in the budget have you allotted
monies for Waller road repairs ($350K),
Traffic Lights ($80K ea.).New road realign-
ment for Rocky Fork around church to meet
new cemetery road.? (Est. 2 Million $'s).
12. Agenda #15 Reading of Resolution to
dedicate new Sam Donald Rd. How can this
be done when in last meeting Adoption of this
road was not approved? Has the town resolved
threaten lawsuit by Frank Wilson about new
Cemetery road flooding his land? New Sam
Donald feeds into the new Cemetery Road so
both roads are impacted? Wanna "dedicate"
a lawsuit?????
13. FINAL CAUTION! Don't permit interim
Mayor and vice-mayor Alexander to say town
is 300% ahead in revenues and the budget is
balanced.without DETAILED & VERIFIED
proof during this meeting. Citizens are entitled
to this evidence.Demand it! Do not permit
"politically correct nonanswers". Generaliza-
tions for an answer cannot be accepted as the
town attorney is famous for."like we don't need
to decide now."If not now when? Do not permit
them to "kick the can down the road!"
Warm & fuzzy answers are not welcome!
Call to action comments welcome get everybody
to attend this serious budget meeting. Do it now!
A note to please vote tomorrow (Tuesday)...
BTW, in the circuit court judge race, one of the candidates is funded by developer, Mr. Moon.
Do your research... then vote!
How come Brentwood can spend 98 Million dollars to improve their city with no increase in property tax....and Nolensville cannot manage a one million dollar budget having approved 11 or more new housing developments??? What is wrong with this picture??? Could it be missing "impact fees?" Like Nolensville has Nada...not one...none..and WHY???? Well for starters we are afflicted with leaders from "wimpdom"...only one out of the entire lot will offer repeated motions for impact fees only to be voted down (no second).
This cannot stand. Vote 'em out period...ASAP.
Unless they get big $$$ backing to stay in, like... By the way who is the Judge ? I will vote in the morning.
We need to keep a close eye on Judge-Elect Beal... he was funded by Mr. Moon.
Should any Nolensville business come before him (especially involving Mr. Moon) we need to petition him to recuse himself... we cannot allow Mr. Moon a "bought and paid for" judge.
Now you tell me. Send this to KOOLAID please.
One reason Brentwood is better off is they are older, bigger, and have many very lucrative businesses paying sales tax.
Our Mom and Pop businesses are not making as much money as the big Brentwood industries and many fast food, franchises, etc.
But Nolensville people have always repeatedly stressed we don't want to be just another copycat town with rows of fast food and franchises like we all moved away from.
I met Jason Para, Moon's replacement, and was very impressed with him and his record of service and preservation interests.
Without the county commission conflict of interest to hold him back, Moon may be a much bigger threat than before.
He will have to be carefully watched.
Get out to the meeting tonight!
Well... I was wrong in my posting that Mr. Beal was judge-elect... it appears he does have competition, his name is Don Caulkins... running as an independent...
Who is this Wesson guy that got up and chewed out the folks of the town last night?
I heard he was nearly nasty and mad at folks and then walked out on the meeting. Why did he not stay and have some positive input?
Who is this Wesson guy that got up and chewed out the folks of the town last night?
I heard he was nearly nasty and mad at folks and then walked out on the meeting. Why did he not stay and have some positive input?
So many angry people living in this town. All this growth is stressing people out.
Please don't forget how much more money we now have because it or do we?
There were little or no answers given to budget questions.
I'm very concered that someting isn't right.
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