Nolensville old timers and newcomers are
worried about losing the rural charm and
open green fields to developers! It is time
for all local residents in and outside the
town limits to stand up to the demands of
developers. Since it appears most of our
current town leaders haven't the "spine"
to do what needs to be done. Then local
people will have to do it for them.
To help you all remember what it is that's
worth fighting for here's a short film for
your computer.
CLICK HERE for America the Beautiful!
Tell your friends about this film and the
greatest nation on earth, Nolensville, too!
Fling us a comment and/or email us, too.
Be sure to vote (once) in our straw Polls.
What can I say? You people have got me hook, line and sinker! Your short film tore me up! Thank you for reminding all of us what is really worth preserving. Here we all are living in the 11th most properous county in the nation and we can't even get our town leaders to keep what's most important! Let's get down to the next meeting and do what's got to be done. BLOG ON AND ON AND ON! Don't even think about way..not now!
Seems to me the city "leaders" have lost their touch with the people that they are supposed to represent. They pay the publisher of the newspaper more than the mayor and his lack of reporting the town news can not be an accident. How could any grown man be that stupid if not by design? I suspect our town leaders love to keep us in the dark so they can do their wheeling and dealing without having to answer for it. IMHO..Jimmy Alexander should resign since he went back on his campaign promises of not supporting PUDS. Please vote for Chris Wilson in the next election and bring a little integrity back to city hall!
Chris Wilson has to earn our trust as we are no longer a trusting group thanks to the town leaders we have now.
I suspect you will see Alexander come out of his shell and promote PUDS.
Remeber without a property tax, these homes bring in no usable general fund money.
Is Alex the great pushing us into a property tax?
Wait and see how his budget works out.
For a look at your future just drive over to La Vergne. We have 3 new schools that being built that will be overcrowded upon completion, and there are still houses popping up daily.
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