Here's Looking at You...Mr. Felts..Thank You for your Dispatch/Letter to the Editor
Mr. Felts in your letter you asked everyone
to let you know if they agreed or disagreed
with you. Thank you for the invitation to
respond to your letter to the Editor. Our
guest writers are puzzled as to how to try
and respond to your letter.
Forgive us but this opportunity is almost
more fun than any human being should be
allowed to have.(Courtesty Rush Limbaugh).
Seriously, your letter and it's attempted logic
defies description. Nevertheless, your attempt
to justify your abject performance on the board
and reason your way, in a public forum, to a
common sense conclusion begs us to respond.
Let's start at the end of your letter..."As your
Alderman, I hold myself responsible, because
if I fail, then I have to live with knowing I've
created problems for everyone."
Sir, you are dead-on right! Oh, that our former
mayor had such a committed outlook on his job.
Mr. Felts as a long time alderman with a record
on the job for everyone to judge let's start with
your record. At one time you were the driving
force to adopt a Code of Ethics and then sudden-
ly you stopped. Why? We assume at one time
you realized how acute the need was for a Code
of Ethics. Who stopped you? Your record stands
as doing nothing more on any kind of Code.
Let's mark that down as a Felt's Failure.
You asked why the blog hasn't printed that every
member of BOMA and the Plannng Commission
have voted for PUDs. Well we just did. And
guess what? Our interim Mayor says that Ballen-
ger Farms and Bent Creek were serious mistakes
and that you'll never see any more PUDs like
Oh that we could depend on that promise. Sorry,
but since you, Mr. Felts and Mr. Dugger, and all
the rest of the board and planning commission
voted for PUDs we cannot trust that you won't
do it again.
Let's mark that down as a Felt's Failure.
You refer to "United we stand, Divided we fall."
How very true. You and previous mayor, board
and planning commission were all united to
support PUDs. This divided or separated you
from the people/voters who voted against any
kind of PUDs in a 2004 survey. You, Mr. Felts,
and your associates deliberately ignored the
wishes and will of the people who put you in
office. Therefore, you will have to suffer the
consequences of a no confidence vote in Nov.
2006 election. To put it in plain spoken lang-
uage don't bother to run for re-election you
have lost the confidence of your former
supporters and our readers, too.
Let's mark that down as a Felt's Failure.
Now, your current performance with our
interim mayor hasn't improved. In fact you
are even more confused than before. You state
that PUDs give the board a lot of control over
how a developers project will look. If that is
a fact why did our interim mayor say that
Ballenger Farms and Bent Creek were
mistakes by the board that would never
happen again? Let's mark that down as a
Felt's Failure.
This following statement, Mr. Felt's, you
should be ashamed of..."by law a developer
could if he wanted to, put modular homes
in and our board is bound by law to let
it happen." And you say that isn't a scare is outrageous and literally seals
everyone's opinion that you cannot be
trusted with any serious decision making
on behalf of our town. Let's mark that
down as another Felt's Failure.
Yes, as you say Mr. Felt's we have every
right to our opinion and yes we do print
exactly what's going on and it isn't pretty
to watch the pathetic performance of our
would be town leaders. And that includes
you, Mr. Felts and your repeated referrals
to the Horrorscope to find some direction
for your decisions. Let's mark that down
as another Felt's Failure.
Oh that we could say that you, Mr. Felts,
didn't fall for that old worn-out scare tactic
comparing our town to the county. But we
can't so the 8,000 sq. ft. down to 1,600 sq.
ft. lots permitted by the county will continue
to be thrown up in our faces by you in hopes
that we don't really see how little you are
doing to solve the problem. Let's mark that
down as another Felt's Failure.
As far as your would-be workshop on PUDs
don't bother most of our citizens are sick and
tired of your attempts to justify your PUD
failures of the past. Let's mark that down as
another Felt's Failure.
We could go on, but this isn't fun anymore.
Please thank the Nolensville Dispatch for
printing your letter in what has to be very
valuable space. Even though most folks
don't read the Dispatch for information
about what is going on in our local govern-
ment. Also we thank you for mentioning
our internet address in your letter. Our
current readship is running almost 20,000
readers per month and growing.
Let us sign off with your classic statement
"I've done what I said I would and I'm still
unsure of the answer?" Mr. Felt's take our
readers advice and resign now, so another
can take your place and do what needs to
be done. Let's mark that down as another
Felt's Failure.
Now you know the "Rest of the Story!"
Mr.Felts reminds of a professor I had in a college philosophy class.
He said philosophy is like looking for a black hat in a dark closet that isn't there. Other than Felts
dependency on the Horoscope it sounds like he is looking for something in a dark closet that just isn't there? Surely we can do better than this in November 2006
election. Just over 6 months to go.
Pray for some good candidates.
Sounds like Town Hall is on high alert damage control.
I will agree in prayer to bring honest folks to a position of leadership in our Town.
Today's paper says 2006-7 budget is $1.2 million and projected revenues of $3.3 million. Previous mayor said there would be $7 million in revenues. What happened to the $3.7 million? Fire Chief needs more money so do schools and Police. I call this a serious shortfall...and yet the board approved it on first reading???
Someone tell me this isn't happening to our town...please!
Attention 1:57 PM..I recomend you read the Fri. 4/7/06 Blog that gives an accurate report on these new sources of income for Nolensville. Per the blog these new adequate facilities taxes on new homes provide roughly $2,000 per new home. But few remember or realize these monies cannot be used in general fund to meet day-to-day expenses by state law. You are right in asking what happened to the $3.7 million more that Knapper told everyone was a done deal. $3.3 million plus $3.7 million equals $7 million? Shortfall is a huge understatement of the whole approaches flat-out "fraud." How can anyone believe the $3.3 million figure?
Mr. Dugger better start digging for gold or disappear. Signed, Totally Unconvinced Local Resident! PS: You can believe the blog! Not so with Paper or Dispatch.
Felt's has finally been put to rest! I was overjoyed at the Blog's response to Felt's embrassing Letter to the Editor/Dispatch. Even though not many people will have read his letter...the Blog did a huge favor for the whole community. Their response was the "work of a professional wordsmith!" Thank you so much for doing what most of us would like to do but cannot find the words. The blog believe it or not started at the very bottom of Felt's diatribe and point by point
blew away his house of cards. It's really true..."the truth will set us all free!" Don't you dare give up on us now...we need you more than ever to help us elect a new team come Nov.06. Whoever you blog
people are you are PROS's please, please don't stop now...we are winning. Go blogmasters! From a group of very appreciative residents. Your polls are a great idea...just look at the results!
"Here's looking at you, Mr. Felts" combined with that scary up close picture of our nation's bald eagle really riveted my attention to what the blog had to say. I agree with 3:05 PM it was a skillful yet respectful way to help Mr. Felt's find his way in a wilderness of his own making. Honestly, I do feel bad for him, but by his own words he has indeed created big problems for everyone in the community. We all make mistakes but it really is time for him to find some thing else to do. A hobby maybe. Model trains or fishing..why not... politics is a very cruel business--who needs it?
Mr. Felts deserves a dignified retirement..not this ugly business of trying to clean up after a "cut and run" mayor. God Bless Mr. Felts in his retirement.
Dugger and Alexander( the knapper golden child) have now teamed up as evidenced by dugger dumping felts. Poor Felts became too loose of a cannon and Dugger's only hope was to get close to Alexander. Now that these two have come up with a budget lets see how much Alexander tries to bail out Dugger..........Hey what about not supporting the fire department when you are giving all those employees a 3 per cent raise.....including that engineer making over 65 K?????
Felts needs to go over and argue with a lightpole while we take on a new problem.....the development twins dugger and alexander.
Poor Mr Felts
He seems so misled much of the time.
Retirement from this town politics is probably what he needs. Maybe he needs to go on and cut and run. Noone would blame him.
Why doesn't Mr Felts know what to do about PPPPUDs....he has voted for nearly all of them......then sits up there as his buddy Mr Dugger says that they were a mistake and you won't see anymore of them. Maybe he needs to have his own thinking in order before blasting us!
I hear Mr Felts wants to run for mayor this fall......just what we need....more of the same guy lecturing to us every month and hoping to spin a story. Retirement is definitely in his best interest,especially since he has been a Knapper and Dugger supporter,
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