Silver Stream Development on a Slippery Slope Sliding Nowhere?

Silver Stream development seems to be
slip-sliding somewhere between Nolensville
and the county. This is County Commissioner
Tom Moon's venture that has created much
controversy in Nolensville. Final approval
has been delayed by Nolensville because
Moon cannot obtain right of way to realign
Rocky Fork Road. This would handle the
additional traffic from Silver Stream. And
the county won't approve it until Nolensville
approves it. Nolensville won't approve it
until they are convinced the road realign-
ment is guaranteed to happen. The road is
inside town limits and the development is
in the county. Moon's attorney said he
wasn't sure they will ever get any word from
Nolensville and that would leave the project
in limbo. The fact that the former mayor re-
signed complicates matters. But it seems
clear that Silver Stream isn't going to be
approved by either the county or Nolensville
anytime soon.
John Lackey, County Commission Chairman
said " We need to back up and start all over
with a new strategy. Otherwise, I don't feel
any level of comfort. County commissioners
deferred the problem to next month's agenda.
Meanwhile, they asked county staff to work on
another kind of traffic mitigation strategy that
could be handled exclusively through the county.
Lackey still asked Moon to go back to Nolens-
ville one last time, to let the town know that if a
decision wasn't made in 30 days, the develop-
ment would move forward with a new strategy
(road)--and the town likely wouldn't have any
say about Silver Stream.
"Nolensville has been invited to the party, and
they didn't show up to the dance," said Lackey.
This means that our interim mayor of Nolens-
ville attended our own Planning Commission
meeting and it seems he didn't think it was
important enough to send a representative
to the County Commission Planning meeting.
And yes, we needed to have an official from
Nolensville in the meeting as a good faith
effort. No matter whether they were voting
on the matter...we should have been there.
Our interim mayor missed a opportunity to
show the county planning commission that
Nolensville really does care about how to
handle the problems of developers. Lackey
said, "When we have two jurisdictions we have
to have a meeting of the minds." This means
the county wants very much to look out for
town's like Nolensville, but its a two-way deal
and we have to show we are willing to come
to the party and learn how to dance fast.
Unfortunately, our interim mayor doesn't get
any time for practice let't get up
and start running as fast as we can. Unlike the
Chinese politican who said, " I must hurry up
and catch up to my people, and find out where
they are going so I can lead them."
Seems our interim mayor and Mr.Moon go
way back so hopefully the two of them and
our aldermen can hammer out a compare-
miss even if some don't really like each other.
In previous meetings Mr.Moon wasn't very
pleasant and accused a board member of
"conflict of interest" and that he should not
vote. Also threaten to sue the town.This is
not how to win friends and get an approval.
However, politics being what it is things get
really messy and unpleasant.
To go back into a meeting with what has
happened and what has been said is truly
difficult. For starters...Mr. Moon could
apologize to our board member.And then
he could tell his attorney to stop saying
"he doesn't know why Nolensville won't
approve his clients subdivision." He knows
and we know. The ball is in our interim
mayor's court and there is a time limit on
how long one can "dribble" or else as the
county says..they will do their own strategy.
The score is 0 to 0 and we will be watching.
CLICK HERE for Tennessean article.
Tip to Interim Mayor: meet with 3 aldermen
and create an (agreed upon) last chance
strategy that Mr. Moon must accept includ-
ing a guaranteed fulfillment clause with a
stiff penalty for not fulfilling agreement.
Remember Mr. Lackey, Chairman of the
Commissioners left Moon no choice he must
come back and appear before Nolensville
Board for approval. Nolensville might as
well get the biggest piece of the money pie
that we can...they really can afford it and
they will pay to get the development back
on track.
Send in your comments and emails.
I hope they don't let that Moon guy come right back in here and push them around. The county guys showed them how to play tough.
8:06 you got that right! I see blog has added a strategy at the very bottom of post. GOOD ADVICE AND STRATEGY. For goodness sakes let's get our act together and if necessary play good cop and bad cop. You know Moon needs this approval very badly and thanks to commissioner Lackey he has forced Moon to come back to Nolensville for approval. Just as the blog said ask for the biggest piece of the pie you can get...they will pay for it.
Perhaps there will be improved comunications and increase of interplanning meetings between cities, towns and counties with a change of leadership at town hall.
Careful planning is beneficial for our town and its future.
any truth to the rumor that ex mayor knapper had actually been living in brentwood since january
I don't really care since he is gone. But I wonder what kind of mess he has left behind. The way he ran away tells us he could not face folks and say what he knew was coming. I sure wish he would have at least come before the town and seee how we really felt about all he was and wasn't doing.
Yes, there is truth to the rumor.

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Silver Stream Development on a Slippery Slope Sliding Nowhere?":
Unless you are an Alderman or member of the Planning Team, you cannot know what the Mayor did or thought or why. Even the minutes of meetings do not furnish enough information to draw conclusion.
Nolensville citizens who care about more than rumors need to come to the Public Meeting planned by Vice Mayor Tommy Dugger for Thursday March 30. Same time and place as all monthly open meetings--7:00 at Nolensville Elementary.
Posted by Anonymous to What's (Really) Going On in Nolensville at 3/19/2006 02:21:05 PM
I am so glad you posted the previous comment (4:12 PM) this is exactly what the common sense people of Nolensville are up against. People who don't or won't think. Who says all of the those people who attended the meeting cannot know what the previous mayor did or thought or why? Everyone in the meeting knows what he did CUT & RUN because he thought he couldn't face 250 people who wanted answers and that's why he ran. NO RUMORS just the facts. Thanks for the invitation to attend the 3/30 meeting sponsored by previous mayor's protege and two sold out aldermen. We'll be there with the common sense questions. Hopefully the "interim team" will have some answers. KEEP THE BLOG HOT IT'S THE ONLY WAY WE GET THE FACTS..NO SPIN...JUST THE PLAIN UNVARNISHED TRUTH.
Just finished reading letter to editor in today's paper from Kristi
MacArthur formerly on Planning Commission recently resigned. Quote "To see a town with so much charm becoming an extension of not what any of us hoped for. I have yet to find a neighbor that does. The folks here want to preserve the small-town charm that our town possesses." She is in a majority in own town. Now we have to work hard to get the "left-over interim" team to listen and learn we mean business. Former mayor's chickens came home to roost and he wasn't ready. His plan was to grow commercial and home developments ASAP for the quickest money possible. Forget "small town charm" go for the money. People said no more unsupported growth and his money machine dried up. So he resigned and pointed the blame in his letter at everybody else. Be at the 3/30 public meeting and bring more folks...the left-overs better get ready this time..unless they don't show up like you know who.
I don't understand why Kristi resigned when she was in a position to do so much good unless she came under pressure from inside. Maybe now that things are changing she would consider coming back. Lord knows there are plenty of spots which could be emptied.
Maybe vice mayor will be questioned on his actions with the ex-mayor and will be forced to resign himself due to the heat. We must remeber his business is profit from development and he has always voted for every expansion that he could.
Kristi did not resign. Her term was for 1 year. Her version of why she is no longer on the board is very different from what was told in the meeting.
We need her and Dr. Clark back!!!!
According to the minutes, Mayor Knapper felt the 2 new members should be from the new areas, Ballenger Farms and Bent Creek but they know NOTHING about Nolensville, and recused themselves
when votes for their areas were on the agenda. What good are they except as seat warmers? Hopefully
the new BOMA will right this mistake.
Is Mr. Dugger on the Planning Commission? This would be a very big conflict considering his day job in real estate.
Attention 4:31 PM....yes our interim mayor is on the planning commission as a member and he has a vote and he can appoint new members to the planning commission.
Prevous mayor set up the planning commission and appointed all the members that would hopefully vote his way. So the new interim mayor can do the same. So what else is new? Most of our local citizens do not know how this works until now.
The blog is our very best source of info because most won't take the time to find out.Remember if it walks like a duck and clacks like a duck it is a definite _____of interest.
Mr Felts said it was a dark day when dugger took over.
Maybe he will figure this out and start the resignation process.
Looking forward to the meeting on the March 30 th.
County Mayor Anderson, is NOT on the the County Planning Commission, however the Franklin City Mayor is.
Not sure about Brentwood though.
Nolensville Mayor has been on Planning Board, as other Aldermen have been on other boards-Zoning, etc. It would not be good for Dugger to be on planning in Knapper's place.
Curtsinger would be better choice.
Everybody needs to read Nolensville's charter and minutes of past meetings and learn.
Note to 9:28...Franklin Mayor is on the city of Franklin Planning Commission...not the County Planning Commission just in case someone doesn't understand your comment. Needless to say, Franklin Mayor has a vote on the plannng commission and he is very much into a full time career as a real estate broker with Parks Realty. And our local interim mayor seems to follow his example as a full time real estate agent serving on the planning commission with a vote. Absolutely no conflict of interest at all you understand.
You are right, I was refering to each of their own planning dept. I can see the confusion from the way I put it.
So what about Brentwood is the Mayor on THEIR own planning commission ?
I thought as we speak on the subject 3/30 we can give examples of local municipals that don't have mayors on their own planning board.
Not putting some statement to county was big mistake by Dugger.....maybe he doesn't want his friend Moon to get setback.
Why doesn't he at least write a letter.....or has he?
I wonder if Dugger will list any properties in these developments?
Lets hope Town Hall has the dignity to make the change on its own, for their own good, and for the good folks of Nolensville. Colossians 3:27
Hello 8:37...just checking in my Good Book Col. 3:25 is the last verse in that chapter..."But he that doeth wrong shall receive for the wrong which he hath done: and there is no respecter of persons."
Hope this helps. Everybody needs to read it.
I would like to ask at the meeting if they would send their children or grandchildren to a public pocket park to play.
A active 3, 4 or 5 year old need to be under a careful eye of parents in a back yard, not in a distant pocket Parks. Are those folks out of touch with the needs of a young families true needs.
Developers will give Town Hall a spin on the new "Smart Growth" movement.
The new urban life belongs in Nashville or CoolSprings.
Some feel it is a way to jam a lot of homes quickly, cheaply for the developers benefit only.
The people have asked for bigger lots so listen to them Town Hall.
And how long will it take kids to tire of a pocket park? Not long, and busy working Mom and Dad can't take them often. Accidents will happen and someone will want to sue for unsafe equipment, etc.
So what is a bored kid to do?
Stay inside or when he is old enough, roam the streets looking for mischief?
Huge houses on tiny lots are only good for older people who can't take care of a huge yard, and developer's profits----NOT families with children of any age.
What have thousands of people been begging for for years? "Just a little spot of land away from all the congestion and ugliness of big towns, where we can have pets and room to garden and do all the things you can't in an apartment or condo. NEVER have I ever heard anyone inquire where they might find a huge house on a teeny lot.
There are plenty around. That is not NOLENSVILLE.
Not to mention the pocket park as the preferred playground of sexual predators!
Something really ignorant was said.
Something about, "why would the city allow an outsider to buy the historic feed mill?"
I can't find the link right now but it was very child like.
Have you seen how nice the feed mill looks now. How the guy who bought it is cleaning it all up and preserving the old creamery?
It wouldnt matter to me who bought it as long as it's still part of nolensville's history.
And if the person who posted that really cared, why didn' you buy it when it was for sale?
Simply takes a pen and contract to purchase something like that.
Grow up!
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