If you plan to attend Thurs. 3/2/06
meeting this is your homework read
it, print it and bring it with you!!!!!!!
Click on article 2/27/06 Tennessean.
"Controversial Subdivision Could Be
Up for Revote" in today's paper in
county section under Brentwood.
Urgent warning to local citizens on
Mayor's agenda item #8 Motion to
suspend the rules to reconsider Ord-
inance #05-34 York Rd. Subdivision
on second reading. Also item #9 Re-
consideration Ordinance #05-34 to
set public hearing & second reading
of York Rd. Subdivision (if motion to
suspend the rules is passed).
Everyone that attended the 2/2/06
meeting remembers that the vote on
#05-34 ended up in a TIE! #05-34
ordinance (law) was defeated and
any motion to reconsider can be
made only by a member who voted
on the prevailing side. So since the
motion failed, you had to have voted
"no"to move to reconsider it. And
the motion to reconsider can be
made only on the day that the
original motion was made!
The motion to reconsider is not a
free-for-all. A lot of motions can't
be reconsidered. Some only after
one year has passed.
Robert's Rules of Order has some
very specific requirements regard-
ing what can be suspended and
what cannot be suspended. The
constitution, bylaws, zoning laws,
sub-regulations and more. These
are the rules (laws) that cannot be
changed at the whim of the group
attending one meeting. Even the
Mayor can't simply say "I move
to suspend the rules" and then
ignore all of the rules and do
whatever he wants, having a free
for all.
The Mayor cannot suspend the
rules to reconsider a new vote
on a "law" that was defeated.
No matter what pressures he
may receive from disappointed
developers and/or other outside
If the Mayor tries to suspend the
rules in order to RE-VOTE on
#05-34 ordinance (law) he is
OUT OF ORDER and is subject
to whatever means are available
to board members to prevent
him from ignoring the by-laws
and sub-regs of Nolensville.
The outrageous fact that the
Mayor would even schedule
#8 and #9 motions on the
agenda to revote on a law/
ordinance that was defeated
suggests all kinds of serious
questions about his motives.
Local citizens are entitled to
know exactly what is going
on with the Mayor?
Now if the Mayor cancels
items #8 & 9 prior to or
during the 3/2/06 meeting
citizens are still entitled to
a full and convincing state-
ment of explanation. A vote
of confidence in the Mayor's
performance would certainly
be in order due to what
appears to be a "raw" display
of mis-guided power before
the electorate.
This kind of "back-room"
stunt by our Mayor is not
at all what voters elected
him to do. As registered
voters you are all obligated
to prevent this kind of "power
grab" from continuing.
How can you stop it? By
showing up at the meeting,
registering to make a citizen
This kind of obsession with
personal power over-riding
all the rules cannot be allow-
ed to stand or continue.
The Mayor knows he cannot
break the law and crumble
under the veiled threats
that may be directed his
way. Wake up your neighbors
and bring them to the 3/2/06
Help them to speak
up on what appears to be an
attempt to force a vote to go
his (Mayor's) way no matter
what! Last meeting over 70
attended and over 125 should
show up on 3/2/06 at 7 PM.
Send in your comments ASAP.
What kind of legal advice is the Mayor and alderman receiving to prevent them from making such a mistake, and looking so foolish? This is a public meeting, and it could end up a expensive decision for town hall.
I am disappointed to the point of tears. The state has finally passed its ethics bill, but where are ethics in this case? Mr Mayor, in all due respect can you explain how you can legally do this? Just wait the year...
Mr.Mayor please use your God given wisdom to serve the Good of the community. We ask you, Town planners,Aldermen, and all that serve in a Paid position at TOWN HALL.
I really think something must be wrong. I have seen the agenda and studied the process at length, and have to say that someone will soon be relaxing in the islands.
There is no way I can figure that the mayor isn't trying to get his developer friends what he has promised them.
Resign NOW before we throw you out.
And Kidd road people. ...ccome and see what you are not wanting to be a part of,
Very disturbing news indeed!What can we as a town do legally to possibly impeach the mayor? Any comments?
It may be time to sign a petition of no confidence
I predict the mayor, aldermen and developers will not be as big a problem by Friday morning. This meeting is going to go down in history and serve as a lesson for future public servants who promise one thing and do just the opposite.
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