Now Read in One Post the Most Recent Comments On Nolensville Blog ..Read by over 18,500 Weekly

Many people read the posts, but forget
to read the comments at the bottom of
each post. We have selected at random
comments that you may have missed.
(1). Did I hear right? The Mayor said the
reason there is so much growth is because
folks are selling out. So I guess the idea of
a SLOW DOWN, in order to have a Good
Growth Plan is out because folks are
selling their farms SOOoooo fast.
HHMMMM...Let me think about that one.
(2)No annexation, no approvals without
infrastructure guarantees including roads.
Kidd/Battle road is narrow and needs
widening not only to Nolensville road, but
also on the Battle road side to Burkitt. I
drive it daily and getting 2 cars through in
some areas is dicey, but when a truck comes
through;, it takes over 1/2 of the road even
when it pulls to the right as far as it can get.
On the question of selling your property,
you have every right to sell, but that doesn't
guarantee rezoning since that also impacts
your neighbors. Putting up quality require-
ments such as road improvements, money
for new schools, etc. isn't going to discourage
growth and building. It may impact the profit
margin a little bit, but there is plenty of money
to be made in Nolensville. Let's look at what
we need to develop our historic district--park-
ing, a sewer line run across Mill Creek to some
restaurants and new stores can open. Currently,
due to "change of use" requirements and the
availability of the sewer on the Johnson Drive
side of Mill Creek, new businesses cannot open
without bringing the sewer across and no shop
owner can afford the $40-$70K to do that.
If we could open businesses along Nolensville
road and create a town square, there's no
reason why our beloved Nolensville can't be as
quaint and cute as Bell Buckle, and a lot closer
to Nashville tourists. Our local shop owners
would like to see more shops along with places
to eat, provides a good quality shopping exper-
ience and brings more people to Nolensville
to shop. I'm just a lowly Stonebrook resident
who commutes to Nashville to work everyday.
Don't forget to pray for our town....God Bless.
(3) I continue to be amazed at the ferocity of
the Mayor and Aldermen who insist on this
continued onslaught of development. I've
never really heard any of them clearly explain
their position. Is it for control as they insist?
Well, this can't be the case as one Alderman
who consistently encourages slowing down
the process to properly digest proposals/
developments, is consistently railroaded into
moving forward with whatever fly-by-night
plan is on the table. Why would impact reven-
ues be so important? Is the City broke? Would
amassing a warchest of cash make the city
a better place to live? At what cost? We've
been told that PUD'S are the way of the future
for fiscal responsiblity--re: maintenance costs,
tax dollars, etc. but there are thousands towns
across this country that allow for adequate lot
sizes who seem to handle their fiscal budgets
with little difficulty. More on the Onslaught:
I heard the Mayor last year disregard the results
of the community survey because the response
was to0 low--I don't recall exactly, but I believe
the response rate was north (above) 30%.
Anyone who has ever had a statistics 101 class
would know that this is a highly significant
result. Professional marketing firms would be
elated with such a result, but again the Mayor
continued onward with his myopic tunnel
vision...and two other aldermen who take what-
ever he says as gold.
(4) Nolensville, vote out your Puppet Mayor
before it is too late! It is the same for the
Franklin City Mayor. The developers call the
shots. Please don't ever vote in a Real Estate
person as Mayor like Franklin did. Mr. Slow
Growth has sped it up, for all his friends in
the building trade. Also don't vote in a Real
Estate person as alderman or town attorney.
Ask anybody in Franklin and they will agree.
(5) No more Munchkin Land houses for
Nolensville. We have had enough of these
developers calling the shots. It is time for
the mayor to be accountable to the folks
that put him there.
(6) I moved here to Nolensville to ENJOY
the beautiful countryside. I am opposed
to the PUD model: these plans CRAM too
many houses into a small area. The land
owners, developers, and local government
get richer while the residents suffer from
the congested traffic, poor infrastructure,
and loss of beauty to our town.
(7) I hear (and read) from the community,
our mayor is NOT responding to our con-
cerns and opinions. A FIGUREHEAD we
do notneed. He is to serve our community
and implement our instructions. He is NOT
acting with best for OURCOMMUNITY.
Is it possible he is receiving kickbacks from
developers and real estate moguls? How
could we investigate/prove this theory. I'll
be back.....
(8) Well done friend. Thank you for the truth
at last. Please don't stop the "blog" it's the
only way we have of getting the facts.
(9). I for one find what has been said (on the
blog) to be very informative and have noticed
only the facts reported about mayor's perfor-
mance. Thank you for not allowing personal
attacks on this website.
(10) The information that we get on this blog
is GREAT! If it can get folks out and be a part
of the democratic process, even better. To sit
by, and let a few make major decisions without
welcoming a public voice is nothing short of un-
American! Its the American way of doing things
by making the folks that are in office account-
able to those who put them in the position of
trust. EXAMPLE: What part of NO MORE
PUDS from the people of Nolensville does the
city hall not understand? We are concerned
with the cost of fast growth and lack of infra-
structure. Folks you have a voice use it!
(11) We are proud to be a part of this town. I
think they (city hall) are gettting the message
that regular folks like us have the right to
have a voice in our future. This town is not
for sale....MR. MOON.
(12) Yes, we could call for a open, public meet-
ing to discuss our concerns with mayor and
aldermen. (doubt mayor would come?) My
impression is that if the mayor did show he
would just tell you how he wants to demand
greater control, but is powerless when it comes
to developers. Thank you for your votes on
last thurs. nite 2/2/06. 2 aldermen for and
2 against..motion is dead. Maybe the mayor
can miss more meetings.
(13) I am a Mom of 2 boys in local school. I
came with neighbors on thursday nite (2/2/6)
to my first town hall meeting. The mayor was
absent, so vice-mayor conducted the meeting.
I was astounded at the poor way the meeting
was carried out. First each ordinance is listed
on agenda with numbers like #52-03 with no
description or location of the property involved.
It was impossible for anyone in the audience
to know anything about it. Second, the town
planner stood up to point out locations on a
map that no one in the audience could see?
This presentation is disgraceful--no one in
the audience could make any kind of a decision.
And yet, the board approved one ordinance
after another right in front of local residents
totally in the dark. Gentlemen, this farce will
not even pass in my son's grade school...he
would FLUNK on the spot with such a poor
presentation. Get a grip on this meeting...
because we are coming back to ask questions.
Wake up..this is 2006 there is software and
projectors that you should be using. If you
don't know how get a 14 year old to help.
We are so proud to be a part of this town, and we are thankful to have this blog as a way to have a voice in the way it should grow.
Alas - the people of this town are standing up and shouting. The only way you can be heard by the governing bodies of our town is to use the "in your face" approach. In the past they have not really been held accountable for their votes and positions. Thanks to this site and more citizen participation in the meetings - the tides are turning. Get Mad folks, stand up and fight this destruction of our town. We need to have a presence every month at these meetings and hold the mayor, alderman and commissioners accountable for their votes. Enough is enough.
We elected our town's officials to work for us, on behalf of our interests. Now they are ignoring the results of surveys, our opinions and concerns. If they were CEOs in any company, and performing in this fashion, they would have been fired! It sounds nice... attend meetings, let your voice be heard, but their minds were already made up! This is our town, why are we allowing developers and our officials not respect our "house rules?" We need a coup d'etat or impeachment and pronto, before it is too late. And we need to protect our American way of life!!! PLEASE!!!Our poor beautiful town.It breaks my heart.Thank you for creating this blog.
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