"Kidd Rd. will cost over 3 million $$$'s
to widen, repair & update to handle new
traffic from proposed subdivisions" so
says Williamson County Commission as
reported via email by "blog" reader.
This means the county wouldn't approve
any subdivision like McFarlin 673 home
development until Kidd Rd. is brought
up to acceptable levels to handle traffic.
Normally this info would prevent Nolens-
ville Mayor/Board from annexing hund-
reds of acres off Kidd Rd. for a new
McFarlin home development.
Unfortunately, there is nothing normal
about the Mayor's Plan and irrational
drive to annex hundreds of acres and
approve hundreds more PUD homes on
narrow streets and tiny lots. Without any
kind of prior traffic surveys, school pro-
jections and overall cost of servicing
these new homes.
"What part of NO MORE PUDS from
the people of Nolensville does the city
hall not understand? People are con-
cerned about the cost of too fast growth
and the lack of infrastructure."
Call your friends and bring your family
Thurs. 2/9, 7 PM at Elementary School
to speak out against this runaway growth
that will leave the city with no way to pay
for the explosion of services needed.
Nolensville has 9 new PUD's with 1,900
homes approved by the Mayor/Board.
There are plans for 1,243 more homes
in PUDS that the Mayor wants to ram rod
thru the approval system using his guaran-
teed Mayor's Majority Vote that means the
mayor's vote plus two "captive" aldermen.
Works everytime up until last Thurs. 2/2
when the mayor was absent. 4 aldermen
voted a tie and motion died. People cheered
and clapped.
Before Thurs.2/9 Planning Commission
Meeting at 7 PM in Elementary School call
as many friends and neighbors that you can
to attend meeting.
57 Kidd Rd. home owners need your help to
defeat the McFarlin 673 home development
and annexation of hundreds of acres of land
into city.
Blog reader emails us: "Not just Kidd Rd.
don't forget McFarland, Fly Rd., Fly Lane,
Rocky Springs and Rocky Fork Families.
Silver Stream plus the McFarland means
they will be TRAPPED on both ends by
PUD construction and traffic the rest of their
lives, or till they get fed up enough to move
too.The morning work commute and getting
kids to school on time will be a nightmare!
Who would want to fight that to shop and eat
in Nolensville when there are very nice places
just over the county line in the other direction?
This also affects all Smyrna and LaVergne
commuters. Trafffic will be backed up into
Rutherford Co.I can imagine them fuming
now. Silver Stream Farms is barely started
and already the dust, blasting, construction
traffic and noise and road damage is taking
its toll. Just wait till the work crews and the
hammering starts. That is when "it" will hit
the fan and people who are complacent now
will wish they had joined the movement to
stop the madness before it gets any worse.
How much noise, dust, backed up traffic and
stress for YEARS can these people take?"
Good News is that Mr. Lew Green and
Mr. Pete Mosley may attend meeting.
Both are Williamson County Commissioners
who can help Nolensville slow our growth and
be able to pay (city) bills.
Call or email Mr. Lew Green 776-2816
Mr. Rogers Anderson,County Mayor
Leave messages for both men above about
your concerns over Nolensville Growth
and Impact on present and future residents.
Plan now to attend meeting and sign in to
speak directly to the Mayor.It is your right!
Don't let anyone try to stop you from reading
or speaking your opinion.Last Thurs. BOMA
meeting local citizen was asked not to read his
statement, but instead route copies to mayor/
This is not is "UNAMERICAN" Stand
up tall, speak up and don't stop until you have
been heard..period. People will back you up
and support your right to speak.
Feel free to copy any fact or figure from this blog
to put into your statement. Remember there has
by this Mayor...ONLY PUDS. WHY YOU ASK?
Good question to ask the Mayor? We are being
HOMES ON TINY TIM LOTS ask the Mayor Why?
It seems that there is no stopping this bunch from dooming this town. I hope some of us can make a difference. Just watch how the commissioners squirm tomorrow night if a large group is there. Somebody needs to leave the mayor and Wells at home!
Mr. Mosley and Mr Green, we could use all the help we can get at this meeting. The folks in this town have the right to be heard and considered first in any future plans that the town hall makes.
Slow down and don't spend money you don't have.
It looks as if we are building a lot of homes, but not a town.
Our town I grew up with is lost.
When has the Planning board looked at its own Land USE PLan, that is posted on their web site. The sell out is not in this plan.
This is Nolensville talking now listen up City Hall. We are the voters and you are allowing even more free thinkers to move here, so get use to it.
Some may think we are just here to cause problems for the people that want to sell there land. That is not the case. We are concerned for the safety our families on these roads and the rest that goes with Out of Character Growth.
Should we have more say over what is going on in this town?...Wait now, we did say what we wanted, but the men in charge forgot that. Broken promises will be remembered.
I went to the planning meeting last night. What a bunch on that board. Mayor and that puppet Wells.
No leadership there. Just a bunch of PUD developers.Down with their way of thinking.I hope the blogmaster helps to lead us in this fight. And support Lew Green in his campaign. He was the only one up there that understands the money.
Town Hall will listen good at Election time.
No more Tiny, out of character expensive homes, and promises that are broken.
These are our thoughts and concerns from our hearts with no evil motives.
Why have these people let us down.
Forget Mr.Dugger. He is only doing what he always has done, followed a mayor. But we as a town take blame for re electing someome who has always been a pud voter.Shame on us! And then comes the new person Alexander that only talks about Metro and the projects up there. Shame on him cause he said he would be different.
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