The Tie that Binds & Says "NO" to 160 Lot Subdivision off YorK Rd.

Town Hall Meeting Thurs., Feb. 2
Board of Mayor/Aldermen opened
facing overflow crowd of Nolensville
residents ready to ask many questions.
Highlight of the meeting was question
whether to rezone York Rd. to allow
for 160-lot subdivision. Final "NO"vote
ended up in tie that means it cannot be
brought up again for one year. Loud
cheers and hand-clapping showed the
audience supported the vote 100 %!
Mayor was absent and could not cast
the tie breaking vote that would have
been for the subdivision. Mayor's usual
majority vote guarantee could not be
used due to Mayor's absence. Some
suggested Mayor should miss more meet-
Bonnie Burch's Sunday Tennessean article
records..."Tracy Kujawa, the founder of
Angel Heart Farm, a therapeutic horseback
riding program for children with chronic or
life-threatening illnesses, made an impassion-
ed plea to keep developments away from the
farm located on Sam Donald Road."
"We were attracted to the peaceful beauty of
Nolensville. But the hope and healing we
bring to families is being threatened by
unbridled housing developments," she said.
Eight local residents spoke up on assorted
topics like..Where's the ethics bill for the
city board of Nolensville? We don't need to
wait for metro and state to pass their bills!
No excuses let's get it going again!
Construction blasting with damages and noise
a big concern plus heavy traffic. Water runoff
and necessary expenses to redirect water were
high and growing. Many still concerned about
Kidd Rd. proposed annexation. Very much
against it and do not trust city hall to vote NO
and support homeowners wishes.
Long discussion about rezoning behind the
Post Office to allow commercial services and
office developments. Dr. Clark, local resident
spoke up against it saying city moving too fast
and not really seriously weighing the options.
Mr. Frank Wilson, longtime local resident,
talked about New City Land Use Plan chang-
ing location of town houses near Post Office.
He preferred this location close to stores for
retired folks, but despite the change he told
about Bent Creek's proposed plan to build
town houses on 9 acres at the very east end
of the subdivision. Plans appear to be still
tenative since they used to include some kind
of retail small stores and shopping center?
Discussion came about whether New Land Use
Plan could be overturned. Alderman Alexander
said no, but town attorney cautioned that in
truth it could probably be changed with board
passing a new ordinance that would go against
the existing rule. For example changing zoning
to PUD from SR or ER. Surprise it has already
happened and approved by City Board.
Overall local residents that attended meeting
are solidly against PUD's and are becoming
organized to resist all future annexations and
development approvals until required traffic
studies, impact on roads, schools and local
services are known via solid facts--NO SPIN!
Start now to get organized for Thursday, 3/2
town hall meeting.Send Larry Felts a thank
you note for his tie/vote. Also send a note to
Alderman Alexander to persuade him to vote
with Felts and Curtsinger to forever break the
mayor's majority vote guarantee! Folks you
can do it..keep sending your emails to these
aldermen--remember we voted them in to
represent us the voters not special interests!
Well done to all those folks that took the time to go to Thursday night meeting.
I was so proud of my neighbors that stood up to speak up.
We must first get our house in order before we invite the company over.
The families that live here now must have the highest priority, over the profit of a few.
Can we find some folks to run that
represent "the people" of Nolensville???
Municipal Elections
Date of Election:
November 7, 2006
First Day to Pick-up Petitions:
May 19, 2006
Qualifying Deadline:
August 17, 2006
Offices on the Ballot:
City of Fairview
(Two City Commissioners-4 year term)
Town of Nolensville
(Mayor and Two Alderman-4 year term)
Town of Thompson’s Station
(Mayor and One Alderman-4 year term)
Alexander = sell out!
Must be related to used car dealers
It would be great to have a few ladies to run for office, or on the Planning Commissions.
Lets catch up with the new century. Williamson County has some wonderful Lady Commissioners!
All it takes is common sense, a caring spirit and time.
Some have shown just that at the last few City meetings.
I was at the meeting on Thursday. Mike O'kain was right on.I don't know why he was not allowed to read his letter he sent, but it must have been something Mr Dugger did not want the people to hear.Freedom to speak must be protected. Sometimes those aldermen and the mayor are just mean to us.
It seems that there is another PUD on the agenda for the planning commission this Thursday. I don't know if you've already reported this, but if so, here's a reminder and the agenda (per the website)
Nolensville Planning Commission
Regular Meeting
February 9, 2006
7:00 p.m.
I Call Meeting to Order
II Pledge of Allegiance
III Election of Officers
IV Approval of Minutes
V Citizen Comments
VI New Business
A. Annexation of Kidd Road Area
B. Project Reviews
1. Bent Creek Final Plat: Phase Four, Sections 1&2
2. McFarlin PUD Concept Plan
C. Other Issues
1. Street Lighting
2. MS4 Public Education on Erosion
VII Old Business
Monthly Bond Report
VIII Other Business
IX Adjournment
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