Who needs a refresher course on how
to submit comments and even emails
to Nolensville Blog? Well, it seems we
all need a reminder that comments
are a courtesy extended to blog read-
ers. They are certainly sought and wel-
comed by the "blog"...provided the
comments aren't personal attacks just
to cause trouble. Comments and
emails of this kind will be quickly
Let me quote from a nationally
known blogger Ms.La Shawn
Barber as follows:
"Here's the most irritating thing
about running a blog with com-
menting. Sometimes it's difficult
to express oneself clearly to people
of varying cognitive abilities.
Some process information better
than others. Some are able to reason
better than others. The less bright
may miss the subtlety and nuance.
Certain readers may know a bit
of the history behind a particular
subject; others may be completely
ignorant of it. The intellectually
curious may do some independent
research in an effort to support or
dispute my arguments, while others
just want to get in their 2 cents re-
gardless. A few may lack common
sense altogether, and still others want
to be contrary for the sake of being
The bottom line is very simple confine
your comments to the specific subject
on the blog. You can make your com-
ment as strong and to the point as you
like..just try to avoid attacking the blog
or another blog commenter. Feel free
to respond to another blog commenter
in a respectful fashion.
Cleverly written text with subtle nu-
ances are enjoyed. The blog has pro-
ven the merit of reporting the facts
as they are with NO SPIN! You are
welcome to disagree with the facts
provided you make it clear your facts
are just that...not personal attacks.
We have received hundreds of com-
ments about how much the readers
of the blog depend on this source of
accurate and very timely information
about Nolensville. We are here to serve
the community and we certainly wel-
come input from local citizens.
As you know we feature many com-
ments from our readers on the blog
something many readers enjoy.
No one single person is solely contri-
buting posts to this blog. It is a com-
bined effort of many local people that
want to make a postive change in the
direction of our local government.
Over nine months ago we all agreed
to use the "Guest Contributor" sign
off to avoid the petty personal attacks
that seem to be the only way some
people can respond.
We also offer anonymous sign off for
people sending in comments. They
can sign their real name or some other
reference as well.
Finally, contrary to what someone
may have told you or you may think
there is no one single "webmaster".
Again, this is a combined effort to cir-
culate the "facts" 24/7 so that local
voters can be informed and encourag-
ed to attend and participate in local
town meetings. In a few short months
local voters will be required to select a
new Mayor and 2 new aldermen. This is
serious business and key to the future
of our town. As always there will
be those that do nothing, but will con-
tinue to complain. Then there will those
that take the time to inform themselves
about the facts and encourage others to
do the same and then come out and vote.
Thanks we needed that. Folks can get very emotional when it comes to protecting their homes and the communities from from poor planning.
Information to the public is a powerful and important way to protect our rights as Americans. Keep on blogging....
Why are voters giving up?
Once elected, those in office do their OWN agenda anyway.
We need No more special interest candidates. True representatives of the people.
Who can be trusted?
I think the Mayor and Alderman are doing a great job. Everyone is not going to be happy with every decision they make. I do think they try to make the best decision for the city.
Yes sir they do a great job for????
The developer - builders - some
property owners itching to get out of here before SOMEONE COMES TO THEIR SENSES.....
No, they are not doing a great job. They are going against our wishes. That is not doing a great job. No wonder!!!! Dugger in real estate!!!!So, it is not about what is good for our city, it is what is good for him, regardless of our opinions!!! Makes sense now.
What a scene the other day! So glad Knapper is out. Yes, it is a good idea for him to go back to school. It is our town, we decide. It is our American way.
I will be there tomorrow again. No more PUDs period. Thanks again for the blog.
Thank you for the information. Was not able to make it to the meeting. I agree.. NO MORE PUDs period. Thanks for the blog.
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