Here are more and more reader
comments and emails to help you
understand "What Everybody is
Talking About" in Nolensville.
"Slow down the growth Now!
Get your house in order before you
have company over".
"From reading these comments,
there seems to be a lot of interest
in OUR community. Maybe, just
maybe when it's election time again
in Nolensville, WE the people will
vote out who we don't like, and
support someone who really cares
about US. Someone who will offer
their hand to try and better the
community and NOT offer their
hand...and pockets to the developers."
"I agree, how many months and how
many meetings is it until election
time? (9 months, 2 meetings per month)
I can only imagine the damage that can
be done by the Mayor and (SOME)
Aldermen in that amount of time. We
need to do something NOW! Let's speak
"Who pays if new homowners, and
the existing ones are flooded, then
sues the Town for allowing them to
build? Let's have no more secrets
men, and remember Town Attorney
who your clients are...The present
citizens of Nolensville."
"Remember the Mayor's agenda."
"ABSOLUTE POWER! He has to be
the one to know all. Why do you think
he wants you in the dark.
Keep going JOEL!"
"It's the Town of Nolensville that speaks.
Thanks to all who care." Proverbs 3:27
"So, since when is it "Politics" to care about
the safety of our families and property?
They still don't understand our concerns
are not politics. If a change is needed in the
thinking at the Town Hall then we will use
the system that is our right in America.
The Vote."
"I would like to know how many people
from Kidd road received certified mail
informing them of the meetings as stated
by the mayor in the meeting. I have yet
to talk to one person that did."
"I'm afraid the company is here already
and you can't get them to leave."
(Mayor) "What part of NO is it that you
don't understand?"
The Dispatch article in the paper 2/10/06
paper on Friday "What everybody is talk-
ing about."...just confirmed that I do
fully understand the PUD concept and I
think that we have (9) more than enough
PUDS approved in Nolensville.ENOUGH!
It's time for some SR and ER developments,
but before even those are approved, it's
time to slow down and consider our infra-
structure which is going to be stretched to
the limit. And personally, I would like to
find a way to ensure that no more new
developments are given a pass through
the Stonebrook, Greystone, etc. Our streets
are already maxed out with traffic. The other
streets including Nolensville road will soon
be overflowing. A new school is (maybe)
being built we hear up the road, but at this
rate of growth, NES will still be needed.
Mr. Mayor, we are not uneducated, ignorant
hillbillies. We understand the issues, and
we've voiced our preferences for OUR town.
And one more time, no one is stopping
anyone from selling their property, but just
because someone wants to sell their property
and someone else wants to buy it and develop
it doesn't mean that they have carte blanche
to do whatever they want without having to
pay for the improvements necessary to
support the additional population.
And the dribble about no one wanting to
develop in Nolensville because it's to rocky.
No one wanted to develop in Nolensville
because it was too remote. With the growth
of middle Tennessee in general, especially
Williamson County, this is the next logical
place to develop and that's why everyone is
here. They've developed almost every
pasture in Brentwood and Franklin, so now
the next choice is the area of WC that is
closest to Nashville, although it is a little
further from the interstates. This is no
different from growth anywhere else in the
country. And WC is the place to buy big
houses because of the schools. It doesn't
matter if you require developers to pay
their share of intrastructure costs to support
their developments, because they are making
more than enough money to pay for them.
If you get STRICT with them they're not
going to run away because there is too much
money to be made here. Nolensville is $$$$$.
If it wasn't, no one would be here to develop
it. It's not a favor, it's a good business decision,
which is even better (than) when you can get it
approved your way.
One more time NO MORE PUDS. NO MORE
we do understand what a PUD is. And we do
understand that every vote counts.
It sure feels good to know that there are folks who care about this town and its future.
Thanks to all that have taken the time to do that.
Can we get the land rezoned from
SR to ER? Just thought I'd ask?
That would keep the PUD's down,
The mayor and his alderman suck! I don't know why the voters put him back in office knownly this was coming. It sucks for the older people who have lived here all of their life, and someone who has not to to run the town not knowing how the town came to be. I have lived here all of my life and this town sucks more and more everyday. Felts agrees with the mayor on everything, he must be so stupid he has to agree. I think we need better brains to run this town!!
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