Saturday, February 11, 2006


Right here for your reading pleasure
are comments from just one of our
many blog readers. Our city hall can
learn a lot by listening to the voters
that put them in office.

Your Planning Meeting report was
right on!
Citizens did an outstanding job.
The Board should have stayed home.
Field goal for the Home Team!

A few points I would like to add:
You are right, threatening people who
do not know any better, with modular
home parks if the county has control, is
indefensible. Our Board Members
have done it, developers do it all the time.
Saying people want PUDs because they
don't want to cut grass is BS.
How many people who can afford
$3-700,000 homes are slaving 15
minutes over a pushmower?
Or even using the weedeater which
is all they need for mini-yards.
Whatever size yard, they can afford
a teenager to cut it.

Get real people. Don't let their lies
fool you, no matter how well dressed
developers are or how wide their grins.
They are just licking their chops,
waiting for their millions to roll in.

The developer got a quick laugh out
of his attempt to belittle the people's
voice on this blog, by showing a slide
of a crowded PUD to demonstrate
how superior they are, but they made
no converts that night. What did they
expect? After the pretty pictures and
condesending talk we would all
wag our tails and beg for more?

The Board was asked if it wouldn't
be "the decent thingto do, to put up
Public Notice signs, even if they
weren't required, if you don't want
us to find out too late and react in
anger?". The audience exploded
with applause.No answer was given.

I thought the citizens comments
were well thought out, to the point,
andvery well mannered, considering
the tension and anger in our town
and of those who came and those
who couldn't.Mayor Knapper stated
one of the biggest problems is that
'you people don't know what we are
doing'. Yes, he is right there; but not
because we haven't tried to find out.
But the mayor wasn't referring to their
secrecy, he meant the crowd didn't
realize how hard they were working
on the infrastructure, financing,
grants, etc. Why would people who
receive no salary work so hard to
break their campaign promises?
How can they face people?

Following the Planning Board's
shrugging shoulders and shaking
heads, at questions from citizens
about what the developer was going
to do about this or that, those same
citizens whom the mayor had critic-
ized for being ignorant of the facts,
proceeded to show they were better
informed about the piece of property
than His Honor, Board Members and
certainly the developers with their color-
ed drawing of a plat that bore little re-
semblance to the topography.

Until a citizen, who sent comments to be
read, asked how could the board legally
approve plans for property still in the
county, the Board was set to vote that night,
on plans that, when mistakes were pointed
out by those who have lived near it for
decades, the developers admitted were only
a "representation".
Is this what our mayor appointed these
people to do? To know so little about what
they are passing, they have to admit,"I don't
know" what the developer plans to do about
traffic, flooding, safety?
Yet they were ready to say "Aye" to this
generic guess because it looked nice, and
rush it on through to BOMA so they can
move on to the next developer wanting
to rape every green inch of our countryside.
When asked "Isn't that what the Planning
Board is for, to know?" Chairman Wells said
"No, we just make recommdations".
Based on a slide show and sweet talk?
Did no Board Member look at the site?
Or did they think the people were too un-
concerned or dumb to notice houses
were drawn sitting in the creek and in
the runnoff and will be flooded frequently?
Curses, foiled again! by the great citizens
who cared enough.

Realizing they were caught, the Mayor
made a motion to postpone passage of the
plans till the property could be annexed".
All were in favor.

The Developer proudly stated they were
not new to this project; they had been work-
ing on it with our fine Mayor and staff for
over 2 years and first presented to the board
early last year. They said they would like to
thank them for being so cooperative. UhOh,
folks. Did you catch it as those "unknowing"
people in the audience did? Plotting for over
2 years on county property.An audience
member, visibly upset, said she took exception
with the board "How could you do that? Why
is there nothing in the minutes?
I wrote you and the county, last year and you
never answered me! Did you do it behind clos-
ed doors? To which Mayor Knapper said"NO!"
It is a "Friendly Annexation", meaning the
McFarlin Farm owners asked to be annexed.
Of course, if I was a developer looking to make
zillions of dollars off a family farm, I would cozy
up to the Good Ole Boys who would give me the
least resistance too.

Williamson Co. Planning Board is larger and
less apt to be as single minded as the ones we
elected. One of their members, Pete Mosley,
is Nolensville born and raised. Lew Green,
County Commissioner and long time Nolens-
ville lover, was there to represent the citizens
as he always has. At least someone knows the
seriousness of an oath.
"I'd rather trust our chances with the county"
was voiced around the room.
It looks like there will be few "friendly" annex-
ations from the areas that are left till after the
November election.

After the meeting, citizens crowded around
the plans and asked questions of the develop-
ers. One was surprised to learn the Mill Creek
Tributary flooded the field frequently, sending
cattle, deer and bunnies to higher ground.
Had he not been listening to the many concerns
just voiced over and over?
Where was he when one man warned, "Yall
watch Mill Creek, or we're all gonna swim".
No, they think they have our officials in their
pockets as another developer was heard to say
YOU MAM while the audience, agenda in hand,
is wondering what is being voting on?
What is resolution XYZ-123? What did they just
pass? Did you understand their mumbling?
If not for this blog and newspaper accounts, few
would know, because minutes, sketchy as they are,
are not available till the next month.(or later).
Now really, is there any wonder people quit
attending? Keep us in your prayers. We know who
really holds the power.



Anonymous Anonymous said...


5:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who pays if new homeowners, and the existing ones are flooded, then sues the Town for allowing them to build?
Lets have no more secrets men, and remember Town Attorney who your clients are.... The present citizens of Nolensville.

5:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Remember the Mayors agenda

He has to be the one to know all. Why do you think he wants you in the dark.
Keep going JOEL!

11:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's the Town of Nolensville that speaks.
Thanks to all who care. Proverbs3:27

9:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So, since when is it "Politics" to care about the safety of our families and property?
They still don't understand our concerns are not politics.
If a change is needed in the thinking at the Town Hall then we will use the system that is our right in America. THe Vote.
The Christian way is to go to the person and discuss what is on your hearts also.

9:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i would like to know how many people from kidd road received certified mail informing them of the meetings as stated by the mayor in the meeting . i have yet to talk to one person who did.

10:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There was a t-shirt/bumper sticker/etc. in the 80's that applies here, "What part of NO is it that you don't understand?" The article in the paper on Friday just confirmed that I do fully understand the PUD concept and I think that we have more than enough PUDs approved in Nolensville. ENOUGH!!! It's time for some SR and ER developments, but before even those are approved, it's time to slow down and consider our infrastructure which is going to be stretched to the limit. And personally, I would like to find a way to ensure that no more new developments are given a pass through the Stonebrook, Greystone, etc. Our streets are already maxed out with traffic. The other streets including Nolensville Road will soon be overflowing. A new school is being build we hear up the road, but at this rate of growth, NES will still be needed. Mr. Mayor, we are not uneducated, ignorant hillbillies. We understand the issues, and we've voiced our preferences for OUR town. And one more time, no one is stopping anyone from selling their property, but just because someone wants to sell their property and someone else wants to buy it and develop it doesn't mean that they have carte blanche to do whatever they want without haveing to pay for the improvements necessary to support the additional population. And the dribble about no one wanting to develop in Nolensville because it's too rocky. No one wanted to develop in Nolensville because it was too remote. With the growth of middle Tennessee in general, but especially with the growth of Williamson County, this is the next logical place to develop and that's why everyone is here. They've developed almost every pasture in Brentwood and Franklin, so now the next choice is the area of WC that is closest to Nashville, although it's a little further from the interstates. This is no different from growth anywhere else in the country. And Williamson County is the place to buy big houses because of the schools. It doesn't matter if you require developers to pay their share of infrastructure costs to support their developments, because they're making more than enough money to pay for them. If you get strict with them they're not going to run away because there's too much money to be made here. Nolen$ville is $$$$$$$$$$. If it wasn't, no one would be here to develop it. It's not a favor, it's a good business decision, which is even better when you can get it approved your way.

One more time NO MORE PUDS. NO MORE APPROVALS WITHOUT INFRASTUCTURE SUPPORT. NO- NADA - NO WAY. And yes, we do understand what a PUD is. And we do understand that every vote counts.

Mr. Mayor, What part of NO do you not understand?

6:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

P.S. No offense was meant to anyone with the hillbillies comment. I've met a lot of "hillbillies", and almost all were wise people and some were well educated. My comment came as a result of frustration that the Mayor & Co. seems to think that the citizens of Nolensville are too ignorant to comprehend the nuances of development approval and therefore since they are all knowing, they must override the voters and make decisions.
God Bless,

6:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Slow down the Growth Now!
Get your house in order before you invite company over.

9:03 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm afraid the company is here already and you can't get them to leave.

12:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

From reading these comments, there seems to be a lot of interest in OUR community. Maybe, just maybe when it's election time again in Nolensville, WE the people will vote out who we don't like, and support someone who really cares about US. Someone who will offer their hand to try and better the community and NOT offer their hand...and pockets to the developers.

5:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree, however, how many months and how many meetings is it until election time? I can only imagine the damage that can be done by the Mayor and(SOME)Alderman in that amount of time. We also need to do something NOW!!
Let's SPEAK UP!!!

8:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

WOW, Mr. Mayor, take a look at the negative feedback and the negative comments as a result of you and your cronies' conduct. Can you believe it? I am most disturbed by the fact that your residents have to start a blog because they obviously feel that they are not properly represented in their small hometown government. Additionally, lets exam the fact that a vast majority of the residents want lots 1/2 acre or more as clearly evidenced by the town survey that you deemed wholly invalid. The bottom line is, you and your "yes men" so called alderman are voting incongruently with your constituents. I must honestly state that I am not surprised, however, after all, aren't you the same mayor that allegedly used city funds to provide soil erosion measures for a local business in Nolensville? Additionally, it has been stated that allegedly the only city owned street in Nolensville just happened to be salted in front of your home. Is this true or not? I am uncertain if this would surprise any of us with your conduct in protecting the interests of YOUR Nolensville residents. Perhaps we should research the grounds for impeachment of the Mayor and Aldermen in clearly a situation of the good ole boy network run amuck. After all, we are the second most wealthy town in the county; surely we aren't naive enough to allow the good ole boy network to take our wishes, our dreams and what we envision as the ideal small town. Lets take back our city government and not allow our good ole boys to turn us in to Antioch and further prove to the rest of the county that we are "just Nolensville", the town that had the opportunity to become great but blew it at the hands of the inept yahoos that we somehow were duped to elect.

8:42 PM  

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