Nolensville Mayor to Examine Possible Conflicts of Interest!

QUESTION IS? Are we going to follow
the rules that exist including the town
charter or are we going to "suspend the
rules" to get the vote outcome that we
want??? Which is it Mr. Mayor????
In today's 2/27/06 Tennessean article
"Controversial subdivision could be up
for revote" in county section under the
Brentwood column where the Mayor says,
"We just want a decision from the board
to at least allow for the consideration for
the revote." Which is not possible accord-
ing to Robert's Rules of Order. Any re-
consideration of the vote must be done on
the same day as the vote and the motion
must be made by the prevailing party or
the person that voted no. "We'll do
whatever the right thing is to do." Well
then just accept the vote of 2/2/06 that
defeated the York Road Subdivision..
Period. "We always have been above
board to never cover anything up."
What about conflicts of interest on your
own board? For instance full time real
estate agents on board and sale of per-
sonal property to developer by member
of planning commission? (much more!)
"We've always tried to be honest." Great
let's get honest and get rid of the existing
"conflicts of interest"!
"The important thing to note is that we're
not taking sides or pointing fingers." OK
then who is pushing to suspend the rules
to change a vote on a subdivision that the
developer is unhappy with and threatens
a law suit??? Who is this person? By
asking to reconsider the vote tells the
world that someone has already taken the
side of the "unhappy" developer. Who in
the world could that be? The Mayor says...
"Once these issues (conflict of interest)
were raised, (by the developer) we decid-
ed to just get it on the table to see what
they(the board?)thought about it."
"The President of Centex Homes...said
they never had a contract with alderman."
The board has already voted and the
York Rd. subdivision was DEFEATED!
We're not blaming anybody in this."
Sounds good, but everybody in town
knows you have a "guaranteed majority
vote" and once it is forceably & illegally
brought back and put on table for a re-
So much for fair and honest local govern-
ment. It is the same old...same old politics
that everybody knows goes on, but nobody
wants to confront it. SOOOOoooo those that
are in office count on you the local voter to
not do anything about it. TIME'S
have no choice but to turn off the TV grab
your neighbors and come out to the meet-
ing and fight this together. Plan now to
attend Thurs. 3/2/06, 7 PM...get there
early and sign up to speak is your
right and your it!
Can he be arrested at the meeting......or can that lawyer guy ask him for his resignation there?
The mayor has a history of secret meetings with developers which when brought to the table always seem to get his leadership vote and high endorsement. Just what other secrets will he reveal?
If all was on the up and up, how is it that we are in this situation.????????/
When someone attempts to pull the wool over our eyes and change the rules, we need to say enough is enough. I'm mad as ---- and I'm not taking it anymore!!!!!!!!!
Get real Mr Mayor and your band of clowns.
Hello...Unhappy commenter...all of us here at the blog agreed to offer you one more NO SPIN message.
It seems you missed our 2/19/06 post about our comment policy. Please do go back and read it and understand we do not censor reasonable comments. We know how hard it is to express oneself clearly to people of varying cognitive abilities. Some process information better than others. Some are able to reason better than others. Some just want to get in their 2 cents regardless. A few may lack common sense altogether, and still others want to be contrary just for the sake of being contrary. Here at the blog no one can divine what your intent and agenda might be...but we can abide by our policies and not participate in a "useless" ping pong game of one upmanship. Our mission and limited time is far too valuable. Thank you for your compliment on our blog and doing what needs to be done. Good luck and may you find the kind of arguments you seem to seek. Unfortunately, at this blog we do not have the luxury of indulging in such pointless exercises. Is this a GREAT COUNTRY OR WHAT....WE CAN PRINT THE NO SPIN TRUTH...and
thousands can benefit from each and every word. God Bless America.

WOW, Mr. Mayor, take a look at the negative feedback and the negative comments as a result of you and your cronies' conduct. Can you believe it? I am most disturbed by the fact that your residents have to start a blog because they obviously feel that they are not properly represented in their small hometown government. Additionally, lets exam the fact that a vast majority of the residents want lots 1/2 acre or more as clearly evidenced by the town survey that you deemed wholly invalid. The bottom line is, you and your "yes men" so called alderman are voting incongruently with your constituents. I must honestly state that I am not surprised, however, after all, aren't you the same mayor that allegedly used city funds to provide soil erosion measures for a local business in Nolensville? Additionally, it has been stated that allegedly the only city owned street in Nolensville just happened to be salted in front of your home. Is this true or not? I am uncertain if this would surprise any of us with your conduct in protecting the interests of YOUR Nolensville residents. Perhaps we should research the grounds for impeachment of the Mayor and Aldermen in clearly a situation of the good ole boy network run amuck. After all, we are the second most wealthy town in the county; surely we aren't naive enough to allow the good ole boy network to take our wishes, our dreams and what we envision as the ideal small town. Lets take back our city government and not allow our good ole boys to turn us in to Antioch and further prove to the rest of the county that we are "just Nolensville", the town that had the opportunity to become great but blew it at the hands of the inept yahoos that we somehow were duped to elect.
Posted by Anonymous to What's (Really) Going On in Nolensville at 2/27/2006 08:42:50
Our family and I will be at the meeting to see first hand how our Mayor, commissioners, and paid employes react to all this controversy. If they are planning to break the law it will be in a very public view. We hope that one developers tantrum will not be the downfall and embarrasment of our Town.
What kind of hold does this man have to convince our Town leaders they must risk their good name to appease his request.
Town Lawyer, are looking out for the mayor and our Town or a friend who is a developer?
Desparate individuals will stop at nothing.

We elected our town's officials to work for us, on behalf of our interests. Now they are ignoring the results of surveys, our opinions and concerns. If they were CEOs in any company, and performing in this fashion, they would have been fired! It sounds nice... attend meetings, let your voice be heard, but their minds were already made up! This is our town, why are we allowing developers and our officials not respect our "house rules?" We need a coup d'etat or impeachment and pronto, before it is too late. And we need to protect our American way of life!!! PLEASE!!!Our poor beautiful town.It breaks my heart.Thank you for creating this blog.
Posted by Anonymous to What's (Really) Going On in Nolensville at 2/28/2006 05:48:14 PM

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "BLOG READERS COMMENT AND EMAIL MESSAGES TO MAYOR & BOARD NON STOP 24/7.":
The mayor and his alderman suck! I don't know why the voters put him back in office knownly this was coming. It sucks for the older people who have lived here all of their life, and someone who has not to to run the town not knowing how the town came to be. I have lived here all of my life and this town sucks more and more everyday. Felts agrees with the mayor on everything, he must be so stupid he has to agree. I think we need better brains to run this town!!
Posted by Anonymous to What's (Really) Going On in Nolensville at 3/01/2006 09:28:36 PM
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