Only 6 Days Left Before Interim Mayor Walter T. Dugger Assumes Nolensville Office

Mayor quits on
rather than face
the town's wrath
about his
growth with no
known service
plans in place.
His (default) replacement interim mayor
Walter T.Dugger is a former alderman
and active real estate agent for Kelley Real
Estate and Fred Smith Agency in the Nolen-
sville area. The interim mayor may face
"conflict of interest" issues unless he can
convince local voters otherwise. As an alder-
man it was a common sight to see him escort-
ing developers like Mr. Tom Moon about town
showing properties for sale. Franklin has a
mayor who is an full time broker for Parks
Realty causing many conflicts even to the
point of a law suit recently settled. Nolensville
does not need any more conflicts and law suits
period. Our interim mayor is already faced
with a threaten lawsuit from Mr.Moon that
maybe he can get cancelled since he may
have some kind of professional relationship
with Mr. Moon.
The interim mayor must quickly communi-
cate what his policy is for meeting with deve-
lopers that includes all aldermen. No longer
will the townspeople permit private meetings
with developers & mayor. Open meetings with
the public that include Q & A sessions must
start ASAP.
The nominations to fill the open aldermen's
spot must begin immediately and be shared
with the townspeople. Entire process must be
open and clearly outlined as to how the vote
is conducted.Loud and clear townspeople told
board and aldermen"tell us what is going on"
now, not tomorrow or the next day...NOW!
The interim mayor faces a monumental budget
challenge since the previous mayor failed to
provide adequate budget for thousands of new
homes. Here again, the interim mayor may or
may not be entirely informed about details and
feel ill equipped to do create a budget that
actually deals with things as they are. Not like
they wished they were. Tip to: interim mayor do
not forget to share the budget with townspeople.
Not unlike previous mayor you do so at your
own peril.
Our new interim mayor was quoted in news-
paper article..."What a sad state of affairs that
there are differences of opinions instead of
respectfully listening and trying to work out
the issues, we see a mentality that would speak
untruths and cause discontentment and make
previous mayor resign." Our interim mayor
has probably already got started off on the
wrong "foot-in-one's-mouth" disease. He talks
about differences of opinions and it is too bad
they exist. Don't think our interim mayor is
ready for prime time exposure. Join the real
world interim mayor if there are no different
opinions something is really wrong and for
starters the interim mayor isn't doing his job.
Next he says "we see a mentality (pompous,
patronizing and pathetic public relations)
that speak untruths/discontentment." Now
your talking..."untruths "repeated straight
from the board's mouth enough to make
anyone discontented. "How to win friends
and influence people" is an old classic
in the library someone please check it out
and give it to our interim mayor.
Another issue is (when?) the installation of
approved traffic lights on Nolensville road
will begin? Previous mayor assured every-
one in last board meeting that TDOT had
approved everything so our interim mayor
should be able to get this done in a couple
of weeks. Don't forget to let us know when
they start hanging the lights interim mayor.
Might as well send a message to Mr.Alexander
the PUD our town's greatest voter for PUDS.
Don't we all wish it was Alexander the Great
PUD put downer. Yeah, but it isn't. So let's
deal with it as it is..."stop pushing PUDS"...
Mr. more spuds in pastures!
If we see one more "spud in our pastures" a
vote of no confidence could be headed your
way...."spuds are out SR's are in".
What to say to Mr. Felts.."I know how you
feel I (Felt) the same way until I realized...
that I really didn't know how mad you all
were and that you weren't going to put up
with the way we were operating." Wanna
know the truth Mr. Felts...we are ashamed
of you and your record of voting. So either
starting leading or get out of the
someone else can lead. You got 9 months.
Don't forget Doctor Curtsinger the town's
very best defender of what's the right thing to
do. Yeah, you gotta have the right stuff to
detect untruths, smarmy relationships and
stuff that won't pass the smell test...he's got
the best detector in town so let's tell him how
much we appreciate his service on the board.
Read what people in Franklin think about
our "cut & run" mayor on Franklin Kool Aid.
Also click on Franklin Circus coping with
same problems as our town.
Don't you all feel better now that we got to
know each other better..."smarmy is gone
and smooth sailing is here." Enough for
now more to betcha!
Send in your comments and emails.
It is my understanding Mr. Drugger will have to recuse himself from any vote that he, or the company he works for, stand to make a profit or gain.
This will be interesting.
Mr Felts says he is ashamed of our town and wants us to go back to school. These seem like very strong words from someone who invented the definition of waffle.
Maybe he needs a little more education now that his teacher has cut and run. Hope he doesn't join with alexander the pud.
Why didn't they make Felts the interim mayor since he doesn't seem to have all the conflicts that Drugger has?
Dugger is Vice Mayor, so is next in line. Felts has seniority and
would be my pick too, but I guess that wouldn't be allowed even if he were willing????? Does anybody
I say, they ALL disclose who contributes to their election campaign funds.
It is too bad that there is so much discontentment, but unfortunately it is the result of the elected officials not listening to the will of those who elected them. Nobody forced the previous Mayor to resign and nobody seems to know exactly why he resigned unless he couldn't face the discontent that his policies were creating. Mr. Dugger, are you willing to do the will of the voters? Or do you believe that we're all just too stupid to know what we want and therefore the Mayor and Aldermen have to make decisions for us? Your comments are a little pretentious, however in all fairness I didn't get to read the entire article.
It is sad that there is so much discontent, but it's a fixable situation. Sometimes I feel like a broken record, but it's no more PUDs and it's infrastructure planning, ethics, etc. Are there some people who will oppose any change? Of course, but that is far from the majority. We know that change is inevitable, it just needs to implemented the right way. There's a lot of money to made here in little ol' Nolensville and a lot of people want a piece of that pie, however the developers and land owners can't just cash in and expect the rest of us to pay for it, whether it's in $$ or loss of quality of life from over-crowded streets and schools. It's just common sense.
So, Mayor Dugger, let's get the ball rolling and get this town under control. Let's get a plan together and move OUR town forward. I'll be praying for you.
God Bless,
4:00 pm. comments are an example of why the folks of Nolensville love this town. A caring heart that no one can put a dollar value on.
Let us continue to have that our highest priority.
The mayor's plan he told at another past meeting, sounded like
the town was going to have plenty of money, but it seemed like the next developer was going to pay for the past one and so on. If the
new homes weren't built there would be no need for lots of improvements. The people there already have never demanded lots of luxuries like street lights, garbage pickup, etc.
It has always been a quiet self sufficient town with very little crime.
Next election I hope everyone looks into their backgrounds and finds out if they have real estate ties. This is a problem everywhere,
not just here. Look at Developer Moon--still a county commissioner, and formerly on planning board. What an embarrassment for the county. There should be a law preventing real estate people on any board that could be conflict of interest. MSN Home | My MSN | Hotmail | Shopping | Money | People & Chat
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Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Only 6 Days Left Before Interim Mayor Walter T. Dugger Assumes Nolensville Office":
Dugger said "NOW that there are differences. NOW?
Dugger and Felts acted really shocked at the angry crowd
and the number of speakers and more forceful tone.
Where have they been living under a rock?
Posted by Anonymous to What's (Really) Going On in Nolensville at 3/06/2006 09:37:31 PM
mr. Dugger will act shocked, angry, etc. He is just a bully angry that his little conflict was found out. I would have left town, in his shoes!!!!
We deserve better. NOW.
Just when I thought I had seen it all. Nolensville Dispatch is owned by Lenderman who is also the editor, runs a real estate business and is furious over Knapper leaving! We wonder why? I have never seen worse conflict of interest! It should be called Lenderman Platform. What shameless, self promoting biased attitudes!This is journalism at its worst.
These are the people who want to shame us for behavior we had every right to. We elected Knapper, we cheered, he stabbed us in the back. At one meeting officials under him glazed over or would not have the information there when neighbors politely asked them; we were wished back in school, and called ignorant of what is good for us... We run him out, we cheered. Nobody threw rocks at him! He is hurt and upset.
Felts and Knapper should both go back to school. And learn that we are not in Communist Russia,cheering for our rights is not impolite or mean.Or illegal.
Do you all think that the people who took part in the Boston tea Party were worried about class??? Pleaaasee!!!!
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