We'll all get by with a little help from our friends!

That's right this coming thurs. eve at
7 PM we can all get together and do
the right thing for our beloved town.
Hopefully we will have an good turn-
out if you and your friends plan now
to attend.
It's not too late to seriously discuss
the direction our town is headed and
where we as citizens want to see it go.
Yes, it almost seems too difficult to
get the attention of our town leaders.
Of course it is too easy to say well we
can't change a thing...so why bother.
Not really true...the comments and
emails we have received are proof
that local citizens are willing to get
Nolensville is home to thousands
of families seriously concerned about
keeping the rural atmosphere and
small town warmth of Nolensville.
Every home owner wants his neighbor -
hood to proudly display the 24/7 care
and upkeep that increases each
home's value.
So as local home owners and parents
we cannot afford to look the other way
and ignore serious problems in our
town's leadership. Yes, many of us
were raised with the teaching ring-
ing in our ears..."Judge not.." and you
know the rest of that verse. However,
there is also another important teach-
ing that goes like this.. "one should try
(discern) the spirits of those" we so
seriously depend on to do the right thing.
Today the internet has opened a world
of communication that moves with the
speed of light and is open and free to
everyone. No longer do we have to
assume what is true. We can talk to each
other 24/7 and use the talents of lay
people and professionals to help us deter-
mine any course of action.
Yes...today's world of instant messages
has changed how our elected leaders
conduct themselves. Every voter has
access to a memory bank to compare
what any leader has said today to last
month, year and beyond. Accountability
has arrived for everyone in a position of
leadership. Open meetings and crystal
clear decisions should be the required
method of operation.
Your children answer to a teacher and
she gives them a grade based on achieve-
ment. Your employer evaluates your
record on the job and hopefully gives
you a raise. Everyone in life is account-
able...so where is it written town leaders
are exempt? No where! And you should
not feel bad about applying some measure
of accountability to their performance.
It is a great time to be alive and well and
living in Williamson county. It is up to each
and everyone of us to keep this area intact
and as a treasure for our children.
Do not miss this opportunity to be a part
of a historic moment in the life of our
community. Together we can agree on
what's important and then act on it. Yes,
eventually you all have to get up and act
on it...even if it means new leadership...
new procedures and new ways to monitor
things to make sure everything gets done
as we all agreed.
Yes...we can all get by with a little help
from our Friends. See you all at the thurs.
nite 7 PM town meeting.
Send in your comments and emails.
We add our prayers for our dear Town. God Bless Nolensville.
Very eloquently argued. Matthew 7 does state "do not judge, lest you be held to the same level you are holding others", and accountability is also scriptural. Since our country was founded under a Biblical pretense, as elected leaders, they are accountable to their consituents. And as consituents, we have the responsibility to follow their leadership, question when necessary, and work within the system to evoke change if it is justified. That means being active, attending meetings, clarifying issues to discern truth, and speaking not in anger, but in love.
He also helps those who help themselves
Show up tomorrow night

It may be time to sign a petition of no confidence
Posted by Anonymous to What's (Really) Going On in Nolensville at 3/1/06
The real question is why are the aldermen going along with the mayor?
God bless Nolensville and to all who love this town.
Over 100 and more people showed up tonight at the Mayor and Aldermen meeting. Solid citizens spoke up one after another and together with many people behind the scenes made things happen. Thank you all!
We will not make another mistake...we will be checking every step the temporary Mayor and the Aldermen make. Workshops open to the public must take place. They have 9 short months to correct previous mistakes. Come November we the citizens will decide who stays and who goes. Don't forget it...we won't.
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