Thursday, March 30, 2006

3/30/06 No.1 Spinmaster Meeting by Interim Mayor Dugger & Hesitant Staff?

POW!!!!! Meeting opened with under-powered
PowerPoint slides appearing on screen showing
black text on cloudy backgrounds. Media block
buster it wasn't,
but progress comes slow
and learning on-the-job can be very boring.

First faux pas (mistake)by interim mayor
was his statement "that his first responsiblity
was to the voters that elected him...people
living inside the city limits." Well that ignited
the ire of those living outside the city limits
and they promptly told him so. Seems the
interim mayor didn't really consider those
living in the UGB areas...between the city
limits and the Urban Growth Boundry.
The area open to annexation as approved by
state UGB 1998 Plan. Considered to be
land in limbo by present leadership and
occcupied by people living on thousands of
acres that cannot vote? But are coveted by
developers who won't quit until they get their
piece of the money pie. This is just the begin-
ning...many more "wheeler and dealers" are
coming to test the resolve of our city leaders.

Interim Mayor continued meeting with brief
resume of his past employment as a sales
person for Colonial Baking in Nashville. Moved
to Nolensville in 1991 and in 1996 elected as an
alderman. Then suddenly interim Mayor. He did
a brief overview of how certain developments
came to be involving county and town. Along the
way he pointed out he didn't vote for Ballenger
Farms. He said it was an obvious mistake by
Nolensville Board but they promised to do better.

(Hint: I am running for Mayor in 11/2006.)
Wanna know how this made the folks that live
in Ballenger Farms feel? Not good at all!
Read comments at end for their opinion of
what the interim mayor said about them.

Bent Creek was reviewed and the interim mayor
posed 2 questions on the screen. Why did Bent
Creek happen? and What did the town get?

ANSWER:It happened because Nolensville
Board including Dugger annexed them and
then allowed them to put in houses on tiny
lots with narrow streets.

What did the town get? ANSWER: An inade-
quate facilities tax of $1.00 per sq. ft. or on
average $2,000 per home. Oh yes! Bent Creek
built their streets and put in sprinkler systems
as required by town. In return the town got
streets too narrow for fire trucks and emer-
gency vehicles. Also a new cemetery road that
goes no where? Almost forgot the $162,000
paid to member of the Planning Commission
for the new cemetery road while continuing
to sit on the Planning Commission. (Wink..
wink..nothing wrong about citizen cooperat-
ing with developer....right?)

Next the interim Mayor resorted to an old
worn out attempt (used by former mayor)
to educate everyone about the difference
between housing development regulations
comparing he county's rules and our town's
rules in a confusing chart layout.

How dog tired are you all of hearing how bad
the county rules are and how great Nolens-
ville's rules are? Yes, you are right on it's the
same old same old fear factor previous mayor
kept beating on. And interim mayor knows
nothing else to do but to kept beating on the
same fears about the county. Favorite scare
tactic goes like this...the county could approve
lots of 8,000 down to 1,600 sq. ft. and that
would be horrible! The fact that it has never
happened means nothing--it could??

BOTTOM LINE: Interim Mayor and plann-
ing commsssion are still hung up using the old,
tired and worn out warning that if Nolensville
doesn't do something the COUNTY COULD
approve 8,000 down to 1,600 sq. ft.lots and
that would be terrible. What to do?

Dugger & Woodruff say we cannot eliminate
because if we do large land owners won't
want Nolensville to annex them because they
can ask for more money
for their land if the
county approves a development on their land
with more homes.

And the town attorney said..we surely don't
want to annex anybody any more unless it is a
"friendly annexation"
because Nolensville
lost thousands of dollars over two years in a
lawsuit northwest of town. So where does that
leave our fearless town leaders??? It's nowhere!
It's damned if you do and if you don't?
don't have enough money to annex everything
inside the UGB.... Urban Growth Boundaries
like Brentwood we are doomed to
"tip toe" around between the county regula-
tions and our town regulations.
All the while
having to suffer with zero leadership and
absolutely no "guts" whatsoever to stand
up for Nolensville's rights? How difficult
is it to again tell Mr. Moon NO!

Local resident asked interim mayor about
any future long range plans for Nolensville?
He replied..."I don't know...I am not a mind-
So much for vision that won't even
stretch to November 2006 elections?

Another asked about roads...Interim Mayor
said "we can't build the roads before the develop-
ment is built." How about a plan of services and
costs before you approve that development...
Mr. Interim Mayor? The state law requires it.
So let's get to work on a plan of services for each
development and share each one with local
residents. Hop to it Mr. Interim Mayor previous
mayor didn't and look what happened to him.

Another resident asked about status of Mr.
Moon's Silver Stream development including
realignment of Rocky Fork road around Meth-
odist church to meet new cemetery road on
Nolensville Road? Interim mayor replied we
are working on it. comes the

real story.

Dirty big secret was and is as he was speaking
he had just minutes before informed board of
a lawsuit by Mr.Moon against the town board.
How's that for up front eyeball to eyeball
HONESTY from town's interim mayor???

CLICK HERE for article in theTennessean
3/31/06 Moon sues Nolensville!

Folks we are operating in the same old rut that
previous mayor guarded so carefully.
only what we think they need to know. We are
in charge..we are the authority..that's all folks!

About this time Dugger asked Henry Laird and
Rich Woodruff to tell how they handle incoming
calls and proposals from developers. Dugger re-
minded everyone they cannot make everyone
aware of what developers are asking for 3 or 4
times each week.
Suggestion from audience was
post progress on town web site which was totally
ignored along with the fact that meeting minutes
don't appear very fast.
Due to excuse that they
have to be approved 30 days later and then post-
ed on website 60 days later? Why not circulate
minutes to all via email...get approvals and post
on website in one week?
Just do excuses!

Henry and Rich outlined 3 steps involved in
requests from developers. Some days they get
10 calls per day from developers discussing
possible projects.
Next step sketch may be
presented and it goes to Planning Commission.
They review it and may or may not encourage
developer to proceed. Next a preliminary plat
with lot sizes is produced eventually leading
to Final Plot approval.

At this point audience member asked about those
on board or staff that maybe real estate agents?
Interim mayor said they must recuse themselves
from voting. Remember this when the next vote
comes up! Interim mayor is a full time real estate

Question came up about Interim Mayor meeting
with developers prior to meeting with the team
of Laird and Woodruff. Interim Mayor said that
he DID NOT meet with developers prior to the
above team. Remember this statement during
the up coming lawsuit by Mr.Moon of Silver
Stream. Rumor says that Mr. Moon's real estate
agent may very well be our interim mayor...
please say it isn't so..maybe it was..but not now
..right? As interim mayor and real estate agent
he said he must recuse himself on certain votes.
Lawsuits have a way of "unraveling"
the total truth...but you have to wait and see?

Another random, but important fact came out
that Suburban Residential developments don't
need BOMA approval provided development
meets all requirements. But PUDS must go to
Planning Commission and then BOMA for
approval. Feel like you want to know more
about this approval process? do we!
Words like loopholes and leaks come to mind.
But as lowly citizens it is hard to know where
to look.
Interim mayor says he wants to hold
these Q & A meetings once every quarter. So
unless they cancel all future meetings we have
about 2 more before 11/06 elections.

Question from floor about property around
Post Office is now for Sale? What happened?
Interim mayor said he guessed that they want-
ed to "flip" the property rather than develop it.

Question from floor about Nicolas farm and
potential development. Word was 190 homes
near Brittain Lane create huge traffic impact?
And could this be rezoned into a PUD?
Answer by Woodruff was that it could very
well happen..rezone from SR to PUD.

Let's all watch this one very closely!

Finally, Q & A meeting was almost adjourn-
ed when you guessed it our favorite alderman
took to the podium in semi-dark surroundings
to launch a personal and convoluted statement
how he had been misquoted in the Nolensville

Blog and in turn in the newspaper. We used
the newspaper account as our source for his
statement.."I did what I said I would." And
"I really don't know what to do." About PUDs?

Sorry, Mr. Felts, but your statements are what
they are.
Several of our readers have comment-
ed on your previous and current statements and
have suggested some advice to you. Apparently
your Eagle (email address) has landed with
some unexpected and uncomfortable results?
Eagles are a very independent, self-reliant and
confident group! All attributes that we can
pattern our own lives after.

Everybody in Nolensville is counting on you,
Mr. Felts to do the right thing between now and
11/06. Our readers like people who say & do
what needs to be done.We all have choices to
make either lead, follow or get out of the way so
people can lead or follow.
There is no room for people that cannot make
up their minds. Please, Mr. Felts, make up your
mind before it is too late.

SOME GOOD NEWS! Interim mayor said they
may change citizen input in future meetings to
more of a "general input" with a response from
the board and not limited to just 3 short minutes.
Now that's progress!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I congratulate this blog for helping to bring info forward. As a resident of Ballenger FARMS, I take GREAT offense to Mr Dugger standing up in front of this town and telling everyone that my development was such a mistake and that you'll never see this kind of development here again. I mean this neighborhood has barely started and he is standing up there telling folks it is a mistake.So much for his help in maintaining my property values.

4:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

TRUST is the keyword for what has happened so far.
We have been betrayed by the former leader, and he was supported much of the time by our current leader. He wants us to forget all the things he did to help the other mayor out.
Let us not forget that first and foremost HE IS A REALTOR with ties to many of the developers in town like MOON and CATES and KOTAS.
We will need to watch him closely in those dealings.
I don't think there is any place for a realtor in town administration.

7:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Our community has overwhelmingly told the BOMA and planning that more like Ballenger Farms and Bent Creek will overpower the town and make conditions so overcrowded even new residents, (who are not aware of how many acres of farms will be developed, and how many present residents will sell out to escape the congestion,)will be upset at conditions. New residents may not be aware of our flooding problems, or realize yet, that emergency vehicles and school buses have a difficult time winding through the narrow streets, or that if one house goes up in flames from an outdoor grill or kitchen fire, innocent neighbors will will be endangered. New residents may not realize that the people with large acreages who have built Nolensville for them to enjoy now, look at rising property values only as meaning their substantial tax bill will increase. Property values are only valuable to those who plan to sell, not those who have deep roots in our community, that is being developed more for newcomer's benefit than the residents who have made this town what it is for outsiders to visit and newcomers to move to.
People who are knowledgeable of the entire picture feel very differently than those who only see their own property values as an asset.

2:29 PM  
Blogger Karen Eve said...

On Moon's lawsuit claiming that Dr. Curtsinger did not reveal his "conflict of interest". Per the February, 2006, town council minutes, evidently the Mr Moon did ask Dr. C to recuse himself, he declined stating that he did not feel it was a conflict of interest, and counsel (I assume our town attorney) was in agreement. So much for a claim of non-disclosure. Obviously, Moon is ticked because he didn't get his way, but to make it sound like Dr. C was hiding something is totally bogus. (BTW - the request was to change ER to SR in an area where PUDs could not be built due to the land use policy. Mr Moon can go ahead and build ER units on the land, he just can't get it rezoned. Dr. C, hang in there and thank you again for voting the way your constituents want. (Rest of board - note, it's the voters you rep, not the developers and BTW - don't be afraid to counter sue or seek restitution for expenses from developers who try to bully you)
Blessings to all,

8:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mayor Duggers attempt to discourage the people in the county from coming or speaking backfired on him. They have the most to lose and aren't going away.
Town is already ruined and the oldtimers are not going to let them tothat to them.
What is the people at the mill doing to it. It was fine for over a hundred years and our town so called leaders let some outsider come in and ruin the best tourist attraction and most photagraphed and oldest building in town.
They ought to spend more time on the important things and not getting more people to move here and crowd the rest of us outand move from our home to get away from there mess they made. I hope there happy with their selfs.

10:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I reviewed the minutes of the BOMA and saw where it was Felts and Dugger who voted to help move Mr. Moon's zoning request along the first time, then Dugger and Alexander the next time. What's in it for them. And now Moon is suing our town when he didn't get his way.
Wake up people.....we all need to become concerned citizens and say enough to this developer cheerleading.

7:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To the resident of Ballenger Farms, I am also a resident of Ballenger Farms. What Mr. Dugger was saying, is that it was a mistake to allow lot sizes as small as they are now. He wants to see lot sizes that are larger, and that there are nice houses on them. I.E. Britian Farms. Which will start at $400,000. That in turn is watching out for your property value. B.c. that will cause your property value to go up.

1:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Addressing 10:57 - I'm so sorry to hear that you don't understand what's happening at the Feed Mill. Yes, for over a hundred years it has served the community well in various functions, but just as many years ago it ceased to profitable as a grain mill and started to be used for horse feed, it is now unprofitable to make horse feed and provide other services to a community in which one old-timer after another is cashing in and retiring. You can't blame them, because farming is not an easy way to make a living either and their kids are leaving and pursuing other careers. Although the current owner can sometimes be gruff, he has not been welcomed with open arms by everyone and has been attacked whenever he has raised prices just to cover the cost of product. He is doing everything possible in his power to keep the feed mill functioning, but will not jeopardize his family to a business that loses money every month. You may say he's just a fool and doesn't know what he's doing, but how about the many other people who have tried to make a go out of it in the past few years and sold off? Are they all fools, or has Tractor Supply, PetSmart, and other big retailers changed the market? The owner is trying to refurbish the creamery and the old open barn from eyesores into viable businesses to improve the Historic area. BTW - Most people have been welcoming and do express appreciation at his efforts.
Bringing this back to development. Let's not attack the individuals who are moving here to improve their lives and want to build an excellent community or opening businesses here. These people all have a personal stake in ensuring that Nolensville remains a great town. Nolensville will never again be a quiet farming town. However, what most of us who post here regularly are looking for is controlled and balanced growth, with developers paying their fair of the infrastruture costs and also a balance of development types. The current issues are primarily focused on PUDs (we are out of balance with PUDs, without enough ER and SR to balance out) and infrastructure (roads, schools, etc. needed to accomodate the additional housing). The other thing we need to start focusing on is all this commercial property that's for sale along Nolensville Road going north to the city boundaries. We need a plan in place to ensure that these properties are developed tastefully and compliment the historic feel of our community.

Let's focus on helping each and welcoming the new neighbors, and yes let's fight the good fight against uncontrolled development. Just as many people here cited the poor behavior of some in this town at the announcement of the mayor's resignation, let's remember that we are supposed to extend love and acceptance to all of our neighbors, including those who moved in yesterday or today. Personally, I love living here and even with our growing pains, wouldn't trade it.
God Bless you neighbors - and let's all try to say HI to our neighbors today, especially those we don't know yet.
(BTW - I'm not the mill owner)

2:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello 1:52 resident of Ballenger all got to wake up!
Dugger voted for Bent Creek and their tiny lots on narrow streets. Now he is trying to appear as though he didn't saying there will never be another Bent Creek and prior to that another Ballenger Farms. Sorry Brittain Downs with their $400,000 to $700,000 homes won't increase your property values. Instead it will reduce your property values and Dugger will have to answer for it...since
he voted for Bent Creek. As a resident of Ballenger Farms you ought to be demanding Dugger to stop saying there will never be another Ballenger Farms and/or Bent Creek. BTW GET A GRIP ON WHAT CURRENT LEADERS ARE DOING TO YOU!

2:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is an article in the Tennessean today (I hope the link works) in which Mayor Dugger states that Nolensville is in a Catch-22. Basically, it all gets pushed back on the county. Some of that is real, but not all of it. The big question is, why aren't we working with the county on all developments in our UGB (new acronym being bandied about meaning Urban Growth Boundary - translated to the areas outside the city limits that are still basically Nolensville but are regulated by the county. At least that's my take on it). Aren't we all residents of the county as well as the city? Don't we have a voice in the county? Nolensville missed the last county meeting. It won't be forever, translated it will only take a few years to develop everything around here, so let's also place some focus on the county. Then we won't have to worry about giving it all away. Sounds too simple, I probably need another civics lesson.
Blessings fellow Nolys

3:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To Mr Ballenger 1 52

I'm not sure you have been exposed to all the story but I think you will be disappointed. I've lived here a long time and I have to say I don't see anything in your development that reminds me of Nolensville. The town government went wild in the last few years and have exposed us to this disaster of high density housing. I really didn't have a problem when the first subdivision came in but now we have these PUDs which frankly don't excite me at all. Building more of them is not the answer and I can only pray that some folks will come forward to help us resyore some sanity to our town.

6:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess the meeting was a good idea, but I heard a bunch of talk that sounded like the same old thing. I'm mad I have to sit on Rocky Fork Road every morning in backed up traffic and hear how we need a grant to buy a traffic light. I thought that all we were waiting on was an approval which we apparently got. I wonder when the Board is going to buy one?

4:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know I have never been so disappointed in Larry Felts. Stand up there and lecture me when he has been supporting a dying group.
I hope he just fades out before we have to vote him out of our misery.
I've read the paper and the blog has quoted him correctly.

12:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To 2:39 and 6:09 pm
First 2:39-what Finance are you studying, saying a $400,000 home wont inc. our propery values, I am not even going to comment anymore on this, all I am going to say is, do more research before you post incorrect statements. Why do you think it would dec your prop value.
6:09-sorry that you dont like me in your town, but I am here now, so enjoy it. As far as them going wild on high density houses they have changed the stnds so that doesnt happen anymore. That is why I go to meetings, to make sure it doesnt happen. But Nolensville is gowing to grow, so we have to embrace it and make sure that everyone understands they have changed the stnds and they are going to follow them.

5:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello 5:37 please don't take offense to what some are saying in their own way. As a new resident of Ballenger Farms, please understand just how many times we have been lied to and ignored by previous mayor and yes even the interim mayor already. Yes they say they won't allow any more lots under 11,000 sq. ft., but nobody believes them period. As a local resident I apologize to you for our interim mayor's stupid comments like Ballenger Farms was a mistake. As far as Brittain Downs with $400,000 homes people fear that if new people compare these homes to homes in Bent Creek and Ballenger Farms they will come away convinced that PUD homes are not worth very much. Yes it used to be the more expensive homes would add value to all lifting all boats. But such is absolutely not true with PUDs. That is why everyone is so mad at these so called town leaders and what they have done.
It is not right.

10:23 PM  

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