Attn: Mr. Moon! You too, Can Donate Land for School to Nolensville in Williamson County!

Wednesday, 03/22/06 Land for middle school
offered to Maury County a 35-acre donation in
'one of the next growth areas' by Staff Writer
Sue McClure/Tennessean.
SPRING HILL — A developer has offered to
donate 35 acres on Cleborne Road to the Maury
County school system for construction of a new
Spring Hill middle school.
"We're just trying to be a good neighbor," said
Pete Crutcher, an associate with Chapter Two
Mr. Moon, you are running for re-election
as a Williamson County Commissioner, why
not help yourself and Nolensville with a
similar offer. It will certainly pave the way to
an acceptable ... approval for Silver Stream
by all parties involved. Who knows the county
might help with the road realignment costs
since you solved a problem for them. Sounds
like a deal where everybody gets a piece of the
money pie. And you, Mr. Moon, can fast for-
ward Silver Stream project with Fox Ridge.
Add some land for a new recreation center
and suddenly "sticking points" melt away.
There is no better time to make this offer to
the interim mayor of Nolensville someone
you know who needs your help to solve this
problem. Time is running out! Next meeting
for Williamson County Commissioners is
coming up fast and Mr. Lackey is waiting for
your solution.
Growth can pay for itself, but do we need a school on a flood plain?
The darkest day for Nolensville was the day Moon showed up. People should hiss and boo every time this man is mentioned. Those people in the fourth district must not know what a jewel they have.
Did you ever think that Rocky Fork is the busiest road in Nolensville already because of traffic from Lavergne and Smyrna in addition to our own?
Traffic at the stop sign on Rocky Fork and Nolensville Rd. backs up past Newsome Lane now. When the huge Silver Springs development gets built and all the new ones in Rutherford County out Rocky Fork and Rocky Springs, our traffic will be unbelievable. Even a traffic light will not help that much.
Rocky Fork is the worst site for a school even if the land is free. Moon should give Nolensville plenty for the problems his development is causing us, but using the land for a school is not a good idea.
That's the trouble with Nolensville.
NO ONE has been looking at the BIG picture. At least that is one thing Williamson Co. does well, no matter how many stories of fearing
Williamson county regulations our boards would have us believe.
They are NOT permitting trailer parks and tiny lots in almost all cases. Look it up. Large lots are
the norm, Moon's development is the ONLY one of its kind. He got it past probably due to his conflict of interest in being a developer, planning board member and county commissioner.
At least the county had the good sense to relieve him of his planning board position. But he is up for re-election to county commissioner! We can't let that happen again. We must get the word out about what this kind of conflict of interest is costing the communities.
Just because Mayor Dugger sells real estate does not automatically make him a bad mayor.
In fact his real estate knowledge
COULD be an asset IF he doesn't let his paid job interfere with his unpaid one.
Any one read the letter to the editor in the Dispatch?
It is his right to express his view, but I for one have a different view of Progress and survial, and do not consider my neighbors views as irrelevant.
This town holds close to its heart its heritage, and most folks respect the community that is here now that offers DIVERSE housing choices. Some are asking for slower controled growth in order to perserve some of Nolensville's heritage and good quality of life.
The founding fathers that the writer mentions, Washington Jefferson and Adams shares Nolensville's heritage as farmers. They would have the understanding today, how folks have the strong desire to keep in touch with their heritage and a green space of their own to call home... Small back yards all the way to small and large farms have a place in the community.
Personaly I don't know one person that has nothing but the love of their community at the core of their concern. That does not mean there aren't a few who are using controversy for self gain. Lets not throw out the whole batch cause of a few rotten ones.
As Americans we have the right to express our views, and to have a peaceful assembly. Now that is one of the issues our founding fathers fought for.
Dear neighbors,
I do not live in Nolensville but I have been watching what is happening to your fine community. You have the opportunity to show all the neighboring communites how to do this right. Come up with your own city conservation land use plan with zoning that makes the developers responsible. I have read that you plan on increasing the impact fees and this is a great start. You need to have a total plan of the land in your UGB, set your ordinances in place and then when those money hungry developers come in they know the score. They can do it your way or no way. Also, limit the number of building permits allowed in a single year. Your engineers and codes department are too small to handle the masses that are coming your way. Live within your means as a city. If you only have so many police, live within the limit that you are able to provide, same goes for your fire department. It has been said that growth does not pay for itself. Stop everything for 120 days, yes I will use the M word...moritorium!!! Get it together then open shop for business. And for heavens sake get your roads and locations for schools planned first then allow your residential development. Tell Moon to hit the road too as he has destroyed your lovely town. Maybe he will donate some of his 100 or so acres to help the children of Williamson county with their schools.
Go for it! We are all watching for you Nolensville to show these big cities how to do it right.
We thank you 7:55 for your help. Now if the Town Leaders will only listen at the meeting and be open to wisdom, we will all be better off for it.
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