Alexander, Dugger & Felts Just Don't Get It? No More Puds PERIOD!!

What part of NO don't they understand??
2004 survey 74% said No to PUDS!!!!
Nolensville said NOOOOoooooo to PUDs!
Now in 3/22/06 paper article says Nolensville
turned off by PUDs. Warning wrap your head
in duct tape, this trio of Alexander, Dugger and
Felts (A.D.F. or attention deficit friends) want
us to attend a workshop to see exactly what a
PUD is! Give us a break guys, in 2004 everybody
knew what a PUD was and voted against them!
Alexander is quoted saying, "there is so much
misinformation out there. We should definitely
clarify that." Guess who is the number one spin
doctor on guessed it Mr. Alexander
who's election campaign boasted..."PUDs don't
work in Nashville and they won't work in
Nolensville." Well he got elected and then voted
for PUDs ever since. Here's one of his favorite
spin statements that will make your head hurt
here it comes.."the overall density in a PUD is
the same as allowed under the town's zoning
regulations 1.8 units per acre." This from some
one who says there is so much misinformation
out there?" Repeat that statement to your neigh-
bor and see if they know what it means? Keep
reading and you'll see what we mean. Solid gold
answer is coming just keep reading.
Felts said in this same 3/22/06 article...
"I've done what I said I would. But I'm not
sure ...what the answer is?" This will bust any
duct taped head anywhere..anytime! Ouch
that hurt! He said he knows there is a deep
dislike of PUDs, but he doesn't know what
to do? (TIP: please kindly step aside..out of
the someone else can lead.)
Now what about Walter T. Dugger our interim
mayor? Where does he stand on PUDs? Well
you guessed it! Same place as previous mayor
and Alexander and Felts stand, squarely behind
PUDs. Their votes tell us so! Don't forget this is
the same "guaranteed majority vote" group only
one missing is former mayor. Now it will be the
same "guaranteed majority vote" of A.D.F.
The new alderman "hand-picked" by interim
mayor will support mayor's wishes. Surprised?
Now back to PUDs! Here's a repeat Lesson 101
on PUDs we published 1/15/06.."Why are all
the houses so close to each other?" You can
scroll back to it on blog or continue reading.
This is good homework for 3/30/06 meeting.
Remember Alexander's "spinneroo" --overall
density in a PUD is same as allowed under the
town's zoning regulations of 1.8 units per acre.
TRUE STORY: Owner has 1,500 acre tract he
wants to develop. Too bad 750 acres are on
hillsides that don't meet the slope require-
ments. Another 500 acres are unable to be
built on for a variety of reasons. But at 1-unit
per acre GROSS as it is now, he can still get
1,500 homes,but he has to CRAM them on
250 acres less green space requirements
(20% minimum).
He is now left with 200 acres to build , 1,500
homes or 7.5 units per acre NET DENSITY!!!
This is the real "bait-n-switch," and it goes on
everyday in every city in our country.
YEAH! The developer cramed everybody all
together, called it a PUD and residents got
1,300 acres, that is you and the other 1,499
homeowners can pay to maintain. How sweet
is this income/profit and zero maintenance
for the developer. It is no wonder there is a
drive to rezone everything ER to SR to PUDs.
Then write your own question to ask the interim
mayor on 3/30 at 7 PM. Be warned you'll get
a "spinning answer" but stick to your guns and
repeat your question...until you get an answer.
Folks, this A.D.F. trio the previous mayor left
in charge is the same old...same old musical
chairs game. To suggest we need a workshop
to teach us what a PUD is an insult to our
intelligence. It doesn't take a rocket scientist
to know 5 and one half feet between houses is
very tight. Same goes for too narrow roads.
This Attention Deficit Fellowship of Alexander,
Dugger and Felts isn't listening to the people
of Nolensville. Next thurs. 3/30 at 7 PM is
your chance to get their attention. Forget the
workshops, meetings behind closed doors,
no meeting minutes, no agenda. "Are you
talking to me? Yes, you better believe it and
we want some answers."
Our problem is NOT a PUD or Standard Subdivision problem.
What ever happened to the 5 acre minimum the county used to impose?
Sewers and developers, that's what.
The developers will make a mess of
our town if we let them and we will be left to live with it forever.
I think it is more important is our leaders allow them to make a mess of our town. And what about this FELTS GUY WHO NEVER SEEMS TO KNOW WHAT HE IS VOTING ON, NOW PARTICULARLY PUDS. Why do we need someone like him in there. And how much damage can he do before we vote him out this fall. Felts and his code of ethics.....guess he doesn't know much about that subject either.
Get the bums out soon. We need some new faces in there.
Concerned citizens group needs to turn out to the meeting with dugger and ask questions. We need Lynda to help lead the charge and find out why these guys are all so development hungry.
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