Mr. Moon's Lawsuit orders Nolensville to vote again on York Rd. Rezoning?**
**What part of NO doesn't Mr.Moon NOT
understand. Just because he is a developer
running for re-election as a county commiss-
ioner where is it written that Nolensville has
to be forced to re-vote on a rezoning to make
him happy? On Feb.2 board voted that ended
in a 2-2 tie. Motion to rezone died and cannot
be brought up again for another vote for one
year or Feb. 2007.
BTW..doesn't being a developer,an attorney
and a county commissioner suggest an awk-
ward working relationship? Record shows
Moon may have very well have resigned from
Planning Board to avoid the appearance of a
conflict of interest.
According to newspaper, Moon is seeking un-
specified damages and costs from the town,
the Board of Mayor and Aldermen and one
specified Alderman, calling their actions....
Lawsuit seems to be focused on an alleged
failure to disclose a conflict of interest
by alderman Curtsinger. Prior to Feb.2 vote
Moon asked Curtsinger to recuse himself.
Curtsinger checked with town attorney
and they agreed he could go ahead and vote.
A statement by a Bob Parks real estate agent
suggests he had talked with Curtsinger about
his land between Nolensville Road and the
property Moon wants to develop. A former
manager for Centex Homes said his company
wanted to purchase Curtsinger's land. In Feb-
ruary, Centex Homes President Wes Patterson
said the company never had a contract with
Curtsinger. Town Attorney, Bob Notestine
said city officials will defend themselves.
Here's what just one Nolensville resident
thinks about this situation:
Karen Wevick said...
On Moon's lawsuit claiming that Dr. Curtsinger
did not reveal his "conflict of interest". Per the
February, 2006, town council minutes, evidently
Mr Moon did ask Dr. C to recuse himself, he de-
clined stating that he did not feel it was a conflict
of interest, and counsel (I assume our town
attorney) was in agreement. So much for a claim
of non-disclosure. Obviously, Moon is ticked be-
cause he didn't get his way, but to make it sound
like Dr. C was hiding something is totally bogus.
(BTW - the request was to change ER to SR in an
area where PUDs could not be built due to the
land use policy.Mr Moon can go ahead and build
ER units on the land, he just can't get it rezoned.
Dr. C, hang in there and thank you for voting the
way your constituents want. (Rest of board note,
it's the voters you represent, not the developers
and don't be afraid to counter sue or seek restitu-
tion for expenses from developers who try to
bully you) Blessings to all! Karen Wevick.
Why does this Mr Moon think he is better than anyone else, wanting to change our ways and our town rules? Let him develop his own 300 acre farm in the 4th district and get out of Nolensville.
As they say on Family Feud,
"Good Answer!!!!"
Let's have a realtor who works for Moon trying to testify against the town to help his developer friend. Now there's a reason to believe Moon. Ask Janice Green how forthcoming Moon has been with her....and how about all those people he promised sewer taps to,,,, Yeah Mr Moon.. you are the man!
We don't need realtors in government!!!!!1
If that planning commission had not gone wild and messed withe land use plan, there would never have been any problems, But Alexander and Knapper pushed it through. Maybe they should have us condemn their neighborhood or build a car lot next to their homes. None of them could explain why they attempted to ruin the south side of town like they did the north side. Mr Dugger called Bent Creek and Ballenger a mistake.
Why should we citizens allow them to put more of the same in the last open area we have?
Hey Alexander...go sit in one of your pocket parks and think about it!
Question? Doesn't the town regulations require that only the legitmate land owner can ask the town for a rezoning. If this is true...then why is the town allowing Mr. Moon to ask for a rezoning of land that he doesn't own? I am going to find the rulings in the town regulations.
A local realtor tried to rezone Marusa's property and Mrs. Marusa said NO and we don't have a contract to sell our land. So town
quietly dropped the whole thing.
Let's do the same to Mr. Moon?
These developers will stop at nothing in order to rape our town of it's natural beauty. Cates threatened suit at planning when he did not get his way, now Moon sues our town when he does not get his way. Our town officials need to understand these developers for what they are.
Jones, a landowner, also threatended a second lawsuit at March meeting. I took what he said to mean that if Nolensville didn't annex Kidd Rd. just because a few didn't want it, like they did the Maxwell Rd. residents, he would sue again. But he settled the first one that kept the Nolensville Rd. annexation tied up for 2 years, which is what caused 3 PUDs to be approved by the county. Nolensville paid his legal fees in exchange for his dropping the suit, and approving something he wanted to do with his land. Maybe that was not his meaning, or I missed something.
Don't forget, tomorrow is the first Thursday of the month, so it's board meeting time. It looks like they're going to appoint the new Alderman and swear him/her in and of course look at a bunch of other things. Y'all come out and make your voices known. Remember, the last meeting was primarily a chance to inform and vent, this is the meeting where they VOTE.
Go Nolensville!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
God Bless,
Now there's an interesting man........J R Jones... He acts like he is attention deprived. He sues to stop annexation then sells out to developers, and now wants to sue if more annexation not done to help developers. Maybe it is time some one says " take a backseat".
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