Spring Hill looks at doubling Impact Fees--Nolensville Has None, Zero, Not Even One?

NO impact fees for Nolensville? Ever wonder
why? Previous mayor wouldn't permit them!
Present interim mayor is considering hiring
an outside "consultant" (++$$) to tell town
what and how to do it.
It really isn't that hard to charge each develop-
er 50 cents per sq. ft. just DO IT! This money
can be spent on our much needed intrastruc-
ture. Why hire an expensive consultant that
town cannot afford?
Simple answer interim mayor and supporters
can point to consultant who said you must
charge impact fees ASAP. You know how that
works..."it wasn't me.. the consultant said
we have to charge impact fees." Besides we
don't want more lawsuits from developers
who have already been approved by town."
If we add "impact fees" after the fact--they
will surely SUE! Now you know who is really
running our town...THE DEVELOPERS..and
our "fearless"interim mayor is unable to ask
a developer to pay an impact fee.
The adequate facilities tax of $1.00 per sq. ft.
on all new homes can only be spent on new
items.Not one penny can be spent on general
fund items in budget...i.e. day to day expenses.
***Not one new housing development in Nolens-
ville area pays any impact fees! These fees could
could have paid for new roads, increased fire and
police department expenses, etc. Do the math
yourself say an estimated 2,000 new homes
already approved X $1.00 per average 2,000
sq. ft. house or $2,000 per each home. That's
$4 million dollars of adequate facilities tax in
town coffers,but can only be spent on certain
items...not one penny on general fund items.
Now take the same 2,000 homes already
approved X .50 impact fee per average 2000
sq. ft. house or $1,000 per each home.
That's 2 million dollars of impact fees Nolens-
ville doesn't have to spend on general fund
expenses. Wanna know WHY? Because prev-
ious mayor and current interim mayor didn't
have the common sense business COURAGE
to pass a motion to collect the impact fees.
Most cities surrounding Nolensville have long
ago approved impact fees..i.e. Spring Hill,
Franklin and Brentwood. What happened to
Nolensville? Outrageously, poor financial
management in the past and still being pro-
longed today. Dugger only knows how to follow
Knapper's "blue sky playbook" over and over.
Together can we all shout from the housetops
just how badly Nolensville needs a full time,
professional city manager and financial expert
24/7 starting today! Please no more consult-
ants and part time amateurs. Current town
budget is about one million dollars and this
current management has lost 2 million or more
dollars in impact fees. Time for a change!
Next time you hear our interim mayor proudly
announce we are 300% ahead in revenues raise
your hand and ask him is that the adequate facil-
ities tax? Demand an answer! It is and again not
one cent can be used to pay for day to day expen-
ses. Then inquire about the 2 million dollars or
more Nolensville has lost in impact fees??????
It's budget time in Nolensville so at next BOMA
May 4th bring your accountant friends and ask
CLICK HERE for Spring Hill article.
Propell your comments our way plus Emails and
don't forget to vote in straw polls in lower right
hand sidebar. Pretty interesting poll results!
Please, please don't hire another consultant. Take that money plus more and hire a full time, 24/7 town CEO, a financial pro like Brentwood and Franklin...NOW..TODAY. Can't imagine the shape the town will be in come Nov. 06? Name just one financial pro in our town hall? None period. Real estate agents and retired bureaucrats. God help us all.
Town Hall stop making us look like small toewn Hicks and Use your God given common Sense and stand up to your buddies, the developers, and get your fees.
The trust of the people has left town, so you will now have to earn it back so get with it, and do the right thing today!
Dugger must have a consultant friend who needs a job.
There seems to be a sense among many of the aldermen that we should not be too hard on our demands on our developers.....I don't know why, but I have witnessed this myself at town meetings. When one alderman asked for discussion about getting items from developers none of the others would even discuss it. COWARDS
What is wrong with this government.
You will wish you had demanded better representation when you are sitting in bumper to bumper traffic in the middle of Nolensville on a daily basis.
SOME of those developers are bullies and not to be trusted by anyone.
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