Did you know Nolensville can Reopen Talks with County about Urban Growth Boundaries?

County regulations chapter 1101 provides for
reopening talks with cities about their Urban
Growth Boundaries, Lew Green in 4/12/06
Brentwood Journal. Once the request is made
the county must comply.
So there it is everybody inside and outside
Nolensville town limits can question this UBG
boundary. This means all the people living just
outside Nolensville town limits can get their
voices heard at the county level. And in turn,
people inside town limits also have an opport-
unity to talk about the UGB as it appears on
This is the opportunity many have been look-
ing for. Just maybe this would erase the
artificial roadblock that many on town board
rush to quote.."Watch out for the county we
don't want them involved in our town affairs--
look what they did to Sunset Road."
You and many others have complained how
you don't want to hear one more comment
about how bad the county is. Can't forget this
"The county can approve lots from 8,000 sq. ft.
down to 1,600 and we certainly don't want that
near Nolensville!"
Surprise...town leaders approved 8,000 sq. ft.
lots in Bent Creek and Ballenger Farms. Same
two that interim mayor said were "mistakes"
that would never happen again. Don't bet the
farm on it.
All we have to do is request a meeting with
County on Urban Growth Boundaries...a con-
structive session like this would go a long way
in building a positive relationship with county.
What about town hall leaders...well as citizens
we may just have to go around them. Unless
they start complying with the requests of the
people who put them in office and pay their
salaries. Local citizens have the power to
change things and ease any tensions that may
have appeared over the talk about annexations.
(See 7:33 PM Comment for how Urban Growth
Boundaries were created and why they can be
adjusted since they were put into effect in 1998)
BREAKING NEWS! New State Senate
Bill 3327 would require cities to have a
referendum vote on any annexation. Bill
goes to house next week. This means voters
will have the POWER to decide what gets
annexed and what doesn't. All city and town
planners will fight this tooth and nail..fin
and feather. It will eliminate annexation by
all cities, unless the voters OK it!
More power to the voters!
UGB stands for Ugly growth boundaries. We live in UGB and can't vote in Nolensville. Tell us when the meeting is and we'll be there with all of our neighbors. We have serious questions?
I did not realize this. If Urban boundaries open, how far can they expand?
And what rights do I have to protect myself from this bunch in Nolensville.
BTW... You are wrong with some of your lot sizes. Bent Creek has multiple lots just around 5000 and 6000 sq. ft., while Ballenger barns are on 7000 sq. ft postage stamp lots.
Keep up the insightful commentary Blogmasters.
Ask Our county commissioner Lew Green to set it up with the Mayor Anderson and the Town Leaders?
We need two strong County Commissioners to speak up publicly.
Respectable Town staff and elected leaders.
Most important these people need to respect and protect the community that they say they want to serve.
I have a couple of questions -
First of all, what polls and how do you vote?
Second - UGB's - I do know what a PUD is, but I seem to be missing something on the UGB front. Is an UBG something that is zoned differently from other properties in the county? Maybe there's a link that will explain what makes a UBG unique from the rest of the county.
BTW - If they're thinking about putting townhouses behind the P.O., that's a lot less than 8000 Sq ft lots isn't it? What kind of zoning is that?
Another question - Who's the new alderman/woman? I don't see anything posted on the town website yet.
How much more of this Alexander guy do we have to take. What a disappointment. Now his every move is to keep the Dugger machine happy!
I heard he already wants a PUD meeting. He will probably bring his density spin to the table and try to make everyone buy it as what Nolensville should look like.
Why did he move here to escape Antioch and now wants it to look just like it.
Hello 1:57 PM The polls are listed on the right side of blog far down toward bottom below all the ads.
3 different polls for you to vote on.
UGB..stands for Urban Growth Boundaries set up by state. This allows each city to expand to that boundry via annexation. Usually drawn up for 20 yr. life span.
Townhouses behind P.O. may not happen since developer has decided to "flip" the land for sale rather than build on it.
New alderwoman is Beth Lothers. She is a good choice. She organized the 2004 survey in town that said nobody wants PUDS, but town leaders OK'd them anyway.
Keep commenting...and keep reading together we can make town a far better place.
Spring Hill asked their county commissioner candidates.."At what point do you think it would be appropriate to re-evaluate the current Williamson County Urban Growth Boundary Plan? If you are familiar with the Urban Growth Boundry Plan, then you know that it was thrown together under a deadline as a stop-gap to the rapid growth Tennessee cities were
experiencing. We are all familiar with the situation Atlanta faces and the "sprawl" that contributes to some of the most unattractive traffic in the United States. The Urban Growth Boundry Plan was conceived to prevent such sprawl and the unchecked annexation of rural communities. We believe it is wholly appropriate to re-evaluate the plan from time to time, to see if it is accomplishing the goals it was designed to achieve. It may be necessaary and appropriate to expand some boundaries to condense some boundaries, but re-evaluation should never be used for the sole purpose of one city's desire to land grab. (Courtesy Spring Hill Alternate. blog.com)
Hello 1:57 read 7:22 PM very good outline of UGB and why it was created by state.
Good heavens
All we need is for this town to increase it's UGB and then screw it up with PUDs and then sell homes by our "needy" realtors.
I know one thing......we don't need any realtors in the elected seats or on planning commissions, and we definitely need less of the spin master of PUDs Alexander of Antioch.
WOW! BLOCKBUSTER NEWS!!!! New State Senate bill 3327 will stop all annexations unless the voters approve of it. How can we help get this passed...nobody knows about it? The press isn't reporting on it and TV is way behind. How can we get this passed...our city leaders will fight it all the way.
Email your legislator now and demand they vote for it. Email your sub-committe member. This will stop thousands of "land-grabs" by money hungry city leaders. Do it now!!!!
Please list our State Senators name and email address so we can say yes to Bill 3327
To 2:19 and others.
There are 2 county commission candidates from Nolensville.
The others are from Brentwood and Arrington I think. One is a powerful investment banker and the other the son of a long time commissioner.
I urge everyone to vote in the May 2 Primary to ensure Nolensville has 2 candidates from our area--incumbant Lew Green who has represented Nolensville excellently for 10 years, and a newcomer who qualified late at the urging of friends and associates all over the county, including county commissioners and high ranking officials, but they cannot vote for her. We can and should. Her name is Sharon Zieman. She has been working hard for many years to preserve important sites and natural resources.
She has attended more public meetings in Nolensville, county and Franklin than many in our area combined.
She has received almost no press because she doesn't have a huge political machine behind her and has refused large contributions from real estate firms.
Possibly also because she is not from Brentwood or Franklin.
No other candidate, besides Lew, has her qualifications and work record.
Nolensville turns out big time for the main elections, but Primary turnout nationwide is poor.
If Lew and Sharon don't win this May 2 Primary, they will continue their good works, but Nolensville will be the LOSER.
We will not have 2 much needed, concerned, knowledgeable voices and votes deciding the future of Nolensville Town and UGB.
A Brentwood investment banker will be Nolensville's voice and vote.
To 11:27 PM
Jim Bryson State Senator
Email: sen.jm.bryson@legislature.state.tn.us
House..Glen Casada
Email: rep.glen.casada@legislature.state.tn.us
If the current state of growth continues unchecked, we will become part of Davidson County's UGB and not Williamson.Lennox Village will be behind the post office or on Sam Donald Road if you don't stop it now.
Go Blogmasters!!!!
Anonymous posted.....
WOW! BLOCKBUSTER NEWS!!!! New State Senate bill 3327 will stop all annexations unless the voters approve of it. How can we help get this passed...nobody knows about it?
Maybe you should read the actual bill. I see nothing in it about the voters deciding annexation. Did I miss something?
SB3327 by *Kilby. (*HB3157 by *Ferguson.)
Annexation - Increases the vote required to reject an annexation and the vote required to approve provision of facilities after an annexation to a two-thirds majority of a governing body and increases the number of members on a dispute resolution panel concerning a comprehensive growth plan dispute from one to three members to three to five members. - Amends TCA Title 5, Chapter 16, Part 1 and Title 6.
Attention 10:06 AM...appreciate your question here's the press release we have followed: "The Senate State and Local Government Committee today passed an annexation bill that will, for all practical purposes, KILL annexation by all cities. The old bill was AMENDED to require that any annexation by ay city musst be subject to a referendum by voters.
It was approvd on a 5-2-2 vote, thus passing out of committtee. It now goes to the house.
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