Real Estate Matters Most to those Agents Working in Town Gov. Positions & Appointments
Is Nolensville's Board & Commissions top heavy
with real estate agents, contractors and former
professional bureaucrats?
Well decide for yourself.
Here's the rundown on how many are in key
positions of influence in our town government.
Let's start at the top...W.T. Dugger our interim
mayor and full time real estate agent with The
Realty Group of Fred M. Smith,Inc.
Next Jimmy Alexander, vice-mayor and a for-
mer bureaucrat with Metro Government for
some 30 yrs. Not in real estate, but experienc-
ed in big city strategies. Elected on his promise
that PUDs didn't work in Nashville and they
won't work in Nolensville. An acute memory
lapse allowed Alexander to vote for most PUD's
in town after he was elected.
Next Robert J. Notestine, our town attorney
who attends most meetings for an estimated
fee of $100. per hour. He is also associated
with Southern Land Title & Escrow, doing
commercial/residential/closings, title search-
- Office 934 Oldham Dr., Nolensville.
Next Larry Gardner, secretary of Planning Com-
mission and full time contractor in Nashville.
Next John Lenderman, webmaster of town hall
website paid $7,000 per year by town. Also full
time real estate agent with Keller Williams in
Brentwood. Also publisher of Nolensville Dis-
patch bi-weekly paper and a natural public re-
lations promoter of previous mayor and current
interim mayor.
Next Willis Wells, Chairman of Planning Com-
mission, retired and having rezoned his Nolen-
sville commercial property several times he is
still not happy but attempts to continue to lead
fragmented commission nobody knows where?
Next Rick Fisher, Vice Chairman of Planning
Commission, and full time trade show exhibit
executive. He quietly fulfills unknown agenda?
Nolensville Board is the final voting authority
of 5 members. The interim mayor and 3 alder-
men and 1 newly appointed alderwoman.
The Nolensville Planning Commission mem-
bers also have authority and are appointed
by the mayor. It remains to be seen if indeed
any members of these two organizations are
involved in some way with development and
developers? Common sense tells you that too
many people in our small town government
have associations that are just too close for
anybody's comfort zone.
It is a tangled web of commissions, split-deals,
finder's fees, bounce-back rewards, round-robin
checks, inflated sale prices to reward seller for
some other so-called unrelated deal? How's your
comfort zone? Uneasy yes, outraged you bet!
Since the mayor's authority to appoint planning
commission members is legislated, it would take
years to get that changed so they would have to
be elected. If we're not satisfied with the projects
the commission is approving or the manner in
which they are approved, we need to go to the
polls next November 2006 and elect a new mayor.
Listen to these figures in Franklin population
of some 46,000 only 5,000 people voted in last
election and the mayor won by 192 votes.
In Nolensville, population of 3,000 only 1,400
people voted in last election with only 51% of
the votes required to win. Imagine what an im-
pact just one neighorhood could have to win
the next election for mayor. With our votes,
we can swing the pendulum in the other direc-
tion and we can "have the positive power!"
New census should reveal more people power
and more voters. The record shows just how
difficult it is to get people out to vote. We must
start now to begin to organize a strong list of
candidates and workers to get out the vote for
November 2006.
Ever wonder who a real estate agent represents? The buyer? Nope. The seller? Nope. Who then? Himself! Can you say trouble for our town? We're surrounded by developers and we by default got a
real estate agent instead of a mayor? Thanks, Charles, for nuthin!
We live in Franklin but we follow events in Nolensville very closely.
Our city government is very top heavy with real estate agents, contractors and repeat professionals. Nothing ever seems to change like musical chairs...same chairs. Nolensville is smaller and should be able to change come Nov. 06 election. You have good people who will work hard so use your on-target Nolensville blog to get organized now!
I think that the entire Knapper regime will soon be exposed as having lacked effective leadership and insight. Take the chairman of the planning commission for example. The poor man can't even take a hint to resign. He fortunately is a preacher, otherwise one would say he hasn't a prayer.
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