UNBELIEVABLE! A New PUD Public Workshop Mon. 4/24/06 @ 6:30 PM to Help "Slow Learners" Accept the PUD Benefits!

Best Guess Estimate this is an urgently called
Public Workshop to promote New PUD Plan
for Nicholas property by Centex Homes.
FOR THIS MEETING! So real reason to meet
is to "sell" a new PUD concept plan to the
public for (guess?) Nicholas home develop-
ment by the PUD SpinMaster Alderman Alex-
ander. All this despite the 2004 citizen survey
that said NO PUDS!
Unbelievable you say? Well remember this is
the alderman that ran on "Puds don't work in
Nashville and they won't work in Nolensville."
Then he got elected and he flipped and voted
for every PUD and is still promoting them.
He is our interim mayor's key front man for
Puds. Don't fall for it...PUD promoters will not
quit no matter what.
Why would they switch to PUDs? Well the pro-
perty owners can demand more money since
they plan to "cram" more homes in same space.
The developers like it =more houses..more $$$.
Interim mayor and Alexander like it because
the city makes more $$. (Not really..we cannot
service all new homes now-no $$$'s in budget)
How to stop this irresponsible grab for more
homes crammed into the same space? First,
attend the workshop...bring your neighbors
and demand clear no spin answers. Do not fall
for the old "density dance." At the first mention
of "density" demand a stop to it. It's a trap and
means nothing. Remember "county has a high
density we don't want that!" Spare us all that
old "song & dance".
A PUD is a PUD...is a PUD...is a PUD. You can
put lipstick on a pig, but it is still a "pig." Ask
Alexander over and over and over why he said
PUDs didn't work in Nashville and that they
won't work in Nolensville?
Even better dig in your heels and ask interim
mayor where he stands on PUDs? Hang on
tight...for some kind of "round-robin" answer
that doesn't give you an answer.
A PUD is a "pre-planned undersized
development" that puts the most money in
the developers pocket. Our town gets no
money for roads, schools, police and fire
departments...why you ask? Because most of
our city leaders are "too timid and tongue-tied
to ask for an impact fee."
Brittain Downs luxury homes from $400,000
to over $700.000 pays no impact fees nothing!
Previous mayor wouldn't permit a second to a
motion for impact fees! What progress is being
made by interim mayor to install a uniform
code of impact fees for all developments?
Nobody knows? Nothing on future agendas?
Good question to ask interim mayor and
Ye Ole PUD-Master.Alexander in workshop.
Don't forget to vote in our 3 Important Polls.
Tomorrow is Easter. A time of worship, reflection and good news! This is my prayer for our town that good news is coming.We have had enough bad news. God knows we need help. There are enough decent folks in our town to help set us on a new direction. Let's work together to change our local government for the better. When I first started reading this blog I was confused...now I can't go a day without it. God loves blogpeople, too. We cannot get this information any where else...keep it coming. Hooked on the Blog.
It is so sad to see that beautiful tranquil stream with the gentle grazing jersey? cows leave us.
This was one of the spots that made our town so special. Someone take some pictures so Town Hall can put it in their collection of what they acomplished. It is goodbye to yet another part of us. Soon we will be like the rest, nothing but roof tops and boxes. Boring!!!
That should please the developers all the way to the new banks that are coming to get their share. God help us.
I'm beyond words at this point. I understand the dance, and I understand what a PUD is, and no matter how you spin it, the houses are still close together and look crowded. I do wish certain of our town leaders would face the facts that we are not ignorant and have gotten it and still don't want it. We want them to work with the county and ensure that the approved homes bring a balance of new housing to Nolensville, in or out of the UGB. I was feeling discouraged, then I decided that no, no matter how hard the PUD boys try to wear us down, no matter how many times they insult my intelligence by telling me that I don't understand PUDs, and no matter how many times they ignore my feelings as a voter, I will NOT GIVE UP and I will not stop caring. And as I await the dawn of Easter day, I will continue to pray for my adopted and beloved hometown, Nolensville. A glorious Easter to all.
And a big Amen to that 10:43. With very sensitive well thought out planning we could have have larger lot developments that would work well with our natural setting. Infrastructure cost to support all the folks that are moving here could keep up with the pace of growth.
What is the HURRY Town Hall to build out this great place to live?
Slow down, do it right for the people who live here NOW.
Get ready for another spin around the dance floor with the masters of spin and deceit! Alexander the pud breaker now alexander the great pud maker! People of Nolensville wake up! You need to turn out to next workshop and say what part of NO don't you understand? Beth Lothers is now appointed by Dugger. She was main driving force AGAINST puds last election and authored survey which showed 74% of folks said no to puds. Call her and tell her you feel same way and expect her to take that message forward!!!!!
Hopefully she won't go turncoat on us like Alexander...Jimmy the Joke!
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