TRUST is an unknown thing?.....sometimes
whispering in the ear of the big guy can
really work wonders! When it comes to our
local leaders Joyce Allemore (Fly Rd.) has
some very good advice in her 4/21/06 Letter
to the Editor.
"Just wanted to share a few things that were
gathered from a note to a group of churches
that pretty well sums up how some of the folks
feel in Nolensville AND UGH..THINGS THAT
CREATE DISTRUST: Slow, inaccurate, or
poorly timed communication. One way com-
munication. Improper communication.Giving
political answers...that is: answering without
answering the question.Patronizing attitudes.
Territorialism.Appearance of arbitrary decis-
ion making. Telling folks, "You can't do that",
or "We can't do that" and cannot justify why?"
We're asked to trust our execs.(decision mak-
ers) we need to trust our execs. We should
trust our execs. Most people want to trust their
execs. The reality is this: Some trust all of the
time. Some trust most of the time. Some trust
some of the time. Some trust none of the time.
Either extreme is without wisdom. The former
extreme leads to a lack of accountability, and
the latter leads to paralysis of the office. Un-
fortunately, we will never be without either
extreme in this matter; but good, proper, well
timed, accurate communication that does not
come across as thoughtless and patronizing
(i.e. You can't think for yourselves and we
know what is best for you) goes along way in
keeping most of us in the trusting category,
most of the time.
More clearly and concisely put: Obvious integ-
rity leads to greater trust. It is unfortunate, but
the reality is trust is earned. It can be given and
it can be taken away. It can be kept and it can be
lost. Please, read and think about this. I feel this
is a very well put opinion and if considered,can
be a way of how things can or could be worked
out in local, county, state, and federal govern-
CLICK HERE for article in paper about Joyce.
Thank you, Joyce Allemore, a terrific letter.
Write up a storm and send in your comments.
Don't forget to vote in straw polls...votes count.
Woo-Hoo! Here I am, Tennessean by birth, currently forced to live in Uglyhoma by unfortunate circumstances -- and blogger leads me to a slice of home! Thanks for the surprise!
Go outside and appreciate the stars for me sometime.
I think it's usually best to consider that everyone is doing the best they can with what they've got to work with. A little mutual respect and appreciation goes a long way in dealing with elected officials.
Attn: 10:13 Oh, how right you are!
Our elected officials doing the best they can WITH WHAT THEY'VE GOT TO WORK WITH? Some were elected under false promises i.e. Alexander the Pro-Pud imposter.
Dugger defaulted into interim mayor's spot qualified or not?
Felt's still floundering trying to find somebody's Code of Ethics? And Dr. Curtsinger "hanging tough" even though out-voted more often than not. Beth Lothers better remember her own 2004 survey that voted 74% against PUDs. Mutual respect is OK, but appreciation (for what)? Let's wait and see how well they work with what they've got between now and Nov.06 election?
Earn our respect elected leaders, and we will be happy to give it to you. We are waiting on you and wish you God speed.
To genderist, That is why we are here, cause we love the stars too and if we keep up this pace of building we won't see them either.
We are trying hard to preserve Tennessee, but not enough preservationists can make it into office. The good old boy regime is not dying fast enough in Williamson County.
Case in point,
look who our local good old boy real estate wheeler double dealer
retiring commissioner is endorsing for his replacement.
Kidwell is young, but a good old boy, protect my real estate, developers intersts at all costs
commissioner wannabe.
Get out and vote Lew Green and preservationist Sharon Zieman in May 2. Early voting closes April 27. Neither are good old boys in any way. They are even endorsed by other commissioners who think like we do. We need more like them on the county commission.
Thank you blog, for posting comments that show your readers are open minded and willing to give the new board a chance to improve things.
Their hands were tied somewhat before.
Keep encouraging crowds to attend meetings and show we still are interested. Don't leave it to just a few to attend. The more the merrier.
I agree, Green and Zieman have my vote. They truly are real people caring about a great community. Nothing plastic about these two...they have a true servant's heart and desire the position. They are not associated to the growth machine at all. They rather remind you of the good old days of Jimmy Stewart playing in It's a Wonderful LIfe!!! They don't come around like that anymore do they folks, so let's grab it while we can. These two will do all they can to preserve our rural land and voice our concerns to the leaders of our county. Get out there a cast those votes.
Where was everyone last night for the "town meeting"? Mostly developers, people involved in the selling of their land and UBGers????????????????????????? YOU KNOW THE OUTER LIMITS>
We were talking to a lady from the Grassland area of Williamson County area. She said in a survey that 70% of folks said that they were very Concerned about loss of their Quality of life and supports Community preservation. Is there a dollar value on preservation ? Of course, however the value runs deeper then the profit of money. It is the heritage and the heart and soul of the people who live here. Careful planning that wiil blend the past with the future will bring value to our town and not ruin it.
That is why the Buttercup Festival is so popular. Please think of the reasons why folks are interested in coming and why we are having the Festival in the first place.
Right 5:37.
Only a very few regulars who NEED the community's support to listen and learn about the process for themselves and to give their comments.
This weekend Buttercup Festival.
Next week Vote on Tuesday and BOMA on Thursday!!!!!
DON'T FORGET TO VOTE!!! Early voting ends tomorrow, April 27, 2006 so if you're going to be out of town on election day, run, don't walk to the early polling centers and VOTE.
The early voting polls are open from 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM at the following:
County Administrative Complex Main Auditorium
1320 West Main Street
Concord Road Church of Christ
8221 Concord Road
If you need a sample ballot, go to the Williamson County website.
Let's show a great turnout and vote for our VERY IMPORTANT COUNTY COMMISSIONERS,as well as the other offices. We want to show a 90% + turnout of registered voters, then we can work on getting the rest of the eligible voters registered before the showdown, correction - elections in November.
God Bless and do your duty to vote,
Joyce speaks from her heart and cares for this community and it shows. Thank you Joyce for caring about us. Bless you and all who love this town for the right reasons.
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