I know how you feel I felt the same way until I
realized...interim mayor couldn't attend the
meeting SOOooooo vice mayor Alexander the
Pudmaster grabbed the gavel and attempted
to conduct both meetings? First on the BOMA
agenda was adoption of Silver Stream right-of-
way which passed. No mention was made of who
will pay for realigned Rocky Fork road around
church to meet new cemetery road.
(Cost estimated to be almost 2 million$$$).
SECRET is TDOT won't OK traffic light until
new road is built & town pays $80,000 for
the new light! So don't hold your breath for
new traffic light. Overwhelming traffic at inter-
section of old Rocky Fork and old Clovercroft
is totally out of control without a traffic light.
Next was adoption of Bent Creek new Sam
Donald right-of-way, but it literally hit a
brick wall! Frank Wilson, member of the
planning commission complained that for
8 months he has been waiting for Bent Creek
to fix new cemetery road from flooding his
land. Our town engineer, Rick Woodruff,
said road was properly built. Wilson counter-
ed then why does it continue to flood my land?
Wilson threatened a lawsuit against town and
Bent Creek to fix the road. Town attorney some-
what flabbergasted said he didn't know any-
thing about the road situation and/or pending
Is your head beginning to ache over just who
is in charge of the town hall and it's inmates?
Can we say interim mayor NOT! Can we say vice
mayor NOT! Can we say town attorney NOT!
Can we say town engineer NOT! Who then? Darn already guessed it--the DEVELOPERS!
Get this... Bent Creek agreed to build cemetery
road properly at Phase Two of their building
plans. If not they would lose future building per-
mits. It is now Phase SIX and the road is flood-
ing nearby land. Has the town said anything to
Bent Creek about the road? NOT! Guess that
nobody really thinks it is their job especially the
town engineer and/or interim mayor.
According to agreement between town and Bent
Creek no more building permits should have
been issued way back four phases ago. Nobody
seems to really gives a "rip" and the developer is
going on his merry way building Phase
problem? Now you know who is in charge and it
isn't most of our elected leaders!
What to do? Close the new cemetery road and
new Sam Donald road until repairs are made,
right? NOT! Why town would have to re-open
the old Sam Donald road--can't have that!
Frank Wilson seems to mean business even re-
signing the planning commission and filing his
Things are spinning out of control...interim
mayor & vice mayor slip sliding into total
confusion. Town attorney hasn't got a clue.
Town engineer too busy signing building
permits. And alderman Felts still complain-
ing about this *(^%#@ blog. Sorry about
that Mr. Felts, but if the shoe know
the rest of that, so why not exit now and retire
to your favorite lake and do some serious
fishing. Why wait until November 2006?
Dr. Curtsinger way ahead in our straw poll
and holding on tight to the only "common
sense" thinking on the board. Thank God,
for common sense! Tell him thank you!
Now for the most irritating fact of all. Our
"flip-flopping" Pudmaster Alexander is now
promoting PUD's with 14,000 sq.ft. lots and
70% back-loading garages. Mr. Alexander
how come you OK'd Brittain Downs with only
11,000 sq. ft. lots and 10% back-loading
garages???? You said this development would
be the best in town? How can this be? 3,000
sq. ft. less lots and only 10% back-loading
garages and absolutely NO IMPACT FEES?
$400,000 to $700,000 luxury homes, but
developer said he couldn't afford to pay any
impact fees? Blog reader says "Jimmy the
Jester" Alexander (Pudmaster) has flip and
flopped on everything! Town needs to get up
and do what needs to be done...escort Alex-
ander the not-so-great alderman out of office.
Big budget busting BOMA coming up 5/4/06
at 7 PM. Bring your budget questions and
your accountant friends to ask serious quest-
ions about the budget. Sample question for
interim mayor..."What can the town spend
the adequate facilities tax on? Please give
us a list of those items...thank you."
Fire off sizzling keyboard comments...ASAP!
Don't fail to vote on our straw polls...thanks.
CLICK HERE to read what's great in our town!
Zowie! And to think I missed this meeting.But I didn't know about it. Why did this special session have to be called only a week from regular meeting. Thank you blogmasters for getting the word out!
This is embarrassing.
The developers are also laughing as they run to the bank.
Slow down Nolensville, or you all will be falling in mud where sidewalks, BUILT BY IMPACT FEES should be.
This meeting sounds to me like something was up. Why did Dugger allow this to go on?Maybe it is time for the town to get a new engineer, especially since he has given us Bent Creek and Ballenger to look at.
Did you see in paper where Brentwood gets 2500 dollars for each new home? Why don't we do that. Why does the mayor need a special consultant for that?
And now Brentwood wants $5000 for it's road impact fee.
We definitely need a new way of thinking and get rid of the Knapper mentality. That's all Dugger knows.
Knapper left you in the mud and at the mercy of his developer friends.
Let's hope we can soon get all of these folks out of office!
I say good for Wilsons. Make those who want to build here and our paid town staff accountable. Set OUR STANDARDS HIGH and let those who want to develop meet those.
Nothing but the best for NOLENSVILLE
If more people attended the meetings there would be less questioning. There are good reasons why Nolensville cannot set its standards as high as the public would like. That question, and others, were well answered in last Monday's planning workshop and at the public meeting Mayor Dugger held. Neither were well attended, considering the population.
If everyone is really so concerned about Nolensville why are there only the same few people attending meetings? Their lives are hectic too, but they make time to do what they know is helping; their attendance, their first hand knowledge, their comments and questions and suggestions.
Hello 11:59 AM...we didn't go to the meetings because we have had enough PUD promoting. BTW we were told mayor dugger was absent and alexander tried to conduct meetings. No more PUDs please! Guess you attended a different meeting???
No, I, and a few others, attended the meeting so we know first hand what was said.
The Mayor's father had 2 emergency surgeries this week and he was needed by his family.
Alexander did not try to conduct the meeting; he DID conduct the meeting. I've been to many meetings
and could find no fault with his performance.
Only 1 part of the meeting was about PUDs and it was a very informative discussion of pros and cons with public questions and answers, not PUD promoting.
Where did you get your version?
Speaking of voting again, plan to vote Tuesday. Nolensville is a big district and we could easily beat Brentwood if we could turn out in record numbers to vote for our own
Lew Green and Sharon Zieman.
There is a sample ballot on the Williamson County site and probably in Sunday's paper.
We are 5th District. Don't forget.
Less than 200 voted early from
Nolensville and Brentwood. Nolensville CAN and SHOULD show everybody how much we DO care who our elected officials are.
Again..12:32 and 1:21 PM...go back and read your old comments? You said Mayor Dugger held a meeting? How could he? Later you said he was at the hospital?? Oh far as your saying all the questions were "well answered" reveals the real problem with these kind of "puff" meetings.
First, you're right more people should attend. But much more important is that people should ask the "hard" questions of Alexander who flip/flops on PUDs?
He got elected saying PUDs won't work in he is the Pud pusher extreme...WHY???
A workshop won't get the job done.
Next BOMA start directing serious,
accurate and tough questions to Alexander..he'll wilt & wander away. People have got to get serious...friendly..fluffy workshops aren't the answer.
You are the one who needs to go back and read. Monday night was a PLANNING WORKSHOP which they hold when needed. Mayor Dugger was absent. Back in March, Mayor Dugger held a separate PUBLIC Q&A MEETING as he promised to do when he became Mayor.
Since you can't be bothered to attend meetings, how do you know they were "puff" meetings and the people who spoke didn't ask "hard" questions? For your information,
I haven't missed a meeting in months and have yet to attend a "puff" meeting. The regulars who DO attend don't need advice from anyone on how to ask or say anything.
They are doing very well without you.
Instead of uselessly going on and on and on like a broken record on this blog, try opening your mind and ears at meetings instead. You might just learn something.
8:27 PM...GOTCHA...2 close friends of mine did attend the "puff" meeting where nobody showed up. The few PUD supporters that were there asked "softball" questions of Alexander the Pudmaster. Be sure to attend next BOMA 5/4/06 where city budget comes up for public questions/answers. This is the meeting where "hard/serious" questions should be asked. This collection of "part time would be
administrators" has a lot to answer for? The truth will come out!
Just a thought from someone who WAS
AT THE MEETING and on a positive note: If it isn't our BOMA, at least someone is listening to the voice of the people. LandDesign showed the Nichols property as orignally planned as a P U D. Then after realizing the fight that may be realized, showed their new plan as a "standard" on 20,000
sq. ft. lots and areas on borders with OPEN space. WHAT AN IMPROVEMENT!!! What a much better plan this is. From one of the members on the board, it appears they thought it was still a "PUD".
Don't give up on attending meetings, don't give up on contacting our town officials, and don't GIVE UP>
There seems to be 2 differences of opinion here; people who don't attend meetings who just go on and on about others asking hard questions for them while they stay home, and throwing all the board members, except one, out before November, and people who DO attend who provide factual information and realize how foolish it is to suggest we would be better off to have only 1 BOMA member, and no planning board, to handle all the development that is in the works.
Get real.
Hello 8:30 AM please let me respond to your comments as a long time local resident. You say "there seems to be 2 differences of opinion here;" Not really true, there are many different opinions all are important including yours. "people who don't go to meetings" Yes, some don't attend, but very few can tell who they are,what they are thinking much less what kind of questions they might ask? "Hard questions" are very good and there aren't enough insightful people asking those questions in the BOMA meetings. "and throwing all the board members, except one, out before Nov." No one (even the blog) is or has suggested throwing anyone out of office. Resignations for some might very well be in order? Many are disappointed in many of the board members performance. "and people who DO attend and who provide factual information" More and more are coming to the BOMA meetings and that is very good! "and realize how foolish it is to suggest we would be better off to have only 1 BOMA member, and no planning board to handle all the development that is in the works. Get real?" No one has suggested such action includ-ing those attending the meetings who might be insulted at your accusations. But you have the right to say so. Check out the straw polls on this blog to see what people really think. It is not very good.Most local residents are sincerely and honestly willing to work to help change the direction the town is headed. They are the first to know accountability must be applied to every thing the town board does including individual performance. Between now and Nov.elections we should hold our town board accountable for everything they do and how they anticipate future needs. The town faces some difficult choices. Even though many have been "turned off" by past BOMA meetings it is important to encourage the growing number attending to bring others to interact with board. Hearsay and labeling someone's idea as foolish must stop. Time to grow up and do what has to be
Dear 7:20,
I must disagree.
As I read this blog and comments there are many demands for the board members to resign and quite a few to throw the whole bunch out.
Except for 1 Alderman, and the 3 newest members, I can't think of anyone else on either board that has not been severely criticized time after time, even when those who did attend didn't feel the criticism was fair or honest.
I can't see that is accomplishing anything, except to frighten new residents.
After 2 well attended meetings, attendance has fallen sharply, not growing as you said.
I have been counting. The minutes also report numbers. I don't have my notes, but I believe it was 31 at the last meeting. Subtract the 2 boards and their wives, and town staff, people selling land, all the developers and that left less than 10 concerned citizens, despite this blog and the town bulletin board urging people repeatedly to attend.
How are we to convince the boards citizens are truly concerned if they see only the same people who feel obligated to make comments each time so there will be comments on record.
Even if board members don't read this blog, they hear. They are under enough pressure without the non stop criticism of every word they speak.
One example:
Even the most knowledgable, contributing member of the planning board, Larry Gardner, is criticised for being a developer, when in truth his years of dozier work has enabled him to have extensive construction knowledge that is very valuable to the board and the town.
The prevailing opinion is that our board members are stupid, which they are not; that they are all out to hurt the town, which they are not. They have admitted they made mistakes, but those are over. The standards have been changed and are still changing.
The developers are no longer demanding anything, or standing their ground as they used to,
as evidenced by the compliant attitudes of the last two groups to present to the boards.
I am very grown up, a long time resident, and am doing what has to be done, telling the truth.
Hello again 9:08 PM. Your comments prove that indeed you are an adult long time resident and doing what should be done...tell the truth. Thank you for responding to my last comments. We can agree to disagree and that is OK. But let me suggest that as you say our board members have made some serious mistakes. And they admit it. In the private sector working in a company for profit they would have probably lost their job quickly. Not so in the public government sector where far too much politics is present. If one looks at Nashville local & state government examples most would throw up their hands and forget the whole mess. Tennessee ranks near the bottom nationally as far as ethics in government at all levels. Our previous mayor seemed to BE ethically challenged by resigning and running away from local citizens waiting to ask him questions. Unfortunately, his practices seem to be followed long after his absence? If the truth is that frightening to our new residents so be it. We as local residents can no longer "hide our heads in the sand" we are obligated to expose and deal with the serious mistakes that have been made and are still being made...that we will have to pay for long into the future. The mistakes are not over at all. Whatever standards you refer to are too little too late. The damage has already been done. Alderman Alexander is the most prime example of confusion, flip-flopping and total lack of a consistent program. He got himself elected by saying PUDs didn't work in Nashville and they won't work in Nolensville. After his election he voted for every PUD every time. So much for the truth. Let me say in all kindness if you think for one nanosecond the developers are no longer demanding anything, standing their ground and they are compliant "puppy dogs" you are sadly out of touch. I am sorry you sound very sincere and willing to help the town grow in the right direction. But do not allow yourself to think professional developers that have been approved to build in Nolensville and refused to pay one cent of impact fees to support the town have changed. They have NOT! Our board members failed us miserably in not demanding impact fees. This is the absolute TRUTH.
The moral to this sad story is if you can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen...just like the previous mayor did by running away. Thank you for your sincere comments.
Dear 10;01,
Yes, about some things we can agree to disagree.
The truth has never come out about our previous mayor. His own actions cost him the mayorship, nothing else. He did not have to move from Nolensville months before his resignation, but he alone chose to, despite requests that he stay. According to Nolensville's charter, he was no longer mayor after he moved.
His resignation was merely the required paperwork, but the way he chose to do it made it easy to blame others for forcing him out. I don't feel it was fair for the town residents to be blamed in any way for his resignation. He may have felt he did do what was best for the town,
but he had no other choice according to the charter.
The people who are attending meetings and feel they see improvement in developer's attitudes and improved understanding and dialog with the boards, are not inexperienced, or stupid or gullible as you apparantly presume.
Hello 10:31, 4/28/06. Sorry, had to be away from computer, but we're back. Your account of previous mayor is a new one that not many local people have heard? You are right his own actions cost him the mayorship..period. Your two words "nothing else" are troubling. The fact that he moved from town did indeed mean he was no longer mayor. But his resignation was not merely required paperwork. He used a written statement to allow him to "cut & run" a totally selfish effort to avoid answering "hard questions" from some 200 local citizens. Yes, he did indeed use a "cheap shot" in his letter to blame local citizens for his resignation. You say he had no other choice according to the charter. Excuse me, had he had a spine he could have addressed local citizens in person and resign with dignity and class. The charter had nothing to do with his lack of honesty and one-on-one communication. Unfortunately, his career as mayor was dragged down by his attitude of a "royal potentate" I am the mayor and I have the authority and I don't have to share anything with aldermen or local citizens. His resignation was long overdue. People refused to attend his town hall meetings because he repeatedly "put them down" and gaveled them out of order. Now as to the people "left over" to attempt to bring chaos out of Knapper's mess the vote is still out? Hopefully, the attendance at town hall meetings will improve with as you say experienced, not stupid or gullible local citizens who can ask the "hard and responsible questions" that were not permitted under the previous mayor's reign. Pray for knowledgeable people to show up at next BOMA to examine in detail the next town budget. If local people don't do it then they have only themselves to blame. Budget business is a tough challenge for Nolensville and we are probably in a "deficit" condition on the current year thanks to previous mayor. Thanks for listening.
Will this mean lets build, build, build to get us out of our deficit condition ?
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