Welcome to your average PUD playground!
It's called "open space" usually located too
far away from your new home on postage
stamp lot. What? You can't send your kids
to playground because it isn't safe! Well, it's
either that or let them play in the street. Oh!
The street is too narrow and too many cars
park on street. What to do??? You won't believe
this, but older homes in established neighbor-
hoods are in "red-hot" demand. Sellers in our
Stonebrook and Greystone areas get over 10
offers on each home! WHY? Bigger lots, wider
streets, larger homes & established neighbor-
Ironically PUD lovers on town board have creat-
ed a "red-hot" sellers market for older homes in
CLICK HERE for "Resale property is as hot as
new these days." "A larger yard that often accom-
panies an older home in Williamson county is an
amenity with which neighborhoods of new
(PUD) construction CANNOT COMPETE."
Hello #1 & #2 interim mayor & vice-mayor both
dedicated PUD lovers. Your PUD people are
having second thots...let's sell and buy an older
larger home on larger lot. Don't believe it...ask
any local realtor. OH! ask our interim mayor
(realtor) and/or town attorney (title company)
and town hall webmaster (realtor & town paper
publisher). They know what homes are selling
and why's their primary business income.
The proof is in the PUD "pudding" people taste
it and later wish they hadn't been tempted to
buy. So they start looking for a better deal.
Sadly, there are only so many older homes
As one of our readers put it...D & A (Dugger &
Alexander) PUDS are more and more DEAD
on ARRIVAL with local citizens & new home
buyers. Our flip-flopping #2 interim vice mayor
was right: "Pud's won't work in Nashville and
they won't work in Nolensville." Too bad he
didn't stick to his word. Now he's doing the old
D & A two-step that will make both of them
totally unqualified for office come Nov. '06.
Our Williamson County real estate market has
proven once again why PUD's are afflicted with
"buyer's remorse" more often than not. Bad
news is our board has left our town with the
overwhelming responsibilty of servicing these
PUD's no matter what? Thanks to infamous
"guaranteed majority" on the board citizens
will have to pay far into the future for PUD's.
Keep a stiff backbone and be at next BOMA.
Bring your budget questions and keep on
keeping on fighting for our special town.
Comments in our polls now.
I think I could send my two year old to the common park to play if one of the kind Nolensville Police officers has time to babysit for us.
Right on 11:16 PM...people moved out here from Nashville for a safer neighborhood. And what did they get? A PUD...crammed together houses and streets blocks away from so-called "open-spaces" with playgrounds, etc. What an ironic term.."open-spaces" in a PUD where everything else is tightly closed-up. Five & one half feet next to your neighbor, no lot, no parking and worst of all no safety. And this is called "the next great place" for what? LOL & ROTF.
12:24 Can you hear me? PUD stands for "pretty useless development." For everybody but the developer. He gets to cram the most homes possible per acre for more money.
Useless areas are dubbed "open spaces" removed from home sites.
Playgrounds,pocket parks and hiking trails are out of sight and no longer safe for small children.
Go ahead and SCREAM..who devised this scheme to market new homes?
Developers did to squeeze the absolute most money out of the entire project. In turn they "gift
wrapped it" so local Board of Mayor & Alderman bought it hook, line and sinker! Once again our
"part timers" are no match for professional marketers!
Try part time, part timers. That is more like it.
What about the full timers in Town Hall are they a match ?
We bought a new house in Concord Place, with a large back yard. Forget the tiny yards.
I have friends moving out of their new pud homes cause they can't take the cram any more.
That is a fact !!!
When people are crammed together in tight quarters, it causes friction. Just ask the people in the projects.
Why should it matter what new people want, or think they want till they get it.
They didn't elect anybody. Neither did the developers.
Town's biggest problem is their inability to JUST SAY NO.
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