Fairview PUD OK'd with 13 Amendments on 725 Units!

After months of controversy, Fairview OK'd
new PUD with 13 amendments. Get tough
with developers policy pays off for Fairview!
CLICK HERE for article about Fairview!
Nobody in Nolensville can remember when
our BOMA got this tough with PUD promot-
ers? History shows just the opposite our fear-
less Planning Commission rolled over and
over...giving PUD developers whatever they
wanted. Small lots? You got it! Narrow streets?
No problem! No impact fees? Absolutely not!
No road improvements? Of course! More open
spaces? Sure! Less space for houses? Yep!
OK to cram 1,000 homes into 200 acres?
Why not? Flood Plains and Limestone Cliffs
are hard to landscape! Anybody knows that!
Oh what a magnificent "CON" 2,000 acres
of Tennessee's most beautiful countryside
bull dozed down to 200 acres with houses
crammed door to door. It's called a PUD...
"Planned Unit Development" to squeeze the
absolute last dollar out of the site leaving
the home owners to pay for the maintenance
of the 2,000 acres. Thus allowing the deve-
loper to leave ASAP never to return knowing
the city will have to service the area with
police, fire protection, etc.,etc.,etc.
Is this a great country or what??? 1500 sq. ft.
houses on a slab squeezed into an 8,000 sq. ft.
lot starting at $250K. Get'em while they last!
How many more PUD's do you want our city
leaders to OK before the Nov. 06 elections?
None you say! Well you better get yourself
down to all the BOMA meetings between now
and Nov. 06. If enough local citizens keep
coming and commenting we just may be
able to prevent anymore PUD approvals!
Here's another variation on the "kick the can
down the road" policy. It's goes like this.."time
out, let's defer this so we can rethink this and
come up with a better "planning plan." WOW!
How come we haven't thot of that before now?
A better planning plan! Pardon me what it is?
Well nobody really knows, but it sounds good!
Other city/town leaders and the County
Commissioners have told our BOARD..they
have to get tougher on developers and
insist on impact fees! Period!
Tell us what you think? Comments & Emails!
LOL...can't help it! A better planning plan. Sounds good to me. Now what are you waiting for...let's get a workshop going on how to plan a better planning plan. This assignment is made for WW, chairmen of the planning team.
It just can't be that hard...a hefty helping of "doublespeak"
stirred into a preliminary "draft"
that goes nowhere and holds nobody responsible should do just fine. After all if polls give you a -F grade for planning the only way out is up even if it is very slow!
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