Sorry, Mr. Felts you don't speak for BOMA
and/or citizens of Nolensville Re: Code of
Ethics! The entire board and town attorney
all agreed that Mr. Felts couldn't have pick-
ed a worst time to talk about ethics. Due to
current law suit against the town, Mr. Felts,
was asked to cease and desist his long quest
to install a Code of Ethics. Why give the
prosecution any more ammunition to fire
back at town based on a "jury-rigged" Code
of Ethics. Mr. Felt's suggested his long
career in public affairs taught him how to
"cut & paste" documents to save time and
money. Some would say..."Oh, it's alright
to copy another city's documents...every-
body does it--so what?" With or without
permission it sets a very bad example to
create a Code of Ethics. How far we have
come to ask us to accept such lazy, low-
down ethics.
Again, Mr. Felts so much for your kind of
ethics...Nolensville doesn't need your
"cobbled-together" document we are
full up with "law-suits". Hopefully, this is
the last time Mr. Felts walks onto the stage
of Nolensville's BOMA with his "peculiar "
kind of ethics that has no place in public
office. Remember this just in case Felt's
gets a "hankering" to run for office.
"Public disgust with elected officials is
growing, and in this era of the internet,
we are watching more than ever in history.
Public corruption and mis-management
in office cannot stand."
On tuesday 5/9/06 the blog suggested
that Mr. Felts "retire" in every good
sense of the word and stay away from
any kind of public office. If we are lucky
he may now take this advice to heart.
Curious isn't it that Mr. Felt's fessed-up
one month later that he had copied this
code of ethics from Battle Creek, Mich.?
Gosh, we know you are wondering what
if nobody knew what he was doing? Who
knows maybe another law suit? Rest
assured Mr. Felts we are watching you
and waiting for your next "artful" effort
to "cut & paste" your way to fame and
fortune. Headlines like this just won't
help you get there.."Felt's caught flat
footed "cutting & pasting" Code of Ethics!"
Remember Felt's is another post graduate
of the Knapper school of "hide and seek?!"
Along with D & A we still have a long way
to go to eliminate all the graduates of this
Knapper school. It takes time, but we're
blogging away at it. We led the way to get
the "Man in the Moon" to resign and lose
his re-election bid. We also helped vote
down a development or two so things are
looking good. Hang in there with us and
we'll get things changed for the good of
the town.
Carefully craft a comment or two plus
emails. Remember Nov. '06 Election!
"cut and paste" appears to be another FELTS FAILURE as the blog has so insightfully discovered. This lack of thinking for felts is not unexpected as his mind has been conditioned only to follow orders all his life. Now that his true leader has cut and run, he has no one to lead him and he will sooon spiral down into the deep hole that Knapper dug and fell into.
Continue your good work blogmasters!
I think it is time Mr. Felts hung up his writing instruments and focused on retirement.
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