100 New
Due to
Nashville weighs water rate hike for
residents due to reducing fees for
water to certain home developers?
CLICK HERE for article.
What about Nolensville?? We get our
water from Nolensville/College Grove
Utility. They are begining to be stretched
thin due to explosive new home develop-
ments. They supply water to the entire
Governor's Club with million dollar homes.
Picture this Nolensville having to reduce
our water usage due to shortage? This
means no watering of sod lawns, washing
cars, flower beds and gardens. Hold that
thot??? Does that mean we would have to
restrict our water usage so that the Gover-
nor's Club homes could continue their nor-
mal water usage for huge fountains, expen-
sive sod lawns, swiming pools,etc.?
QUESTION? Does the Nolensville Planning
Commission plan ahead and reduce the rate
of approvals for new homes until intrastruc-
ture catches up??? Does the interim mayor
and his board plan ahead and only approve
"X" number of new homes with enough
water supply? CLICK HERE for article.
New homes on the drawing board include:
158-Centex/Nicolas homes, 114-Brittain
Downs Luxury homes and more to come.
What about available water supply for
these homes? Can interim mayor refuse
to approve more building permits for the
remaining new homes in Bent Creek due
the water shortage? Would Bent Creek
sue the town over water shortages due to
bad planning? Will Nolensville water rates
go sky-high in order to supply all these
new homes??? TIP: Brentwood charges
$5,000 per new home for water hook-up.
Guess how much Nolensville charges?
How about -0- zero? Correct!
All good questions to ask our town board
at the next July 6th meeting. Send us your
comments and ideas about water ASAP.
If we are counting on advance planning from our planning people we may get very thirsty? Water is the last thing on their minds. More houses, PUDS and annexations come first. No hook-up fees and no impact fees for new homes? Town residents will have to pay the bill and it won't be long coming!
I know the town does not own he water company and it has no control of it. I wonder what kind of reserve factor is built into thei system? Maybe we need to stop all this insane expansion untl we are sure things are ok.
Great topic.
I guess Alexander will have to make the lots even smaller sot they need less water.......maybe share bath tubs.
This water situation may be more critical than we think.
Franklin says the Army Engineers have told them Nolensville Water Utility is almost "maxed-out" and that Franklin cannot squeeze any more water out of the Harpeth River without sucking up pure mud and other stuff that cannot be purified. Great job town planners just keep approving new houses...forget water shortages, bad roads, overloaded traffic.
Guess what Mother Nature can and probably will stop you all dead in your tracks!
I've gotten my first water ban in Bent Creek, and I have to say thanks to the blog for making me aware of this situation. What can I do to help?
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