G-Man Wants Candidates to Come Play in His Sandbox? Please...Oh Please do!

Hush Up!
Carnac the Magnificent has just received
strange message Re: Nolensville Bulletin
Board special discussion forum for candi-
dates running for Mayor and Aldermen!
CARNAC says: "May each candidate that falls
for the ever-so innocent plea by the G-Man to
come play in his special "sandbox" discussion
forum be forewarned that you may be afflicted
with a very serious condition of candidate re-
morse." Usually expressed in terms of "Why in
the ^%$#* did I do that...so stupid..so dumb."
This sandbox is not what it appears to be! With
the recently recruited G-Man by Ms.Busy Body
to run a bulletin board for the two of them to
post 160 or more partisan political messages
to each other you know this is a thinly veiled
platform to promote our interim mayor and his
former sidekick Felts.(term expires 11/06).
Yes, the interim mayor and outgoing Alder-
man Felts have registered as permanent
"playmates" in Mr. G's sandbox along with
Ms. Lancaster full time town hall employee
to help write answers to questions and for-
ward town hall information ready to publish
to the "sandbox" during working hours.
(Fear not this will be covered in Felt's Code
of Waffling/Ethics).
Again you might ask "Why Interim Mayor
cannot talk to voters via $7,000 Town Hall
Website? Carnac says: " birds of a feather
always flock together" We must protect each
other and not rock the boat of political enter-
prise! Besides let our comrade continue to
collect town monies for such little work on
the town website.
We can quietly slide over into Mr. G's
quaint bulletin board site and promote
ourselves and no one will know! Best of all
Mr. G and Ms. Busy Body do all the
"puff piece" writing so we don't have to do
anything. It's a "win-win" deal we get all
the praise and we don't do any work!
Mr. G assures everyone that you will have
free access (free if you submit your name
and email address) to state your platform
and respond to questions. Of course if you
don't register you will be considered a
"poser" (another word for "scum" a per-
son posing as a candidate--just awful!).
So go ahead and cough up your real name,
address and personal stats to avoid being
considered the worst of all "a poser!" Regis-
tration will (guarantee they have possession
of your personal info) ensure comments
posted by you are seen by others as (support-
ing their political positions).
We saved the best for the last..."Registration
will give you the opportunity to respond privat-
ely (not really) to registered individuals, if your
answer is better suited to a private exchange
instead of a public one. (All this means is go
ahead and risk putting your opinion on this site
and then wake up next morning and read it in
the little ole' harmless bulletin board.)
Bottom line is why are interim mayor and alder-
man Felts using our town's resources to support
Mr. G's little "sandbox" affair? No doubt the
bulletin board will continue to seek ads from
pigglymarket and even Kelley Real estate and
eventually political ads. A true Dugger/Felts
private website that requires no work sponsor-
ed by local businesses. (forget Code of Ethics).
Apparently, Mr. Alexander "the Pudmeister"
got cold feet and didn't follow his chums into
the sandbox. Too bad it would have made
such an interesting trio offering conflicting
opinions on everything.
Mr. Gardiner Jones (The G-Man) sends his
regards. 700 Cromwell Ct. Nolensville, TN.
Playground supervisor of The Sandbox.
And Assistant Ms. Busy Body who holds the
all time record of over 150 posts talking to
the G-Man and herself. She cannot hide
the fact that she supports Dugger &
Felts, 100%.
Hey its almost July 1st...time to ask our inter-
im mayor how much money did he spend over
and above the budget?? 100 thou, 200 thou,
maybe $300,000 or more who knows? Who
cares? Go ahead and ask anyway!
Fling a comment our way and we will thank
you by keeping you better informed that
any other source...guaranteed.
Emails OK, too.
You know, I didn't realize Kelley was funding the Gman until I saw the Pig ads.....now here is dugger's private web site funded by Kelley and misusing town personnel. Heavens sake!
And to think moses and Jones wanted everyone to think they were on the up and up with their good news website.
Can we only hope that they repent now and rid themselves of this conflict, less Mr. Felts on his crusade to find the holy grail rain down fire upon them.
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