Nolensville "American Flag Gestapo" Attempts to Shut Down Tant's Plant's "TEN FLAGS July 4th DISPLAY?

Tonight on Channel 4 TV, Larry Brittian told
a story about a Nolensville City Official who
ruled that well known Tant's Plant's Nursery
TEN FLAG 4th of July Display be cut down
flags must come down the day after the 4th
of JULY! UNBELIEVABLE in the Land of the
Free & the Home of the Brave!
ONLY IN NOLENSVILLE is this outrageous
kind of ruling by an elected city official happen-
ing. Not in the 5 other municipal cities in the
entire Williamson county. Only in Nolensville
is this kind of madness taking place? Why is
the Interim Mayor picking on Tant's Plant's
a long time tax paying business that donates
hundreds of plants for floral displays all over
town. Town violates it's own stupid code by
displaying way more flags flying on light poles
all over town???
What about all the Open House Realtor signs
on every corner in town? Aren't they supposed
to come down on Sunday evening & go up
Friday evening??? Nobody enforces this rule?
You know why...we have a realtor-un-elected
interim mayor. Nuff' said!
Channel 4/TV didn't name the city official
that ruled against display 10 American flags?
Since the town's codes people were probably
not in office then the city official must be
If he did rule against displaying TEN American
flags on the 4th of July & 3 the day after...he
just kissed goodbye any hope of running for
Mayor in 11/7/06?
All Americans love their flag and the people of
Nolensville will not vote for an interim Mayor
that tells them how many 4th of July American
Flags they can fly.....PERIOD!
Larry Brittian of Channel 4/TV said some-
thing about the Nolensville town official
ruling that the American Flag was govern-
ment property and that some how one could
only display 3 flags??? Tell me where that is
written in stone or in any kind of regulation?
Nolensville people would be shocked if such
was written down in our city's codes?
This demands each Nolensville resident to
write a letter or email or phone to our town
hall and express your outrage at such a
ruling? It really doesn't make any difference
what city official of Nolensville made such a
ruling? The "buck stops" at the interim Mayor's
desk so he is responsible for this nonsense!
If indeed this is all true...the un-elected interim
mayor, vice-mayor and dwindling supporters
should all be ushered out of office permanently.
Don't wait send in your comments ASAP and
help stop this un-American kind of stuck on
stupid mentality. BTW Tant's Plant's when
asked what they were going to do on the next
official holiday...they said "FLY TEN FLAGS!"
PS: Channel 4/TV to come out on
Wednesday when Tant's Plant's light on fire
the SEVEN non-conforming American Flags!
My family has fought and died for this flag and the right to display it.
I think the mayor should be ashamed.
We saw it on TV couldn't believe it,but it was true? Talk about being "stuck on stupid?" Where has this interim mayor been? Hiding under a rock with vice-mayor. No vision and not in touch with the people! Vote them all out1
OK.....just who is this town official?
And why did Mayor Duugger allow this to happen?
How many flowers can I display on my front porch?
We need to go to the meeting and see how stuck on stupid this mayor and codes group really are!
Thank you to everyone who has attempted to support Tant's Plants with our decision to fly Old Glory. And thank you to everyone who has supported Tant's Plants for the past 26 years and through the trying times when my father, Bill Tant fell. We were not flying the flags (as the officials implied) for advertisement to build our business, as we actually closed for the season on June 28. We survived the trying times in the past and we'll survive whatever Codes decides to throw at us. Oh, and by the way- the flags came down on July 7, but they will be back!!!!
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