#2: Nolensville "American Flag Codes Gestapo" Still Trying to Enforce City Flag Codes Ruling"

#2: Continued Stories on Outrageous 4th/July
Flag (codes) Ruling! Previous post reported on
last nites TV broadcast by Channel 4/Larry Brit-
tian talking about Nolensville's interim mayor
Walter T. Dugger III enforcing much disliked
codes ruling of having no more than 3 flags dis-
played on 4th of July.
TV report showed Nolensville's well known
Tant's Plant's Nursery displaying a beautiful
TEN FLAG DISPLAY in front of their business
on Nolensville road. Town's interim mayor
tried to enforce 3-flag ruling on July 4th.
Town has city flags flying from telephone poles
throughout entire town way more than 3 flags?
Wonderful public relations for our real estate-
outstanding local business on the 4th of July!
Tant's well know for their generosity supplying
free plants displayed on town's planters all
over town! They are much larger than most
people know paying a big tax bill.
This is a last straw in the troubled reign of
previous mayor (Knapper) and his default
replacement interim mayor Dugger who has
been trying to decide whether to run for mayor
in Nov. Dugger's short reign as interim mayor
has been plagued with many mistakes, blund-
ers and seemingly unability to connect with
resident/ voters.
Town's military veterans are really MAD
about this stupid ruling. Especially when
they and their families served to defend the
flag around the world.
Consistent unbiased enforcement of town
codes is non-existant which causes much
dissatisfaction throughout town. Realtors
aren't forced to follow town's sign codes
with realtor signs hanging on every post in
town and cluttered along every highway.
Absolutely no enforcement. No Construc-
tion Traffic signs throughout town. Absol-
utely no enforcement! Why attempt to
follow the rules with such exceptions?
Certain preferred properties in town are
allowed to gut entire property on Nolens-
ville road to change from residential to
commercial. To date no site plans or per-
mits required by our realtor-un-elected
interim mayor and a new sign advertising
FOR LEASE with phone number on Nolens-
ville road NO PROBLEM?
WARNING! Do not try this if you are a local
resident with no connections to the mayor's
network of realtors.You will be served with
threatening letter and fines of hundreds of
Are you about FULL UP with this current
group of "would-be" public office holders?
Next Thurs. 7/6 @ 7 PM you can attend next
board meeting and attempt to share your
frustrations! Sign up for Citizen Comments.
If you have other examples of non-enforced
situations send them in and we will publish
them. How about your WATER SUPPLY???
Getting notices about rationing? Some are
and some aren't? Tell us about it! BLOG was
first to warn you it is coming...for sure!
Military Veterans may very well storm board meeting thurs. evening?
And rightfully so...this example of absolute indifference to what people hold dear is more than enough not to vote for this mayor.
When will this stupidity stop???
Perhaps the pressure is now on Tants to sell out, and replace it with a pud.
Thank you to everyone who attempted to support our decision to fly the Red, White, and Blue! We were out of town celebrating with our family and were not aware of all the hoopla going on. I appreciate everyone that has supported Tant's Plants for the 26 years that we have been in Nolensville, and especially through the trying times we experienced after my father fell. Tant's Plants survived that, and we'll survive what zoning throws at us. Yes, the flags came down last Friday, July 7, but they will return!!! But, thanks everyone for your support!
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