3-New Nolensville Town Streets are 3-Strike Outs----with New Residents!

These signs are all over town,
but the gravel trucks, cement
trucks, lumber trucks, topsoil
trucks, backhoe trucks and you
name it trucks roll right on by
every one of these signs.

enforced by local Police.
So what we got here is a
total invasion of construc-
tion traffic supplying some
11 housing developments.
Tennessean staff writer,
Charles Booth in Thurs.
paper (click here) says it
quite well. "Nolensville
neighbors find themselves
on opposite sides of access
road issue." Two streets
Cowan Drive and Saw Mill
Place are facing opposite
ends of the same issue.
Bent Creek residents don't want an access
road that is 10 feet from their backyards.
An access road is for heavy trucks to get
into building sites. Saw Mill Place in Bent
Creek there are 18 children that live on
this street. They use this green space that
this access road runs through for a play
space, and now the children are forced to
play in the street. Resident said.."Get this
road out of here and give us our green
space back!"
Cowan Drive people inside McFarlin Woods
have asked the town to barricade Cowan
Drive because heavy construction traffic is
tearing up the street. And the developer
doesn't want to pave the street if more con-
struction traffic is coming from other sub-
Rich Woodruff, town engineer told them he
opposed both barricading Cowan Drive and
dismantling the access road behind Saw Mill
To the Saw Mill Place residents, he said he
told the developer to extend the road to keep
the big trucks from wrecking the paved street
in front of their homes. And maybe he forgot
to tell residents.
In McFarlin Woods/Cowan Drive Woodruff
said construction traffic is what you get when
you (not me) put a subdivision in that area.
Then comes Nolen Park where the entrance
street up though the subdivision is too narrow?
How could that happen? Same mistake as in
Bent Creek and Ballenger Farms. Curbs and
street widths are too tight? Solution? Erect
No Parking signs on street right in front of
7 new homes. If new home owner parks in
front of his house he would get fined?
3 streets Nolen Park, Cowan Drive and Saw
Mill Place. 3 different "strike-outs" so where
does the buck stop? Who is checking on the
checker to see if things are being done
correctly? Let's say it is the town engineer's
fault. Of course, he can say it's the Planning
Commissions fault for recommending the
project. But then the Planning Commission
can say it's the BOMA'S fault for the final
What's really wrong with this picture? You
got it! Nobody wants to step up to the plate
and accept responsibility for anything?
Don't look at me I didn't do it. Remember
the town engineer's words..."that's what
you get when you (not me) put a subdivision
in that area."
Maybe the buck stops at the mayor's desk?
Don't think so. After all he is only the interim
mayor and he inherited these problems. Yeah
right? But he approved them as an alderman.
You getting the feeling that all this is slip-slid-
ing down the totem pole and is going to rest
right at the doorstep of the town engineer?
How right you are. Just remember in the ole'
ball game 3 strikes and you're out!
Send us your horror stories about coming head-
on to a 10-ton gravel truck hogging the road and
honking at you to get out of the way.

If people with kids didn't buy houses with no yards there wouldn't be these problems.
If the town would quit approving all these 4-6 bedroom McMansions with no place to be outside they could save themselves a lot of headaches.
They have only themselves to blame for all these problems. Multiply them a hundred times over in the next few years. How many people will they have to hire just to keep tempers down from angry people who want to move here but don't want any more houses constructed around them.
What an incredible joke!
I've lived in Nolensville for almost 10 years now. It's home and I love it.
I am an unfortunate resident on Cowan Drive that has to deal with the additional traffic due to the denial of a gate seperating Bent Creek and McFarlin Woods. Why can't the construction traffic be routed through there?? Why can't it route off of Rocky Fork from Nolensville Road? I appreciate that Bent Creek residents may not want that, however, we've been dealing with this traffic for the four years we have lived on Cowan and before that, the 5 years that we lived on Norfolk!
I really believed that this situation couldn't get any more screwed up... how wrong I was.
It's time to throw them ALL out!
They have fallen for the developers BS to keep their cost down and in the end our TOWN looks foolish.
When will Town Hall staff grow up and discover this is not a LEGO project, it can't be taken down and done over. It is cement and real people live in this town that deserve better. You had your chance and time is running out.
Others have been dealing with construction traffic 30 years and are tired too.
Routing off Rocky Fork is not a good idea because folks can't get to work now without waiting in line.
The Silver Stream big trucks are speeding and all over the road and trash everywhere.
It isn't just Cowan Dr. or Bent Creek.
We are all sick of the trucks.
The priority should be the residents, not the town and not the developer. This is a simple issue of re-routing. While your subdivision is in its growth stages unfortunately this comes with the territory. I've put up with it in two different houses and its simply a part of it. However, once building on that street is complete construction traffic should be re-routed. Beazer and Ballinger Farms should be the ONLY ones affected while their neighborhood is being built, certainly not McFarlin Woods as we have been in completion for quite some time, at least up to Cowan Drive and Oak Creek. Furthermore, accountability should always be with the ones responsible for the damage. Beazer should own up to their responsibility of property damage due to THEIR blasting afterall we didn't ask to have our property destroyed and we certainly didn't approve it. Mr. Cowan should fix my driveway afterall I didn't approve for him to have a worker take out a chunk of it, it was a crack I could have fixed now its much worse. The city should pave the road, afterall its been 7 years, way overdue on the term they reserve before taking ownership of it. If all these factions own up to their own responsibilty, the burden is shared and much more cost effective for all.
We the residents only want what is right and you the town and the developers should WANT to make it so. Nevermind what you can get away with, nevermind hiding behind corporations, lawyers and money you are people, individuals making choices on our behalf. Please be mindful and check your conscience.
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