Things May Be Drying Up in Greater Nolensville Area!

Let's get this straight? "Some developers
may see their plans for projects denied
or delayed because there isn't enough
water to meet the growth." By Charles
Booth, Staff Writer for Tennessean.
Click here for article.
Do you think developers will think this
is a non-issue? Absolutely NOT! If they
can't get a water availability letter for a
year their development is dead in the
water! No building permits, no money
to build and no sub-contractors.
Alderman Alexander said "every develop-
ment we have, we've gotten a water
availability letter from our utility district."
"I think that's a non-issue. Certainly we've
had these dry spells before and we'll have
them again. To me, it's a non-issue."
Yes, but that is in the past. How about to-
morrow? And the next day? Still non-issue?
What about the future water reserves? Is
that a non-issue too? If you cannot approve
any new home developments until one year
from that a "non-issue", too? Lots
of local residents will rejoice over no more
new homes. But, No more $2,000 or more
from each new house means no more money
in town's budget that is probably built on
X-new homes in 2006-07. Is that a non-issue,
too? Interim mayor Dugger and Vice-Mayor
Alexander agree that dry spells happen but
they both still say "it's a non-issue."
Let's get this straight. All of the above are non-
issues? Right? Then what about a reduced town
budget? No more money from developers? Con-
tinued water shortages? New concept plans for
home developments in the "pipeline" are stop-
ped? Town unable to service approved new
home developments with police and fire cover-
age due to cut-backs in budgets?
Excuse me, but these are real and possible
issues that this existing town board should be
anticipating and putting plans in place to han-
dle all the possible "fall-out" issues. We all
remember the interim mayor answering a
question about Nolensville future? He said
"I don't know, I am not a mind reader."
This may explain why very little future plan-
ning seems to take place in town budget.
Building the budget on how many new roof-
tops you can approve to get the money for
the permits is short-sighted. Bottom line
town has to respond to events as they
happen with few reserves to anticipate the
How about more long range planning that
includes a detailed capital expenditures
budget. Interim mayor said "It it were a
perfect world then everything in the budget
would happen on time--No problems."
The mayor is right, but is he really on top
of those unknown things that will happen.
Previous budget exceeded plan by some
26% totaling over $200,000.
A water shortage now and possibly con-
tinuing far into the future will impact town's
resources far and wide. Non-issues they are
not! One important issue usually leads to
another and another and another. Show us
your plan to handle all of these ISSUES?
Send in your suggestions about "non-issues."
Ask the threesome down there at town hall when does something become important? We attended the Planning Commission tonite and most people left unhappy--especially people from Cowan Drive.Alexander was "rude" as usual and Dugger did nothing. Town Engineer admited he failed to get an approved water letter for Brittian Downs. His mistake list is getting long. Never thought I would be praying for Nov. 7th.
Excuse me, but I'm a little confused. It seems like we've had a lot of rain this year, more than last year. Are we actually in a drought? I haven't heard the news people talking about that. If we're not in a drought, and we're rationing water, what happens when things actually do get dry?
Also, if we're looking to buy water from other sources, does that mean our water bills are going up?
Confused in Stonebrook...
The water company raised rates for the ones who use huge amounts of water, no change for us normal folks. They sent out notices.
There isn't a drought. Some people can waste water and pay huge bills without a second thought.
For some, just a small increase is not welcome.
To many mistakes for a town of this size that could cause a big problem for the future.
We are not paying him to make mistakes. Lets slow down this growth and do it right or not do it at all.
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