Nolensville Landmark Feed Mill Renovation Moving On! History in the Re-Making!

Feed Mill

2006 New Feed Mill Remodeling.
Two retail stores on first floor and
two loft apartments upstairs. Best
of all a new sewer line to be installed
from behind mill across Mill Creek.
Creamery building to left will have
a retail store. And barn to right will
have two retail stores. Mr. Darin
Scheff, owner, is talking to town's
engineer about options. Let us
know what you think about the
newly remodeled complex in the
heart of historic district.

This is the best idea yet! This town needs something great like this. Thank you for doing something.
Sounds good to me.
Looks good now lets get to work to stop the Peoples Bank from destroying the charm of whats left of our historic area.
I say there is way to much commercial in the works. Lets speak up in unity for this cause and work together for the same purpose before it looks like a Nashville Nolensville Road.
I think it's great, and I'm glad to hear that it's going to keep it's charm. I think that all old and new buildings should be required to capture the historic feel of our wonderful town. I pray that the new strip malls going up north old the historic district will be as nice.
Darin for mayor
Best idea yet but I heard the historic people and Linda "Trouble Maker" Moses complained about the new renovation and had the plans put off by Larry Felts.
The historic people said the businesses could change but the look of the building could not have that drastic of a change. If you look at the guys plans, the changes are really not that drastic to the look. But I guess to some they are.
What on earth is wrong with these people at the town or even around the town who can't see how this is a great thing Darin is doing for the town.
You'd think the guy was trying to remove the buildings or something. Heck, he's the only one who spends his hard earned dollars in that historic district to try and make it nice.
Keep up the good work Darin!
Keep going, Darin! Your idea is great and Nolensville should be proud of it. I don't know why peole are so against it. All of the buildings in the Historic District are not too good looking as it is! (Except for the Bed and Breakfast).
Darin for mayor!
DArin needs you support. If you want to support DArin in his vision for Nolensville please go to the town sight and e-mail the aldermen and mayor. Let them know that the people of Nolensville want what he is doing. He is having a very hard time. If you want to see positive changes you need act. Support DArin with not only your kind words, but with your much appreciated voice.
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