Attn: Nolensville! "Franklin Needs More Water Before NewGrowth Taps It Out!"

tells county's explo-
sive new home gro-
wth is way ahead
of water supply.
Click here for
Walters article
about Franklin and
county's water sup-
ply future? The
water hunt is on
for water sources.

are still checking
to see how the
quarry water could
be used for drink-
ing water?
Nolensville has
only one......
two million tank and a 5 million tank being
built for use one year from now? Question?
How many homes, etc. does our current 2
million water tank service? A question our in-

should answer
in the very next
Aug. Boma!
Don't forget this
is the same
"Non-Issue" that
wasn't important.
Bent Creek (above photos) is restricted as to
watering lawns as well as all other housing
developments in Nolensville area. Franklin
has stopped car washing, filling swimming
pools and other surface washing. Leadership
in our town leaders includes projecting what
our current water usage is and how much do
we need for future? Yes, our water source is
from a "private water utility", but where is it
written that Nolensville cannot look out for
it's own water needs? This is a terrific ques-
tion for our interim mayor...What are your
plans for town's future water sources? Again,
you're right this is the same interim mayor
that when asked about town's future...he
said"I don't know...I am not a mind reader!"
What about water quality for Nolensville?
Last year Franklin's water department was
labeled "unapproved" scoring it a 28 out
of a possible 100 due to several violations.
Do you know how our water is rated for
drinking, etc.? Let's ask at next town hall
meeting. Wonder how much bottled water
is sold in town compared to other county
cities? This would tell us how much confid-
ence people have in their water supply?
Click here for water story in today's paper.
Send in your water story and how much you
trust our water supply? Local citizens must
get educated about our water situation now!
Let's not wait until our backs are up against the wall about water? Franklin is between rock and hard place. Let's demand our town leaders get up off of it and start getting some water options. I know the Mayor said he didn't control the water company. SOOOOOoooo let's control our own water future!
More new homes isn't the answer.
Maybe we should investigate the water company itself for inadequate quality control. A water main(8 inch line) burst on Saturday morning in Ballenger Farms. This water line burst as the employee of our water company said because the connection was not level(2 lines connected by a junction box were not level causing stress). He also mentioned that this was leaking for quite some time as the rocks underneath the line were all rounded instead of being of natural shape. This water main was ruptured for at least 4 hours. Imagine all that water rushing to a pond that could have been used for essential household purposes.
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