Over 5 hours to stop an 8-Inch Water Line
from pumping thousands of gallons of water
down the street to where? Probably should
have called the fire dept. first and then the
water department. Maybe even on Saturday
call the Mayor and/or city engineer or ask
Alexander, vice-Mayor to sound the alarm?
Here's what Ballenger Farms resident said...
"Maybe we should investigate the water
company itself for inadequate quality control.
A water main(8 inch line) burst on Saturday
morning in Ballenger Farms. This water line
burst as the employee of our water company
said because the connection was not level
(2 lines connected by a junction box were not
level causing stress). He also mentioned that
this was leaking for quite some time as the
rocks underneath the line were all rounded
instead of being of natural shape. This water
main was ruptured for at least 4 hours. Imag-
ine all that water rushing to a pond that could
have been used for essential household pur-
Don't worrry or fret about any possible kind
of water shortage! Interim mayor said in Mon-
day's paper "this happens every year so no
need to worry about it." Don't forget Alex-
ander our very famous "Pudmeister" (bring
on more rooftops) he said "It's a NON-ISSUE
...not important!
Let's just sit and do nothing! Let Franklin
try to drink that scummy rock quarry water.
That is if they don't have one of their old worn
out pumps quit on them. Besides they can't
pass state tests on water quality i.e. 28 out
100 score?
Wake Up! Nolensville! What do our water
tests show as to quality? Anybody know?
Probably not. Well call the water utitlity and
find out! Also what about the age and condit-
ion of their pumps and equipment? How
about it interim mayor? Yes, you said you
couldn't do anything about the water supply
because it comes from a PRIVATE WATER
COMPANY. Not good enough...as public
office holder you are required to know and
do something to protect our town's water
supply. "It happens every year" is just not
good enough. This year is UNLIKE ANY
other year! Wanna know why? Guess? You
approved 11 new housing developments that
all use thousands of gallons of water more
that all previous years! Your team approved
some developments that didn't have any
kind of approval from the water department.
I.E.--Brittian Downs 141 homes that should
have to wait one year or more prior to any
kind of building approvals.
One last question Mr. Interim Mayor is this
water shortage STILL A NON-ISSUE A NOT
IMPORTANT ISSUE? Local residents and
registered VOTERS want to know what you
are doing to protect our water supply, lately?
Maybe call a meeting with Alexander and
Felts? Seems Lothers and Curtsinger are both
on vacation. You got a majority vote so let's
do something and then tell the newspaper
reporters what you are doing! This non-issue
stuff combined with "it happens every year"
won't do it at all. So what if residents of the
Governor's Club can afford $5,000/month
water bills? When will they be asked to ration
their water usage. Hopefully, very very soon!
Click Here for Wed. article on water shortage.
Got any suggestions for interim mayor and
staff? Send them in to town hall and here we
will publish everyone! Pray for no more leaks!
This shows just how vulnerable we are.
And to think, the pudmeister wants more rooftops.
Help us all!
Today's paper (Wed 7/26) says the restrictions barely slow water usage. Rain helped but we cannot depend on rainfall. Too many new homes too fast with expensive sod lawns to soak up water reserves. Message to local city leaders STOP NOW BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE.
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