Wednesday, July 21, 2010

No mosque at Ground Zero

Sunday, July 11, 2010

What's Not to Like About General Mattis New Commander of Centcom?

How on earth is Obozo going to cope with
a true warrior General? This is going to get
very interesting...especially since he appointed

♦ Speaking to tribal leaders in Iraq: “I come
in peace. I didn’t bring artillery. But I’m pleading
with you, with tears in my eyes: If you f— with
me, I’ll kill you all.”

♦ Convincing an Iraqi that the United States
wouldn’t cut and run: “I said I am never going
to leave. I told him I had found a little piece of
property down on the Euphrates River and I
was going to have a retirement home built
there. I did that because I wanted to disabuse
him of any sense that he could wait me out.”

♦ Advice to soldiers and Marines: “Be polite,
be professional, but have a plan to kill every-
body you meet.” Also: “If I were to sum up
what I’ve learned in 35 years of service, it’s
improvise, improvise, improvise.” And: “You
are part of the world’s most feared and trusted
force. Engage your brain before you engage
your weapon.” Similarly: “An untrained or
uneducated Marine .  .  . deployed to the
combat zone is a bigger threat to mission
accomplishment .  .  . than the enemy.”

♦ Psychological counseling: “The first time
you blow someone away is not an insignificant

And last but not least: “Marines don’t know
how to spell the word -defeat.”

Sunday, July 04, 2010

Statue of Liberty Centennial: Johnny Cash