Thursday, August 13, 2009

How could Americans put these two Chicago Mob Members in the White House?

Between Hussein's pathological lies and Michelle's
high-jacking of hospitals these two make Bonnie and
Clyde look like two innocent bystanders.

What have American voters done to our incredible
country voting for these two Chicago goons?

Obamacare must be stopped. So get out to the
town hall meetings and ask some questions. We
cannot allow Hussein to destroy our country.

Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Hey Hussein O. Remember It Ain't Over Till the Fat Lady Sings Long, Loud & Often!

A not so happy birthday for Hussein O. the
fat lady is about to sing out long and loud.
Americans are fed up with this administration
and how they spend money we don't have!
Pray that a grass roots uprising will stop this
gang of political hacks/goons from Chicago.